B.Tech Electronics and Computer Engineering
Industrial Exposure
Vithink – An AI Student research forum was launched in July 2018. The objective of this forum is to provide a platform to connect the students with the industry with a focus on providing AI based solutions for Industry defined problems. VIThink has provided training for students in programming and Machine Learning and student teams have been formed to work in collaboration with the Nokia Factory at Oragadam, ERNET IIT M Research Park, and in the healthcare related industries in Chennai during May and June 2019.
VIThink – Brain storming session with Dr. Srinivasan Rajagopalan, from Mayo Clinic USA. These discussions have helped to develop a research interest amongst the undergraduate students. The areas of research under VIThink are Fake News Detection, Dialect and Accent Recognition, Gait Analysis, Dyslexia Voice Research. The objective is to solve socially relevant problems using technology.