Research| Social Sciences and Languages

Funded Projects

Conference Publications: Paper Presentations Abroad

Conference Publications: Paper Presentations in India

Journal Publications : Year 2020

Publications in 2020

Papers in Journals

1. Umamaheswari S, &Bhuvaneswari R, “Students’ Preference and Satisfaction towards Restaurants in Chennai City,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, Issue-5, pp.2994-3001, April 2020.
2. Sivakami B, “Does Awareness of Writing Process Improve the Student’s Writing Skills?,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol24(4), pp. 6605-6608, May 2020.
3. Sivakami B, K.Abinaya, &SaradhaRajkumar, “Teachers’ Perception on Developing Autonomous Learners within a Classroom,” Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83(3), pp. 10927-10936, 2020.
4. Sahayam, Binu. D, “Opinion Study among Teachers and Students on the Practice of Corporal Punishment in Schools,”International Journal of Research–GRANTHAALAYAH, ISSN (online): 2394-3629, Vol 8(05), pp. 32-37, May 2020. DOI:
5. Amuthavalli S., &SaradhaRajkumar, “Psychosocial Analysis of Characters in Amitav Ghosh’s ‘The Circle of Reason’,” Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 82, January-February Issue 2020, pp. 15680 – 15684, ISSN: 0193 – 4120.
6. AfiaNazar, &Dr. C. Alamelu, “Language Learning Strategies Adopted by Tribal Learners,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Issue 8, pp. 7289-7297, 2020, (ISSN:1475-7192).

7. Lourdes Antoinette Shalini, &C. Alamelu, “A Transformation from Home to Hello! An Analysis of Identity Creation and Image Projection of a Homemaker in the Film Tumhari Sulu,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, pp. 9553- 9559,2020, (ISSN: 1475-7192).

8. Rajitha K, &Dr.C.Alamelu, “A Study of Factors Affecting and Causing Speaking Anxiety,” Procedia Computer Science, 172 (2020) 1053–1058, Science Direct, 2020. Elsevier.

9. Abirami T, &Dr. Alamelu C, “Transnationalism: A Concept of Bridging People and Connecting Nations,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, pp. 12606-12610, 2020 , (ISSN: 1475-7192)

10. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “Using Technological Modality to Learn Vocabulary Incidentally and Intentionally for Effective Communication.” International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Vol. 7, No. 1/2/3, pp. 166–175, 2020. doi:10.1504/ijie.2020.104653.

11. Nisha M., Subbu&Rajasekaran V., “NLP Technique: A Pre-Listening Activity in Enhancing Listening Skill – A Pilot Study.” Innovations and Technologies for Soft Skill Development and Learning, edited by Suresh Kumar Nagarajan and Mohanasundaram R., IGI Global, pp. 115-123, 2020. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3464-9.ch014

12. Roshini R &Rajasekaran V, Social Conditioning of Gender Roles Through Advertisements in India International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 6(2), pp.
7561-7566, 2020.

13. Aravind, B. R. &Rajasekaran, V., A Qualitative Research through an Emerging Technique to Improve Vocabulary for ESL Learners. International Journal
on Emerging Technologies, 11(2), pp. 441–446, 2020.

14. Subbu Nisha M &Rajasekaran V., “NLP Techniques: A Therapeutic Approach to Enhance the Presentation Skills of Engineering Students,” IUP Journal of English
Studies. Vol. 10 -1, pp. 87-102, March 2020.

15. Hussain,Moon Moon & Borah, Rashmi Rekha, “Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy: A Study,”Journal of Global Resources, Volume 6 (01a),Special Issue,
pp.26-37,June 2020,ISSN: 2455-2445 (Online)

16. P.Govindarajan& Ajit.I, “Method based on CAL in Teaching French as a Foreign Language in Technical Institution for Specific Purposes”, Test Engineering &
Management, Volume 82, pp. 15632-15637, January-February 2020.

Journal Publications : Year 2019

Publications in 2019

Papers in Journals

1. M. Dhanya& C. Alamelu, “Factors Influencing the Acquisition of Writing Skills,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7 Issue 6, March 2019.
2. AfiaNazar& C. Alamelu, “Analyzing the Mental Space and the Impact of Culture and Cognition in Content Generation,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, May 2019.
3. Lourdes Antoinette Shalini&Alamelu. C., “A Journey from Struggle to Prominence in the Indian Film Pink,” Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, Vol. 7 No. 5, pp. 823-826, 2019.
4. Abirami.T& C. Alamelu, “Assimilation and Integration of Cultures: A Study of Transnational Experiences in Selina Siak Chin Yoke’s Novel The Woman Who Breathed Two Worlds,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 8, Issue 1C2, May 2019.
5. Kanchana. S, Patchainayagi. S. &Rajkumar. S., “Empowering Students to become Effective Learners through Activity Based Learning,” Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews (HSSR), Vol. 7, No. 5, p. 57-62, September 2019.
6. Maharishi Ranganathan& Maya Rathnasabapathy, “Cognitive Impairment of Stroke Patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) – Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) – Left Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Territory Stroke with Left Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) Occlusion,” Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, Vol. 50(2), 1, 2019.
7. Savariah Xavier. Y. C &Ajit. I., “Cultural Identity through Magical Realism: Through the Looking Glass of Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 5S4, pp. 724 & 725, Feb. 2019.
8. Ramesh. M, Sathiyaseelan. S &Ajit. I., “The Portrayal of Great Mathematicians in Movies: A Review,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 5C, pp. 182 – 185, Feb. 2019.
9. Gowrisankar. D, Ajit. I &Govindarajan. P., “Representation of the Woman’s Financial Stability portrayed in Selected Tamil Films,”International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 1C2,
pp. 1182 – 1184, May 2019.
10. Savariah Xavier. Y. C &Ajit. I., “Exploring the Marginalized through Anthropocentrism: A Case Study of R.K. Narayan’s A Tiger for Malgudi,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,Vol. 8, Issue 7C2, pp. 257 & 258, May 2019.
11. AjitIlangovan., “What do Secondary Teachers Know about English Grammar:
A Preliminary Look at some of the Possibilities,” Journal of Applied Languages and Linguistics, Vol. 3 Issue 2, December 2019.
12. Aravind, B.R. & V. Rajasekaran., “Technological Modality to Influence Persuasive and Argumentative Vocabulary for Effective Communication with reference to Selected TED Talk Videos,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 7(5S2), 165-170, 2019. Retrieved from content/uploads/papers/v7i5s2/ES2025017519.pdf

13. S. Godwin Raj & V Rajasekaran., “An Analysis on Traumatic Effects after Rape,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 158-161, March 2019.

14. K, Rajesh &Rajasekaran V., “Environmental Ethics: Anthropocentric Chauvinism as Seen in Western Ethical Theories,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Special Issue, Vol. 8, No. 6S4, pp. 1385–1389, 2019,doi:10.35940/ijitee.f1280.0486s419.

15. Subbu Nisha M & V. Rajasekaran., “NLP Strategies: An Innovative Tool to Enhance Employability Skills,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1205-1209, May 2019.

16. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “Diagnosing ESL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge through Memory Strategies,” Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), pp. 41-47, 2019.

17. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “Improving Noun Hyponyms Using Select TED Wordlist through WordNet: An Investigational Study,” Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7.11, pp. 2495-2500, 2019. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071129.

18. SnigdhaRamkumar, & V. Rajasekaran., “Perceptions and Effects of Large Classes in Higher Education in India,” Language in India, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 11-20, October 2019.

19. Rajesh K, &Rajasekaran V., The Limitations of Normative Ethics: Anthropocentrism in Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), pp. 1040-1047, 2019.

20. Aravind, B. R., &Rajasekaran, V., Diagnosing ESL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge Through Memory Strategies. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), pp. 41-47,2019. Retrieved from

21. Aravind BR &Rajasekaran V., “Technological Modality to Influence Persuasive and Argumentative Vocabulary for Effective Communication with reference to Selected TED Talk Videos,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE) Vol. 7, Issue-5S2, January 2019.

22. Rajesh K, &Rajasekaran V., Environmental Ethics: Anthropocentric Chauvinism as Seen in Western Ethical Theories, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 8, Issue- 6S4, pp. 1385-89, 2019. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F1280.0486S419.

23. Borah, Rashmi Rekha,“Business Management Learners’ Academic and Professional Needs for English and its Current Practices,”International Journal of Management Studies, Vol. VI, Issue 2(1), pp. 60-69, April 2019.

24. Rishabh Kala, Dhrubanka Dutta, VigneshSasikumar, Umamaheswari S &Bhuvaneswari R., “Cost of Living in Metropolitan Cities: Statistical Analysis using R Studio,” Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol.8, Issue: 7, pp. 1220-1223, May 2019.

25. Balaji, Dhakshain V., Sivakami B, “The Ethicality of Choice of Humans Imperative for a Decision,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol.8(4),pp. 2621-2623, 2019.

26. Sivakami B, “Maya Angelou’s Works Mapped on to the Writings of Select Journalists for the Voiceless Community,” Language in India, Vol.19(10), pp. 1930-2940, 2019.

27. Joice, Lois Sara & B. Sivakami, “Suppressed Voices of Women in Select Afro American Novels,” Journal of Information and Computation Science, Vol. 9, Issue 12, pp. 598-604, 2019.

28. Christie, Luke Gerard &Savariah Xavier Y C, “India’s Rise as an Emerging Economy and the Impact on Her Consciousness,” Test Engineering & Management, Vol.82, Issue 0193 4120, pp. 5316-5324, 2019.

29. ChillakuruNagaraju&SaradhaRajkumar, “An analysis of Defense Mechanisms used by the Characters in Cyrus Mistry’s Passion Flower and JhumpaLahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 46(1), pp.162-164, 2019.

30. E. Raghul&SaradhaRajkumar, “Psychological and Physical Factors that Affect Students’ Learning,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 46(1), pp. 261-264, 2019.

31. Bobby D. &SaradhaRajkumar, “Comparative Study of the Philosophies of JidduKrishnamurti, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and Jacques Derrida,” Journal of Advance Research in Dynamics & Control Systems, 11(6-Special Issue), pp. 1154-1157, 2019.

32. Murugavel S. M, &G. Bhuvaneswari, “Water: The sole witness of Injustice in the context of Society and Literature,”Language in India, April 2019.

33. G.S. Agalyasri& G. Bhuvaneswari, “Cognitive Expansion and Silent Communication in Evolving Conditions,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 46(1), pp. 151-157, March 2019.

34. Ajai Amal, &G. Bhuvaneswari,Multiple Colours of Gandhi in Postcolonial Cinema,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-5C, February 2019.

35. Bhavana. S &Vijayalakshmi. V. “Psychological Impacts of Smartphone on College Students – Nomophobia (No-Mobile-Phone Phobia),” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8 (4), Nov. 2019, p. 2559.

36. Vijayalakshmi. V, Rishabh&Madhav Dixit., “Perceptions and Attitude towards Homosexuality among the College Students in India,” International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 1-6, July 2019.

37. GnanaSangamithra. S &Vijayalakshmi. V., “Changing Trends in Socio Economic Condition of Transgender in Chennai City,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 1, October 2019, p. 32.

38. S. SarayuPriyadharshini& S. Patchainayagi., “Escape from Reality: An Analysis of Corporate Culture and Quest for Quasi Relationships in the Virtual World,” Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 313 – 318, August 2019.

39. Velma. J.C & Alan. G., “A Critical Study on the Impact of Cultural Plurality over Immigrants in Namesake – A Postcolonial Perspective,” International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Vol. 11 No.12, pp.65-68, 2019.

40. Vijayalakshmi. V &Patchainayagi. S., “Need for the Acquisition of Soft Skills for Enhanced Leadership through English Fantasy Literature in the Digital Era,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems,11-4, 2019.

41. Priyadharshini, S. Sarayu&Patchainayagi. S., “What If Artificial Intelligence Supersedes Human Intelligence to Overpower Man Kind?” International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), Vol. 7, No. 6, p. 12, June 2019.

42. Vijayakumar, Subhasri, A Content Analysis on the Representation of Cultural Themes in German Textbooks. Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, 16(17), pp. 119-122, 2019. (

43. Vijayakumar, Subhasri. & Ibrahim, Syed P., Mining Learners’ Data to perceive the need for German for Academic Purposes. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(2), pp. 5491-5494, 2019. (
44. Vijayalakshmi. V & Nagaraj. B. “Awareness of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) among the Pregnant Women of Rural areas of Puducherry, India,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol. 8, Issue11, Sept. 2019.

Journal Publications : Year 2018

Publications in 2018
Papers in Journals
1. AfiaNazar&Alamelu. C., “An Analysis of Errors in Descriptive Writing of Tribal Learners in Attapadi Region,” New Academia: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. (39-49), Jan. 2018.
2. S. Usha Menon &Alamelu. C., “Millennial Learners – Is a New Teaching Strategy Required?” Research Journal of English Language and Literature, Vol.6 No.1, pp. 110-113, Jan-Mar 2018.
3. Lourdes Antoinette Shalini&Alamelu. C., “The Invisibilization of Women in a Societal Propinquity and a Rummage for Carte Blanch,” Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 252 – 257, 2018.
4. C. Alamelu& Usha Menon, “Metamorphosis of Language Teaching Methods Leading to Post Method Era – Overview,” International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, IJELLH, Vol. 6, Issue 12, pp. 870-883, December 2018.
5. Abirami. T. &Alamelu. C., “An Ideology of Crossing Nation: From Conflict to Emergence,” Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. &Hum., Vol. 26 (T), pp. 33 – 44, 2018.
6. Maya Rathnasabapathy, Reeves Wesley, Maharishi. R &Athilakshmi. R. “Understanding Sibling Influences: The Effects of Number of Siblings and Order of Birth on Psycho-Social Behaviour among Adolescents Girls,” The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol. 6, Issue 2, April-June, 2018.
7. Varghese, S.T.&Rathnasabapathy, M., “Visual Impairment: A Comparison of Global and Indian Perspective,” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol. 9 (11). p. 1944, 2018.
8. Maharishi. R & Maya Rathnasabapathy., “Neuropsychological Impairments of Stroke Patients – Comprehensive Meta-Analytical Study,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. 45, pp. 233-238, 2018.
9. Maharishi. R & Maya Rathnasabapathy., “The Role of Neuro-Imaging Techniques in Prediction of Stroke,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 (4.36), pp. 549-552, 2018.
10. Maya Rathnasabapathy, J. Reeve Wesley, Maharishi Ranganathan&Athilakshmi. R., “Impact of Interpersonal Conflicts on Psychosocial Behaviour among Adolescents Girls,” IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, Volume 9 (5) p. 355, 2018.
11. J. Ganesh Kumar & Maya Rathnasabapathy., “A Study on the Difference in Various Methods of Recollecting Words between Mainstream Children and Children with Dyslexia,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 13(14), p. 58312018.
12. Maya Rathnasabapathy, Archika Johari & P. Ganesh Kumar., “Problem Solving Ability and Working Memory among Children with and without Dyslexia,” Research Guru, Vol. 12(2), pp. 74-82, 2018.
13. DevigaSubramani& Maya Ratnasabapathy, “Understanding Psychological Health of Infertile Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Therapy: In-Depth Interviews with Infertile Women,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 13 (10). pp. 3606-3609, 2018.
14. Varghese, S.T &Rathnasabapathy M., “Blindness and Social Media in India,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology. Vol. 7(34). p. 491, 2018.
15. Ramesh. M &Ajit. I., “Learning the Fundamentals of Legal Language through Teaching and Testing Method of the Framed Syllabus,” Medwell Journals – Social Sciences, Vol. 13 Issue 2 pp. 338 – 342, 2018.

16. SuseeBharathi. T &Ajit. I., “Humanities to Humanoids: Edutainment of Artificial Intelligence through ICT,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 No. 3 pp. 539 – 541, 2018.

17. Arun. G &Ajit. I., “Denigrated Silence in the Court of Law: A Critical Analysis of Vijay Tendulkar’s Silence: The Court is in Session,” Le Travail Humain, Vol. 81 Issue 2, 2018.

18. SuseeBharathi. T &Ajit. I., “Hyper reality as a Theme and Technique in the Film Truman Show,” Global Media Journal, Vol. 16 Issue 30,2018.

19. Gowrisankar. D &Ajit. I., “Women Empowerment through Greenhouse Project as portrayed in the Post-feminist Tamil Film 36 Vayathinile”, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 2 pp. 185-190, 2018.

20. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “Advanced Technological Modality to Explore ESL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge through Social Strategies,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS), 10(10), 2018, 250-256. Retrieved from

21. Subbu Nisha M & V Rajasekaran., “Employability Skills – A Review,” The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, Vol. XII, No. 1, pp. 25- 37,Mar. 2018.

22. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “A Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Research Scholars,” International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(2), pp. 16-25, 2018. Retrieved from

23. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “A Review on Critical Thinking and CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning,” Language in India, 18(6), pp. 30-36, 2018. Retrieved from

24. Aravind, B.R., & V. Rajasekaran., “Identifying the Determination Strategies of Engineering Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge through Technological Modalities,” The ELT Practitioner, V (IV), 2018. Retrieved from

25. Borah, Rashmi Rekha., “A Review of the Growth Implications of Goods and Service Tax,” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001Vol. 8, Special Issue 3, pp. 946-963,Dec 2018.

26. Borah, Rashmi Rekha., “A Review on the Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on the Economy of a Nation,” International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, 7(4) Oct-Dec, pp. 306-320, 2018.

27. Borah, Rashmi Rekha., “Peer Teaching Approach in ELT to Engineering Students,” International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, Vol. 9, Issue 3, ISSN: 1308 – 951X (Print) ISSN: 2278-4853, September 2018.

28. Borah, Rashmi Rekha., “English for Employability: A Case Study of the Management Students in India,” TRANS Asian Research Journals,,Vol.7, Issue 10, pp. 53-66, Oct. 2018 .

29. Sufina K &Bhuvaneswari. R., “Ecocriticism in Indian Fiction”, IUP Journal of English Studies, Vol.13, Issue: 1, pp. 55-61, March 2018.

30. Bhuvaneswari,R&Umamaheswari. S., “e-Health Care: A Techno Medical Revolution”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol.11, Issue: 3, pp. 964-968, March 2018.

31. Narendiran. S &Bhuvaneswari. R., “Distorted Resistance: A Re-Read of Red Blooms in the Forest as Naxal and Leftist Frankensteins,” Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol. 26, Issue: T, pp. 123-134, December 2018.

32. Sufina K &Bhuvaneswari. R. “Listening to Earth Stories: An Interview with SwarnalathaRangarajan”, The Goose, Vol.16, Issue: 2, pp. 1-10, Feb. 2018.

33. Ajai Amal, &G. Bhuvaneswari “Understanding and Respecting the Differences: Post-Colonial Representation of Attitudes in Lagaan and English Vinglish,”Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018.

34. Murugavel S. M, G. Bhuvaneswari, ‘Comparison of Treatment of “Koogai: The Owl’ and G. Kalyanrao’s:Untouchable Spring,”Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 2018.

35. B. Sivakami&SaradhaRajkumar., “The Effect of Input and Method of Instruction on Mechanical Engineering Students for Improving Vocabulary,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(11), pp. 1860–1864, 2018.

36. Sivakami. B., “Is Flipped Instructional Strategy Preferable to Traditional Instructional Strategy to Improve the Writing Performance of Tertiary Level Students?,” Le Travail Humain, Vol. 81 Issue 1. pp. 1615-1620, 2018.

37. MaaniniJayal. V & B. Sivakami., “Perusal of the Power: the Ascendancy of Electrifying Women in Naomi Alderman’s Speculative Fiction,” Journal of Advance Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, Vol. 10, Issue 1. pp. 258-262, 2018.

38. Christie, Luke Gerard, “India’s Technological Climate: a harbinger in resolving and reducing the carbon footprint,” International Journal of Advanced Intelligent Paradigms, Volume: 9 (Special issue), 2018.

39. Christie, Luke Gerard, “The need for lifelong learning,” International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Volume 15 issue 2, pp. 93 to 102, 2018.

40. Christie, Luke Gerard, “Ecological Awareness and Eco-sensitivity in India’s Technological Development: A Contemporary Insight,”International journal of Engineering and Future Technology, Volume:15, Issue 2, ISSN: 2455 6432, 2018.

41. Manjusha C B & Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, &Mohankumar. S “Journey from Reality to Virtuality”: the Impact of ICT in Education,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2.33, pp. 1277-1279, 2018.

42. Manjusha C B, &Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Humanoids as HR”: ‘Elevator Pitch’ the Need of Technological Epoch,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 08-Special Issue, pp. 1551-55, 2018.

43. Mohankumar. S, Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi&Manjusha C B, “The Effectiveness of ICT in Edifying Language Learning: a Quasi-Experimental Study,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Issue 7 (3.34), pp. 527-529, 2018.

44. Mohankumar. S, &Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Digital Poetry: Edifying Strategy in Technological Era,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, pp. 08-1555, 2018.
45. Alan G., “Learner Autonomy in the Postmodern Classroom: A Post Structural Study,” IUP Journal of English Studies, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.88-93, 2018.
46. Alan. G., “A Postcolonial Eco-feminist Study of Hegemony in Manju Kapur’s Immigrant”, International Journal of Research, Vol. 5, No.14, pp. 42-45, 2018.
47. Govindarajan. P & Joseph Sathiaraj., “Technological Advancement in Assisting Adptive Learning Measures to Increase Productivity and Retention of French as a Foreign Language for Post-Modern Learners in Post-Colonial Context,” Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol. 9 Issue 3 pp. 896 – 901, March 2018.
48. Govindarajan. P & Joseph Sathiaraj., “The Power of Learning through Technologies: Enhances the Outcomes in Learning French as a Foreign Language for the Professional Learners in Post-Colonial Context,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 118 Issue 24, pp. 1 – 12, 2018.
49. H. Magdelene Brown &Patchainayagi. S., “Code-Switching and Code-Mixing: A Sustainable Communication Paradigm to Enhance Cognitive Skills,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 10 No. 9, pp. 263–267, Dec. 2018.
50. S. SarayuPriyadharshini&Patchainayagi. S., “Real Vs Unreal: An Analysis on Artificial Intelligence,” Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 45, pp. 239 – 244, December 2018.

51. S. PatchainayagiV.&Vijayalakshmi, “Landscape and Psychological Well-Being: Manori! The Magical Island, A Study on Anita Desai’s Where Shall We Go this Summer?,” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol.9, No. 12, December 2018.

52. Vijayakumar, Subhasri. &Sathiaraj, Joseph., Analyzing a learner developed Chatbot and its efficacy in learning basic German grammar – An experimental study. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7 (6(H)), pp. 13629 – 13635, 2018. (

Journal Publications : Year 2017

Publications in 2017
Papers in Journals
1. Lourdes Antoinette Shalini&Alamelu. C., “Struggle for Inclusiveness and Identity in the Movies English Vinglish and 36 Vayadhinile”, Man in India, Vol.97 No. 2, pp. 209-216, 2017.
2. Abirami. T &Alamelu. C., “Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie in the Perspective of Existentialism – A Critical Analysis”, International Journal of English and Literature, Vol.7 No.1, Feb 2017.
3. Rajitha. K &Alamelu. C., “Anxiety Factor in English Language Classroom”, Man in India, Vol. 97 No.23, pp. 215-221, Dec. 2017.
4. Maharishi R & Maya Rathnasabapathy., “Cognitive Performance and Daily Life Activities Influenced by Sleeping Hours of Adults”,The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol. 4, Issue 2, No. 86, January-March, 2017.
5. GeetaAtkar, Priyadarshini J & Maya Rathnasabapathy., “Review on Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for Solving Problem of Dyslexia in Children”, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research (IJETSR), Vol. 4, Issue 8, August 2017.
6. Agalyasri. G. S.&Bhuvaneswari. G., “Conditioned and Unconditioned Approach: Exploring the Creativity of Engineering Students in Second Language”, Man in India, Vol.97 No.20, pp.133-140, 2017.
7. MurugavelS. M & G. Bhuvaneswari., “Dalit’s Issues – Positive Attitude and Perspectives of Literature,” Man in India, Vol. 97 (2) pp. 303-308, 2017.

8. Ramesh. M &Ajit. I., “Enrichment of Legal Vocabulary Skills of Economically Deprived Law Students through a Customized Syllabus – Quasi Experimental Study,” International Journal of Economic Research, pp. 499 – 505,2017.
9. SuseeBharathi. T &Ajit. I., “Deepa Mehta’s Fire: A Symbolic Representation of a ‘Fiery’ Relationship,” Man in India, Vol. 97, Issue 2, April 2017.
10. Jayakumar. P &Ajit. I., “The Pedagogical Implications on the Root and Route of English Basic Verbs: An Extensive Study through Android Application,” Medwell Journals – Social Sciences (Pakistan), Vol. 12, Issue 8, December 2017.
11. Arun. G &Ajit. I., “Names as Adaptive Identities in AravindAdiga’sThe White Tiger,” The Criterion, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 330-336, December 2017.
12. V. Rajasekaran& Jasmine Jose., “Deromanticizing the Diasporic Life: Benyamins Goat Days,” The IUP Journal of English Studies. Vol. XII, No. 3, pp 57-61, 2017.
13. K. Rajesh &Rajasekaran. V., “Political Traditions and Power Structures in H.G. Wells’s: The Island of Dr. Moreau,” Man in India. Vol. 97, No. 2, pp. 363-368, April 2017.
14. Jasmine Jose, &Rajasekaran, V., “The Influence of Authorities on Writers in a Society: Censorship Rules and Challenges Faced by Dissident Writers with Reference to Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front,” Forum for World Literature Studies. Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 293-301, June 2017.
15. Jasmine Jose &Rajasekaran V., “Universal Experience of Female Tribulations in an Indian Milieu: A Study on Deshpande’s Novels Small Remedies and Roots and Shadows,” Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 1(1), pp. 5-8, 2017.
16. S. Godwin Raj & V. Rajasekaran., “Writing as a Therapeutic Agent for Collective healing in the poems of TensinTsundue,” Studies in Linguistics and Literature, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 123- 128, July 2017.

17. Manjusha C.B & Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Scrutinizing Elevator Speech Techniques Used in Celebrity Interviews,” Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A Refereed International, Vol. 5, pp. 274-280, 2017.

18.Vijayalakshmi. V, “Demonstrable Skills for Smart Workplace,” International Journal of Recent Trends in English Language Teaching (ELT), Vol. 6[4], Issue 14, pp. 130-140, 2017.

19.Mohankumar. S & Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Imparting Intrapersonal Skills To The Tertiary Level Students Through Select Poems of John Keats,” Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A Refereed International, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 292-299, 2017.

20.Bobby D. &SaradhaRajkumar, “The Symbolism of Things,” Man in India, Vol. 97 No.11, pp. 453-467, 2017.

21. Bobby D. &SaradhaRajkumar, “The Image of the Dragon in Selected Poems of Ted Hughes,” International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.7 No. 1, pp. 73-81, ISSN 2250-3226, 2017.

22. Ch. Nagaraju&SaradhaRajkumar, “Identity Crisis In Manju Kapur’s ‘The Immigrant’  andJhumpaLahiri’s ‘The Namesake’,” Man in India, Vol.97 No.2, pp. 83-90, 2017,(March),ISSN: 0025-1569.

23. Ch. Nagaraju&SaradhaRajkumar, “Portrayal of Woman in the Context of Migration in ‘The Namesake’ and ‘The Immigrant’: An Important Element of
Postcolonial Feminism,” International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,Vol.7 No.2, pp.141-148, December 2017, ISSN: 2250-3226.

24. SaradhaRajkumar, “Project-Based Learning (PBL) in English Classrooms for Engineering Students,” International Journal of Engineering Technology, Science and Research (IJETSR), Vol.4, No.4, pp.6-16, ISSN 2394-3386, April 2017.

25. Borah, Rashmi Rekha. (2017). “Teaching Business English: A Review Paper”, Man In India, 97 (21): 97-104.

26.Sufina. K &Bhuvaneswari. R.,“Eco-sensibility of Women Writers: A Study on Mahasweta Devi’s ‘Chotti Munda and His Arrow’,”The Criterion, July 2017, Vol.8,
Issue: 8, pp. 197-203.

27. Vijayakumar, Subhasri., Kumar, Gajendra. & G, Alan.,“Constructing a Postmodern Pedagogy to Teach Foreign Languages to Postmodern Learners of 21st
Century,”Man in India, 97(2), pp.445-455. 2017.

28. Vijayakumar, Subhasri.,Sathiaraj, Joseph. & Kumar, Gajendra.,“Enhancing Learner Engagement in Foreign Language Classrooms through Gamification,”Man in
India, 97(20), pp.287-296, 2017.

29. Vijayakumar, Subhasri., Kumar, Gajendra. &Sathiaraj, Joseph.,“The Role of Foreign Languages at Tertiary Level – Towards Developing a Contextual Curriculum
for a German Course in Indian Technical Universities,”German as a Foreign Language (GFL),1(3), pp.100-126, 2017.

30. Vijayakumar, Subhasri. &Sathiaraj, Joseph., Students as Co-Developers of Innovative E-Learning Resources – An Exploratory Study. Le travail humain, 80(3), pp.
1616-1623, 2017. ( Journal Impact Factor 0.697

31. Govindarajan.P&Gajendra Kumar, “A Brief History of French Colonialism in India: A Critical Study (Ext),”International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol. 15, No. 22, pp. 841-845, ISSN: 0972-7302, 2017.

32. Mohankumar. S &Vijayalakshmi. V., “Imparting Intrapersonal Skills to the Tertiary Level Students through Select Poems of John Keats,” Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A Refereed International, Vol.15, No.1, pp. 292-299, Apr. 2017.

33. Alan. G & Kumar. G. “Effects of Globalization on Indian Economy: A Postmodern Analysis,” International Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 14, No.10, pp.41-45, 2017.

34. Nisha &Patchainayagi. S., “Stolen Daughter-Birth Mother Bonding in Taylor’s Trilogy,” Man in India, Vol. 97, No. 23, December 2017.

35. Patchainayagi. S., “Ila Das – Icon of Old Spinsters of Postcolonial India,”Indian Scholar,Vol. 4, No.1, pp.37-38, September 2017.

36. Patchainayagi. S., “Herstory of the Nonagenarians with special reference to Nanda Kaul and Hagar Shipley,” The English Research Express (International Journal of English Language and Literature), pp.96-103, April – June, 2017.

37. Vijayalakshmi V., “A Socio Economic Study on the People Living with HIV/AIDS(PLHAS) with TB in Puducherry,”International Journal in Management and Social Science, Vol. 1,Issue 8, Page 389-397, August 2017.

Journal Publications : Year 2016

Publications in 2016
Papers in Journals
1. Alamelu C. & Usha Menon, “The Effect of Learner’s Belief and Classroom Climate on Language Learning,” Man in India,Vol. 96(6), pp. 2645-2649, Sept. 2016.
2. Alamelu C. & Usha Menon, “Developing Multi-cultural Competence for Effective Communication,” The International Journal of English and Literature, Vo. 6, No.5, pp.21-26, Oct. 2016.
3. Maharishi R. & Maya Rathnasabapathy, “How is Masculinity-Feminity and Gender Roles relating with Perceived Controls like Personal and interpersonal and Sociopolitical Control among Adolescents,” Journal of Psychosocial Research,Vol.11, No.2, pp. 215-226, 2016.
4. Ganeshkumar J. & Maya Rathnasabapathy, Psycho-educational Assessment of a Dyslexic Child – A Case Study,” Man in India, Vol.97 (4), pp. 147-156, 2016.
5. DevigaSubramani& Maya Rathnasabapathy, “A Study on Stress and Attitude towards Seeking Professional help Among Infertile Patients,” Man in India,Vol. 97, No.10, 2016.
6. G. Bhuvaneswari, “Teacher Cognition,” International Journal of Economic Research,Vol.13, Issue No.3, pp.693-695, 2016.
7. Bhuvaneswari R., “Projects for Engineers: An Innovative Approach in English Language Teaching,” International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research,Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 319-321, Jan. 2016.
8. Sufina K. &Bhuvaneswari R., “Silence of Cow: Echoed in Kamala Markandaya’s Two Virgins,” International Journal of English and Literature,Vol.6, No. 1, pp. 79-84, 2016.
9. Sufina K. &Bhuvaneswari R., “Enhancing Communication Skills and Moral Values to Engineering Students through Mythology: A Study,” Man in India, Vol. 96, No.9, pp. 3015-3021, 2016.
10. Narendiran S. &Bhuvaneswari R., “Baited Youth in Paro Anand’s No Guns at My Son’s funeral: A Study on Terrorism,” Man in India, Vol. 96, No.9, pp. 2867-2871, 2016.
11. Vijayalakshmi V., “Literature Review on Self-Help Groups in India,” International Journal of Management and Research Review,Vol.1, Issue 26, pp. 84, August 2016.
12. Alan G. and Kumar G., “Situating Postmodern Narratologywithin the Postcolonial Gothic Milieu in The Things about Thugs,” Man in India, Vol. 96, No.9, pp. 2651-2659, 2016.
13. Govindarajan P. &Gajendra Kumar, “Spread of French as Foreign Language in India, Man in India, Vol. 96, No.9, pp. 2805-2816, 2016.
14. Govindarajan P. &Gajendra Kumar, “A Brief History of French Colonialism in India: A Critical Study,” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.9, Issue 52, pp. 509-513, 2016.
15. Pachainayagi S., “A Review on the Manawaka Sisters – An Orientation Towards language and Thought Process,” The International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.3,No. 6, pp. 4152-4154, 2016.

16. Sivakami. B., “My Learners’ Perspective in Feedback Mechanism – A Survey,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.11 Issue 5.pp. 3117-3119, 2016.

17. Sivakami. B., “Helping Engineering Students to write Effective Paragraphs – A Report of a Minor Action Research,” Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in the Teaching of English Language and Literature, pp. 577-578, 2016.

18. JennniferG.Joseph, Padmaragam, &Rajitha K., “Man and Machine”_ A literary Study, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 9, Issue 4 , pp. 3477-3478, Oct-Dec. 2016.

19. Vijayalakshmi, V., “Soft Skills-The Need of the Hour for Professional Competence: A Review on Interpersonal Skills and Intrapersonal Skills Theories,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 11, Number 4, pp. 2859-2864, ISSN 0973-4562,2016.

20. Manjusha C.B.& Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Exploring Elevator Speech Techniques In Select Indian Regional Films,” Man In India, 96 (11), pp. 4357-4361, 2016.

21. Manjusha C.B.& Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Triggering The Impact Of Interview Skills Through Elevator Speech Technique: A Review,” Literary Herald, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp. 43-51, 2016.

22. Manjusha C.B.& Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Elevator Speech to Meliorate Interview Skills in the Era of Humanoids: A Study,” Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol.-1, Issue-1, pp. 52-58, 2016.

23. Mohankumar, S.& Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “Augmenting Emotional Intellect of Students through Expressive Poems in ELT Classrooms,” Man In India, Vol. 96 (11), pp-4363-4366, 2016.

24. Mohankumar. S & Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “A Review On Poetry To Enrich Integrative Emotive Behaviour: Strategy For 21st Century,” Literary Herald, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 188-195, 2016.

25. Mohankumar. S & Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, “An Understanding on Barren Thoughts and Broken Language in Era of Digital Ecology,” Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 59-66, 2016.

26. Dinesh &SaradhaRajkumar, “Challenging the Patriarchal Society in Anita Nair’s ‘Lessons in Forgetting’,” International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies (IJELR), Vol. 3(4), pp. 233-237, Oct-Dec.2016,ISSN: 2439-9451/2395-2628.

27. Raghul E. Rufus & Dr. SaradhaRajkumar, “Creating A Positive Classroom Climate: a motivational factor for English language acquisition,” Man in India, Vol. 9(5), pp: 1459-1465, June 2016, ISSN No.: 0025-1569.\r\n

28. Dinesh A. &SaradhaRajkumar, “Queerness, Effeminacy and Ethnicity in ShyamSelvadurai’s ‘Funny Boy’,” Man in India, Vol. 96, No. 8, 2016.
29. Ajit. I, Ramesh M.&Arun. G., “Higher Order Thinking Skills through Online Discount Coupons,” International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 5(18), pp. 71-74, May 2016.
30. Ramesh. M &Ajit. I., “Enhancing Specific Vocabulary and Trial Advocacy Skills through ESP for Law Students,”The Global Journal of English Studies, Vol. II Issue, 2016.

31. Jayakumar. P &Ajit. I., “Android App: An Instrument in Clearing Lacuna of English Grammar through Teaching 500 Sentence Structures with reference to the Verb EAT,” Man In India, Vol. 96 Issue 4, June 2016.
32. Gowrisankar. D &Ajit. I., “Ideology of Post-Feminism: Portrayal through Visual Advertisements in India,” Global Media Journal (USA), Vol. 14 Issue 27, October 2016.
33. Gowrisankar. D, Ajit. I &Balasubramanian. N., “Characteristics of Post-Feminism: Portrayal through Selected Tamil Films From 1980 to 2015,” Man in India, December 2016.
34. Ramesh. M &Ajit. I., “Enhancement of Legal Writing and Advocacy Skills through ESP for Law Students,” Man in India, Vol. 96, Issue 4, pp. 1209 – 1218, 2016.

35. V. Rajasekaran& Jasmine Jose., “Reading and Re-reading: A Review of Interpretations on Kamala Das’s My Story,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol 11, No. 7, pp. 5014 – 5015, May 2016.
36. S. Godwin Raj & V. Rajasekaran., “Scriptotherapy as an antidote for traumatic problems with reference to Sapphires’s Push,” Man in India, Vol. 96, No. 11, pp. 4387- 4392, ov. 2016.
37. Borah, Rashmi Rekha., “Recent Developments in ESP and its Challenges” in ELT Voices- International Journal for Teachers of English Volume (6), Issue (5), 49—54 (2016) ISSN Number: 2230-9136, 2016. (Online)

Journal Publications : Year 2015

Publications in 2015
Papers in Journals
1. Sivakami. B., “An Analysis of a Survey on Autonomy in Teaching Profession across Disciplines,” Research Journal of English Language and Literature, Vol. 3, Issue 3.pp. 625-628, 2015.
2. Vijayalakshmi, V., “Enhancing Leadership Qualities Using Fantasy Literature Fictions,” International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL); Issue (Online): 2249-8028; pp: 2249-6912; Vol. 5, Issue – 5; Edition: October 2015.
3. Ch. Nagaraju & Saradha Rajkumar, “Identity Crisis in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘The Namesake’ and V.S. Naipaul’s ‘A House for Mr. Biswas’,” English Studies International Research Journal, Vol.3, Special Issue, pp.15-18, October 2015, ISSN 2347-3479.

4. V Rajasekaran., “The Effect of Reading-based Activities in Enhancing Vocabulary – An Observation Study,” Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 262-271, Autumn 2015.

5. Jasmine Jose & V Rajasekaran., “Life in the Prison as a New Kind of Freedom in Goat Days,” Language in India, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 75-83, Sept. 2015.

6. V Rajasekaran & Jasmine Jose., “Establishing the Identity and Celebrating the Self in ‘My Story’ by Kamala Das,” Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, Vol. 7, No. 1, Sept. 2015.

7. V Rajasekaran & S. Godwin Raj, “Colours as Symbols in Life of Pi,” Subaltern Speak, Vol IV, No. 1, pp. 26-30, Oct. 2015.

8. Vijayalakshmi V., “SHG in Empowering Women’s Health – An Empirical Study,” International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol. 1, Issue 13, p. 377, August 2015.
9. Patchainayagi S., “Renovations of Uma and Rachel: A Psychoanalytic Study,” The International Research Journal of English Language and Literature, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 556-559, July-Sept. 2015.

10. Bhuvaneswari, R. “Virtual Learning: An e-Learning Experience,” Research Innovator, An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol- II, Issue I, pp.64-67, Feb 2015.

Journal Publications : Year 2014

Publications in 2014
Papers in Journals
1. Ajit. I., “Learner Autonomy through Smartphone Applications vis-à-vis Paulo Frere’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed,” International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 3 Issue 5 pp. 99 – 100, 2014.
2. Vijayalakshmi V., Prabhakar S., Navin Kumar B., & Ajay Kumar Sharma, “A Study on the Impact of Public Private Partnership Among PHCs in Pondicherry,” International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol. 1, Issue 6, p. 18, July-Sep, 2014.
3. Vijayalakshmi V., Prabhakar S., and Nagaraj B., “An Analysis on the Integrated Social Enterprise in India,” International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol. 1, Issue 6, p. 151, July-Sep, 2014.

Book/Chapter Publications


Books Authored / Edited

  1. Ajit. I. &Govindarajan.P. Language Learning Strategies, Jayzym Publications, Tiruchirappalli 620 023 (ISBN: 978-93-87360-63-1)

Chapters Authored in Books

  1. Nisha M., Subbu and Rajasekaran V. “NLP Technique: A Pre-Listening Activity in Enhancing Listening Skill – A Pilot Study.” Innovations and Technologies for Soft Skill Development and Learning, edited by Suresh Kumar Nagarajan and MohanasundaramR., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 115-123. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3464-9.ch014


Books Authored / Edited

  1. Ajit. I. &Govindarajan.P. Language Learning in Innovative Contexts, Jayzym Publications, Tiruchirappalli 620 023 (ISBN: 978-93-87360-45-7).
  2. Vijayakumar, Subhasri. 2019. A Needs Based Approach to a German Curriculum for Engineers. A Mixed Methods Study in Technical Universities in South India. Notion Press, Chennai. ISBN: 978-1-64587-236-8.

Chapters Authored in Books

  1. Savariah Xavier &Ajit. I. “Exploring the Marginalized through Anthropocentrism: A Case Study of R.K.Narayan’s A Tiger for Malgudi” (Chapter 6) in Recent Advancements in Education and Social Sciences, Tamil Linguistics Association, Malaysia (ISBN: 978-967-16742-5-3).
  2. Govindarajan. P &Ajit. I. “Method Based on CAL in Teaching French as a Foreign Language in Technical Institution for Specific Purposes” in Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research (Vol. 2), Bharathi Book House, Vellore (ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5).
  3. Aravind, B.R., and V. Rajasekaran. “Enhancing the Select TED Wordlist Verbs through WordNet: An Experimental Study”. In J. Karthikeyan, R. Srinivasan& W. Christopher Rajasekaran (Eds.), Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research (Volume – 2) 2019, pp. 474-483. Vellore, Tamilnadu: Bharathi Book House. (ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5).
  4. Godwin Raj, S, and V, Rajasekaran. Reliving the Pain through Writing: An Analysis of Emotional Catharsis in ‘A Life Less Ordinary’. In J. Karthikeyan, R. Srinivasan& W.Christopher Rajasekaran (Eds.), Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research (Volume – 2), 2019, pp. 529-537. Vellore, Tamilnadu: Bharathi Book House. (ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5).
  5. Vijayakumar, Subhasri. and Bhuvaneswari G. “Linguistic Divergence and Ambiguity in Teaching German Case Markers through English”. In: Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research, 2nd ed., Bharathi Book House, Vellore, pp. 484-497, 2019. ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5.
  6. Sivakami. B. “The Child Sexual Abuse in Maya Angelou’s ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ – Power-Related or Sexually Motivated?” Perspectives on Women’s Writing in English, pp. 61-67, 2019.
  7. MaaniniJayal. V & B. Sivakami. “Is Reproductive Technology a Boon or Bane? A Discussion on Shulamith Firestone’s The Dialectic of Sex”. Perspectives on Women’s Writing in English, pp. 81-87, 2019.
  8. Abirami T, Dr. C. Alamelu, “Reviewing the role of Transnational Women and theirOrganisations through Transnational Feminism,” Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research, Vol-2, ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5, pp.435 – 448, 2019.

Books Authored / Edited

  1. Rajesh Krishnappa and RajasekaranVenkataramanan. Cultural Materialism as seen in the novel I am One of You Forever. Mauritius, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. (ISBN: 978-620-2-07543-5)
  2. AravindRajamanickam, and RajasekaranVenkataramanan. Critical Study on ‘Preface to Shakespeare’ and ‘Apology for Poetry’. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. (ISBN: 978-613-5-80711-0)

Chapters Authored in Books

  1. Rajesh, K and Rajasekaran, V. “The Third Gender in Past and Present.” In Gupta, A. K., &Khobragade, G, The Third Gender: Stain and Pain(First, pp. 160–168). India, Maharastra (Latur): VishwaBharati Research Centre, 2018, pp,160-168. (ISBN: 978-93- 87966-02-4)
  2. Sivakami. B. “Presuppositions in Communication to Circumvent Unpleasant Consequences” in Empowering English Language Teaching, 2018, pp. 36-40.


Books Authored / Edited

  1. Ajit. I. Media Assisted Language Learning, Orange Books International, New Delhi 110 002 (ISBN: 978-93-86690-39-5)


Books Authored / Edited

1. Dr.S.Usha Menon ,  Dr. Alamelu.C, Technical English Workbook I, Global publishing house ( 0788193163514)

2. Dr.S.Usha Menon , Dr. Alamelu.C, Technical English Workbook II, Global publishing house (ISBN: 9788193162583)

Chapters Authored in Books

1. Dr. Sivakami .B “Collaborative learning strategies for enhancing communication skills among tertiary level students “, Teaching of English Aspects an Aspirations,Puducherry Co-Operative Book Society, (ISBN:819335612-2)


Chapters Authored in Books

1. Mary Chandhini “Post Feminism in India: a myth or reality “Post Feminism: Is it myth or reality in India?VIT, CHENNAI, 2015