Best college for electronics and communication engineering

B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering


UG Research Experience (URE)

To provide an opportunity to students who are ambitious in pursuing a career in research or academics, an Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) award is constituted. URE has four components, coded as URE001, URE002, URE003 and URE004. They are independent of each other.


The students are motivated to take up projects with a research focus. Some of the publications made by our students are listed as follows:

Some of the recent 2019 Publications by UG students are given below:


  • Rishabh Raj ; Yong-Ho Ra ; Cheul-Ro Lee ; Sonika Obheroi ; R. Navamathavan; Hierarchical growth of GaN nanowires for light emitting diode applications, Proc. SPIE 9748, Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XI, 974820 (February 26, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2213024.
  • Sonika Obheroi, Vetrivelan P. Design and Analysis of Airborne Thermo Graphic Cameras for Night Vision in Maritime Surveillance Applications. International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronic and Communication Engineering (IJERECE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016.
  • Rishabh Raj, Sonika Obheroi, V Vignesh, Rajeev Ranjan, R Navamathavan. Design and Analysis of Holographic Solar Concentrator for Semiconductor Electrodes for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production Device. International OSA Networks of Students Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, Jun-15.
  • V. Vignesh, Rishabh Raj, Sonika Obheroi, and R. Navamathavan. The effect of Oxygen Partial Pressures on the Formation of Cuprous Oxide Thin-Films. Frontiers in Optics Conference, San Jose, California, USA, Oct-15.
  • Rajvardhan Somraj Deshmukh, Tushar Singh Chouhan and P.Vetrivelan. VANETS Model: Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure _reCommunication using NS-3. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3, June 2015.

Curriculum 2019 - 20

Curriculum 2019 - 20

Curriculum 2017 - 18

Curriculum 2017 - 18

Curriculum 2015 - 16

Curriculum 2015 - 16