Best college for electronics and communication engineering

School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)


  • Boggarapu Lokesh(20MVD1016) bagged third prize in the design competition organized by SATHISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE SHAR (SDSC), Sriharikota during the world space week-2020.He designed the Tunnel Field Effect Transistor(TFET) in the satellite Communication.
  • DIPAN POLLEY(18BLC1017) of third year won in the software edition of Smart India Hackathon 2020 under the Team Name of TechnoBuilder

  • Congratulation  Nikhil Thomas John(17BEC1092).  He secured “All India Rank 1 at the National Engineering Olympiad 2020”.NET is an educational aptitude competition and assisting the development of competitive spirit among the young engineers in India

  • V.Swetha(19BEC1340) represented her NCC Directorate at the Annual NCC Republic Day camp,held at NewDehli

  • Our students Yogeeshwar S(18BEC1343) and Vishwath Kumar B S(18BEC1289) in the name of team intelli SENSE representing India for the 2021 Microsoft Imagine Cup – World Finals. Intelli-Sense, a cross-functional team of four innovation inspired minds, striving to bring up a solution to an unattended field of Visual Impairment. They providing solutions to help visually challenged people to perceive their surroundings in real-time with a higher emphasis on foreground, colour, and vibrancy of the surrounding, providing insights from the passage with multilingual support in their native language and providing a better and facile solution to cruise through life in a new shape.
  • Shwetha.S(18BEC1232), A.R.Mirunalini(18BEC1035), S.Varsha Sri(18BEC1243), Roshani Anil Narkhede(20MVD1013) ,and Nasim.K(20MVD1019) were selected for the semi-finals as one of the 100 semi-finalists from among 1200 Quarter-finalists in the swadeshi-microprocessor-challenge and received a cash prize of 1,00,000 and the FPGA Board ported with Swadeshi Processor to showcase the proof of concept(POC) and a Minimum viable prototype(MVP)
  • Surya sivaram(18BLC1124), Maalolan kannan(18BLC1077) ,and Jacob Jebaraj V(18BEC1107) won second place and Rs.20000 worth of tablets in the event of Cisco Webex Virtual Hackathon. COVIT-A novel campus protection system is the outstanding innovation, modelled by our students
  • Rudra Patil(18BLC1104) bagged first runner-up of the EY-Toycathon #iSolve4aBillion challenge. His team created a solution to prioritize #COVIDVaccine delivery using AI/ML

  • Abhav Thakur(18BLC1087) and Yashi Srivastava(19BLC1065) were the winners of Digital Edition in Toycathon 2021.They created a innovative conceptualize novel Toy and Games based on Bharatiya civilization with their innovative minds
  • Nandini Sachan of team MAPATHON3817 recognized as a WINNER in the IITB-ISRO-AICTE Mapathon, an initiative of the FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Education) Project, IIT Bombay in association with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)and AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education)


  • Nikil Thomas John

  • Ridhi Samavedam:

  • Congratulations to our 2nd year B.Tech Electronics & Computer Engineering student Mr.Shoham Sengupta (Regno: 16BLC1001). His idea has bagged the 1st prize “Google Pixel 2” in the WiFi ThinkFestv2.0 contest conducted by Mojo networks & Nanocell networks. He has won the 1st prize for his innovative idea contributing to BharatWIFI among 500+ registrations and 70+ ideas from across the globe. A panel of jury screened the idea and shortlisted 5 ideas. Those ideas got a chance to present at 5th WiFi Knowledge Summit and top 3 winners were announced.
  • Soham Sengupta II Year ECM has made us all proud with his award-winning idea that featured in the following media report coverage in DT Next basis. About DT Next: DT Next is a part of Dina Thanthi, which is the largest circulated newspaper in Tamil Nadu, and is also the 5th largest read newspaper in the country.

  • Dr. Srikanth, Chief Knowledge Officer, Nanocell Networks presenting the prize “Google Pixel” to the WIFI ThinkFest v2 Contest Winner Mr.Shoham Sengupta during the National Level Seminar Event “WIFI Knowledge Express” conducted in our VIT Chennai Campus on March 24, 2018 (Saturday).
  • The Optical Society of America (OSA), Student Chapter VIT Chennai is happy to share that Mr. Mayur Sonthalia (16BLC1059 – II Year B. Tech ECM, SENSE), Chapter Secretary represents our Chapter in the Student Leadership Conference (SLC) and Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science 2018, held in Washington Hilton, Washington D.C, USA during 14-20, September 2018. The VIT Chennai OSA Student Chapter has been sending student representatives to SLC in last four consecutive years since its inception.
  • Mr. Mayur Sonthalia is awarded with full travel grant to represent the VIT Chennai OSA Student Chapter in the SLC, Washington D.C, USA. The travel grant sponsored by the Optical Society of America (OSA) Student Leadership Council, includes roundtrip air fare, Housing, complementary registration to Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science 2018.
  • The OSA VIT Chennai Chapter was founded in our campus in November 2014. The chapter provides information and inspiring interactions that power achievements in the science of light, to our budding engineers. Students thereby get an opportunity to network amongst their international peers, facilitating their professional and personal success, instilling the best practices to drive their career forward.

Past recipients of the OSA SLC travel grant from VIT Chennai

Year 2017:

  • SLC and FiO/LS, Washington Hilton, Washington D.C, USA (September 2017)
  • Mr. Parmar Harshdeepsinh (16BEC1185) B. Tech ECE, SENSE)

Year 2016:

  • SLC and FiO/LS, Rochester, New York, USA
  • Mr. Srivatsa Rajesh, B.Tech, ECE, SENSE

Year 2015:

SLC and FiO/LS, San Jose, California, USA

  • 1. Ms. Sonika Oberoi, B.Tech, ECE, SENSE
  • 2. Mr. Praveen Phinehas M, Research Scholar, SENSE

Dr. Anith Nelleri(Associate Professor) 

Faculty Advisor, Optical Society of America (OSA), VIT Chennai Chapter.School of Electronics Engineering | VIT Chennai

  • Sonikha Oberoi — Awarded the Best student award for her achievement by the OSA Foundation. Nominated as Executive Committee Officer of the prestigious Polarization Technical Group at Optical Society of America (OSA), Washington D.C, USA. She has won GV special achiever award in 2016

  • Arikatla Sanjay— “Smart E-Meter”-This project has been selected for “Driving Innovation: HACKATHON 2016” conducted by “Make In India” which was held in IIT Bombay. This event has been live streamed in official Make in India Youtube channel. He was interviewed by CNN-IBN.

  • Purushottam Gupta — The first ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineering) Innovation Contest which drew entries from around the world, with practitioners, project managers, educators, researchers, and students attracted to the challenge of developing and submitting their most creative and innovative ideas for reshaping infrastructure. Our student is one of the top 15 Winners in two awards categories  Best Value
  • Best Student Innovation (tie)
    Title:“Advanced Drone Technology to Handle Disaster in Underground Construction and Mining Sites”

  • Pawar Bhaskar Bhanudas, Nikhil M N and Desai Nitin Sadashiv — Winner of Microsoft competition [Hackathon Openness Day 2016] held at Hyderabad. Their project is selected in top 10 best projects.

  • S.Vetrivel (M.Tech by Research) — Won III prize in the International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology, 7-10 Dec 2015 for his paper entitled “Design & Simulation of a doubly clamped Accelerometer with Integrated silicon nanowire piezoresistors” held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode in association with World Class University, GiST, South Korea.

  • The Team “Airavata” participated and won Fourth Rank in University CanSat Challenge 2015-16 conducted by the Applied Research and Development Laboratories (ARDL), Bangalore.
    Team members:
    Ketan Gupta (Team Leader), Yashvardhan , Amarendra Rout and Manmeet Singh with Dr.M.Jagannath as faculty advisor.

  • Kothareddy Charan Thej Reddy secured 93rd rank in All India level in GATE-2016.
  • Ishwarya Rajkumar III Year Student (2016-17) of School of Electronics Engineering VIT Chennai has been selected for the ACM Student Research Competition 2016 to be held at Houston Texas USA during the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing organised by the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology and the Association for Computing Machinery. The Competition is sponsored by Microsoft Research USA and is scheduled on October 19, 2016. The research work “Smart Fabric for Foetal Monitoring” – a sensor based approach to detect abnormality in foetal movements in real-time was guided by Dr. Susan Elias Associate Professor School of Electronics Engineering VIT Chennai. ACM’s SRC Travel Award of 500 USD has been granted for the travel expenses.



ECE Alumni : Higher Education Details:
Some of our Alumni placed at the world’s best university

Moreover, a good number of students are pursuing higher studies in reputed institutes such as:
  • Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Arizona State University, USA
  • University of Southern California, USA
  • Texas A and M University, College Station
  • CAL Tech
  • University of British Columbia
  • North Carolina State University
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst etc.

VIT Chennai congratulates Senior Wing Army Cadet Ms. SWETHA V., a first year student of Electronics and Communication Engineering (19BEC1340) for becoming the first student of National Cadet Corps of VIT Chennai unit to take part in the Republic Day Parade Celebrations held at New Delhi this year 2020. Swetha spent one full month at the Garrison Parade Grounds in New Delhi.


She represented the Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andaman & Nicobar (TNP & A) Directorate. The selection process began in July 2019 and Ms. Swetha successfully completed all her missions to get selected to the prestigious NCC contingent representing TNP & A Directorate. At New Delhi, she was part of the Directorate’s cultural team and was MC and in charge of briefing of Flag Area. Dr. Sekar Viswanathan, Vice President, VIT, congratulated Swetha for her meritorious performance.

III-year B.Tech(ECE) student Aylmer Britto R (16BEC1079) along with co-Authors Swastika Palit(16BME1218) and Shreya Sinha (16BLC1069) attended 2nd ICIRSTM in National University of Singapore (NUS) on 29.09.2018 and 30.09.2018 to present our research paper titled as “Design and Analysis of a Novel IOT Controlled Biomimetic Robotic Fish” and won the Best Student Paper award in that conference.


B.Tech (ECE) student Vikas Yadav (15BEC1081) won Outstanding Performance  on achieving First Place in Linear Integrated Circuits (Winner Certificate) by Texas Instruments held on 10th June 2018.


ABHISHEK VERMA (16BEC1075), PIYUSH SINGH(16BEC1120) under the guidance of Dr. John Sahaya Rani Alex presented  a paper titled on ”Modified Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Analysis for Facial Emotion Recognition” in 26th  International conference on systems, signals and image processing (IWSSIP-2019), 5-7 June 2019,Osijek, Croatia


IONS Manipal 2019: (January 11th – 14th, 2019)

Name of student – Utkal Pandurangi (Reg No – 16BEC1094)

Poster presentation on ‘Fabrication and Characteristical Analysis of Metal-Oxide Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for Power Optimization’. Utkal Pandurangi, a member of VIT Chennai OSA Student Chapter presented a poster based on work done under Dr. John L Kennedy of VIT Chennai’s School of Advanced Sciences (SAS) in IONS Manipal 2019 conference, India. Utkal received a partial travel grant of INR 500 and his accommodation was fully sponsored by the conference organizers.


IONS Orlando 2019: (March 10th-13th, 2019)

Oral presentation on ‘Digital Fresnel Holographic Encryption using Circular Harmonic Key’

Utkal Pandurangi, a member of VIT Chennai OSA Student Chapter gave an oral presentation based on his research work done with B.Lokesh Reddy under Dr.Anith Nelleri (SENSE) in IONS Orlando 2019 conference organized by The College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL) of The University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA.

A team comprising of Dwij & Mehul (B.Tech ECM) have won the first prize in national IoT challenge 2018 held at IIT Bombay . The title of their project is ‘TrackPAD’. The device helps in detecting the early signs of diseases like ‘P’ Parkinsons, ‘A’ Alzheiemers & ‘D’ Dementia using gait analysis to find the walking abnormalities that are an healthy indicator for onset of these disease. The competition saw a participation of 800 teams from all over India out of which 50 teams were selected for the finale.


B.Tech ECM Students namely Sundar Anand, Priyanka Mathikshara, Annie Johnson were guided by Prof Karthik R were invited to present their research paper titled “Low Power Real Time GPS Tracking Enabled with RTOS and Serverless Architecture” at the 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS) held from February 23-25, 2019,  NTU @one-north, Singapore.


Ms. Priyanka Mathikshara (B.Tech ECM) was selected to attend the Summer Semester at Stanford University during Summer 2018. She did the courses ‘Probability for Computer Scientists – CS109’ by Prof. Lisa Yan and ‘Data Mining and Analysis – STATS 202’ by Prof. Rajan Patel (Google). During her stay there she was selected for an internship at the all famous NASA Ames    Research Centre at Palo Alto. She worked for an open source satellite team called ‘Kick Sat – 2’ as the team lead for GPS.


Mayur Sonthalia (B.Tech ECM) was awarded with full travel grant to represent the VIT Chennai Optical Society of America Student Chapter in the Student Leadership Conference 2018, at Washington D.C, USA. Student Leadership Conference was sponsored by Optical Society of America along with the American Physical Society. It is a worldwide annual conference organised to develop skills in student representatives participating. This conference is an ideal platform for student representative to get the exposure of what it takes to be an influential leader and it is an integrated part of Optical Society of America which whole heartedly organise this conference


Harshitha (B.Tech ECM) received Best Paper award at ICATEM -2019 held at Management Development Institute of Singapore, organised by Taylor’s School of Engineering, Malaysia, for her paper titled ‘An automated CPR’


Open house Exhibits: 

As an evaluation component for different project based courses, open house exhibition is organized in the school for showcasing their projects. The students demonstrates their projects executed with respect to their course and a panel of experts evaluate and provide constructive feedback to it. This culture drives the students to develop practical exposure on the concepts taught as part of their theory course.



Makeathon is an event where participants build solutions for challenging problems from the scratch in a time span of 24 hours. All projects must have an embedded hardware platform connecting directly or indirectly to the internet to store and analyze data and receive decisions. An expert panel with resource persons from different companies evaluate these projects and provide feedback to the respective teams. SENSE actively conducts Makeathons/Hackathons/Codeathon every year and different versions of IoT Makeathon, VLSI Makethons, Microwave and Photonics, Signal Processing, AI based etc with sponsorship and joint collaboration with industry. Some of the photos of the various events conducted are presented.


16BEC1085 – RAHAT KATARIA and team worked on a Healthcare Model in which they built a website portal and a ChatBot in order for patients to ensure what symptoms they have and what can be the precautions (ChatBOt work). And the website offered people to click and a picture and upload it on their server (where the trained dataset is stored, we did it specifically for Skin Diseases since photos of the skin can easily be taken and uploaded.) This was the healthcare model they presented in Hackathons at KALASALINGAM UNIVERSITY and VIT CHENNAI and bagged 1st Prize in both the competitions.


MTech Students Achievements

Publications in Reputed Journals

  1. Thapaswini (Reg. No: 14MVD1018)  of M. Tech VLSI Design Program, has published a research article titled, ” Modification of electrical properties of Au/ n- type InP Schottky diode with a high-k  Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 interlayer,” in  Superlattices and Microstructures (2018 Imp. factor -2.385)
  2. Jyothi Leelavathi (Reg. No: 14MVD1027) of M. Tech VLSI Design Program,  has published a research article titled, “Performance comparison of a single element piezoresistor with a half-active Wheatstone bridge for miniaturized pressure sensors,” in Measurement (2018 Imp. factor -2.791)
  3. A student, Aswathi Nair (Reg. No: 14MVD1019) has published a research article titled, “Experimental Investigations on the Electrical and 2D Machining Characteristics of an Electrochemical Discharge Machining  Process”, In Microsystem Technologies (2018 I{mp. factor – 1.513)


Paper presentations in Conferences

K.N.Hitesh (18MVD1014) presenting paper in 201st International Conference on Future Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology, New Delhi, March 2019. Paper titled “A NOVEL ARCHITECTURE FOR VEDIC MULTIPLIER USING 3:2 ENHANCED COMPRESSOR´, authored by K.N.Hitesh, Jarugula Vamsikrishna, Umadevi S.

3. Verilog Code-a-thon 2018
Winners of the 12-Hrs Event


The winners of the event are trained by CoreEl Technologies, Balgalore in Xilinx Vivado and 7 series FPGA & its Applications for two days.

Our Mtech students have received recognition certificates during their internship period for their excellent and committed work.

Students who have got the INTEL certificates in 2018-20 batch

    1. Jarugula vamsikrishna –  18MVD1008
    2. Prithwiraj Das – 18MVD1016
    3. Gracin D – 18MVD1020

  1. Dr. V.S.Kanchana Bhaaskaran, ProVC- VIT Chennai is awarded as one of the India’s Top 50 Women Leaders in the Education Industry for the year 2020 by The Academic Council of uLektz (Wall of Fame)
  2. Dr. M. Suchetha has received IEEE Publication award from IEEE Madras section for her 3 journals published in IEEE transactions in the year 2020.
  3. Dr. K. Mohanaprasad has received certificate of appreciation for mentor from Samsung R&D, Bangalore, India for his contribution in Samsung Prism from June 2020 to Aug 2020.
  4. Dr. A. Ravi Sankar have achieved the “IoP Trusted Reviewer Status” and was awarded the “Outstanding Reviewer” in the year 2020. The award was given in recognition of an exceptionally high level of peer review competency for the journals namely Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering and Nanotechnology published by the IoP Science publishing group
  5. Dr. A. Ravi Sankar published a review article in a journal that has a recent impact factor of 16.419. The details are as follows: Ribu Mathew and A. Ravi Sankar, “A review on surface stress based miniaturized piezoresistive SU-8 polymeric cantilever sensors,” Nano-Micro Letters, Vol. 10, 1-41, 2018,
  6. Dr. M. Geetha Priya of team was recognised as a WINNER in the IITB-ISRO-AICTE Mapathon, an initiative of the FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Education) Project, IIT Bombay in association with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education). The Mapathon was held between 7 Dec. to 22 Dec. 2020
  7. Dr. K. Mohanaprasad has received certificate of appreciation for mentor from Samsung R&D, Bangalore, India for his contribution in Samsung Prism from June 2020 to Aug 2020.
  8. Dr. M. Suchetha has received IEEE Publication award from IEEE Madras section for her 3 journals published in IEEE transactions in the year 2020.
  9. Dr. Velmathi G has been BoS Member in Kumaraguru College of Technology and Jerusalem College of Engineering from 2019 to present day. Both the colleges are affiliated to Anna University, Chennai.
  10. Dr.M.Suchetha, Associate Professor, School of Electronics Engineering, received 4 medals and silver coin for publication of 4 research papers in IEEE Journals/Transactions on IEEE day celebration by IEEE madras section for the year 2018-2019
  11. Dr. G. Velmathi, Professor, School of Electronics Engineering has won the Best Faculty award for her exemplary teaching commitment, dedication and motivation during Academic year 2017-18
  12. Dr. Sofana Reka.S has been appointed as associate editor for IEEE Access journal from 25th Oct’18
  13. Dr.M.Jagannath was conferred with Young Scientist Award from International Journal for Research Under Literal Access Accredited with, “Idamas Learning and Training Centre (Malaysia)” in the year 2018
  14. Dr.K.Suganthi was awarded outstanding reviewer of Journal of Digital Communication Networks, Elsevier, October 2018
  15. Dr.M.Jagannath received Best Academic Researcher of the Year 2017 from the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of India.
  16. Dr. G. Velmathi, Professor, School of Electronics Engineering has won the Best Faculty award for her exemplary teaching commitment, dedication and motivation during Academic year 2017-18
  17. Dr. A. Ravi Sankar of the SCHOOL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING has won the CTS award for his overall exemplary commitment, dedication and motivation during the Academic Year 2017 – 18
  18. Dr. M.Suchetha received FICCI-FLO Women Achiever’s award of outstanding professional 2017-2018
  19. Dr. Susan Elias, Associate Professor, SENSE and faculty coordinator, VITeach received the best club- Social outreach category during University day 2018
  20. Dr. V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran was felicitated with the prestigious ‘India’s Top Higher Education Leadership Award’ on 11-12 August 2017 in Le Meridien, New Delhi,during the 10th World Education Summit 2017.
  21. Dr. Suchetha M received Young Researcher – Bio-Signal Processing from the integrated Intelligent Research, India.
  22. Dr. Sofana Reka S was shortlisted for Indian Smart Grid mission programme (ISGAN ) discussion from National Smart Grid Mission,Ministry of power, Government of India among 11 countries depending on the smart grid research work on November 14th
  23. Dr.S.Subashini – appointed as a vice-chairman for a working group “Communication Technologies in M2M/IOT domain” by Department of Telecommunications, Govt. India
  24. Dr. M. Jagannath – Indiragandhi Sadbhavna Gold Medal Award-2014 from Global Economic Progress & Research Association, New Delhi
  25. Dr.M.Jagannath received Research Award for research acumen and hard work behind research contribution in the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 from VIT University Chennai.
  26. Dr.M.Jagannath received Best Circuit Faculty of the Year 2017 from the South Indian Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties Award, India.
  27. Dr.M.Jagannath received Best Researcher – Biomedical Engineering from the Integrated Intelligent Research, India, 2018
  28. Dr.M.Jagannath received Bright Researcher Award 2017 from the International Institute of Organized Research, India – Australia