Best college for electronics and communication engineering

School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)

Academic Collaboration

Semester Abroad Program
The Semester Abroad Program (SAP) – was introduced in order to encourage final year bachelors and masters students to have international exposure.
The following are some of the Universities / Industries where our students have undertaken their SAP.

  • National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  • University of Plymouth, UK
  • University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Schneider Electric Systems, Middle East FZE
  • TechnischeUniversitat, Drestan
  • The University of Auckland, New Zeland
  • UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia(UTAR)

Also, Based on the MoU between VIT Chennai campus and Dublin City University, every year a student from SENSE will be sent for 45 days internship at Dublin, Ireland.

Adjust Professors Visit

Adjunct Faculty Name:
Dr Jie Li
Designation & College with Address:
Lecturer & Honorary Fellow,
University of Melbourne, Australia
Course Name Handled:
From – To Date:
26/March/2017 To 04/April/2017

Adjunct Faculty Name:
Dr. Malka N. Halgamuge
Designation & College with Address:
Research Fellow

Room 101, Building 193,
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Melbourne School of Engineering,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.
Course Name Handled:
ECE4008-Computer Communication
From – To Date:
02 / Feb / 2018 To 16 / Feb / 2018

Brief report on Adjunct Professor Dr Jie Li during his campus visit in 2017

Dr Jie (Jack) Li, an Honorary fellow in EEE Department of ‘University of Melbourne’, Australia and a CTO of ‘Graham Innovations Ltd.’, Australia, was an Adjunct professor to SENSE, VIT Chennai from 26th March 2017 till 04th April 2017.He taught ‘Mixed Signal IC Design’ course for the MTech VLSI Design students during his visit to the campus. During the 15 hours contact with the students, he engaged them by introducing the design aspects of dynamic analog circuits and analog-digital interface electronics in CMOS technology. Further, his international academic and industrial experience was a tremendous help for the students in designing challenging mixed signal circuits in the advanced CMOS technology. He also involved the students to personally list the specifications and to design the analog-to-digital and digital-analog converter circuits and have trained them to implement such circuits in CMOS technology in Cadence EDA tool. Also, it was notable that at the end of the course the students had the ability to design an oversampling converter considering all the practical issues for the given specification.

Brief report on Adjunct Professor Dr Malka N. Halgamuge during her campus visit in 2018
DR MALKA N. HALGAMUGE, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering The University of Melbourne under the initiative of Dr. Berlin Hency, Associate Professor served as the Adjunct Professor – Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India (Winter 2018). Dr.Malka handled ECE4008 – Computer Communication course for the ECE students during the month of February 2018. Delivered a Guest Lecture titled “Emerging Trends of Machine Learning in Engineering Applications”, School of Computer Science and Engineering and School of Electronics Engineering Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore and Chennai Campuses, India, February 2018.