Best college for electronics and communication engineering

School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)

Research Forum

Research forum at SENSE is committed to support researchers by providing them the expertise and resources at every stage of their research. It encourages researchers to take up inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research.

Apart from their research programme some of the scholars have joined as JRF in the funded projects sponsored by Central Government Agencies such as

  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
  • Department of Science and Technology – DST-SEED/TIDE, DST-GITA
  • Indian Space Research Organisation

One of the scholar is awarded Viswesvaraya fellowship for five years by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY).
One of the scholar was conferred “Quarterly Franklin Membership” by Editorial Board of London Journals Press (UK) in recognition of the research contribution.
One of the scholar had the opportunity to visit Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia for a week, to learn and collect dataset for the research work.

Our Scholars have presented in some of the privileged conference/workshop.

Techno-Quorum Series

A weekly techno-quorum (TQ) series, where the scholars present their work to the faculty members and their peers. This enables pushing boundaries and reaching new levels of research excellence. The research forum serves as a platform for knowledge transfer and accountability, to create and innovate.

Some of the niche research areas presented in TQ and not limited to

  • Non-Invasive monitoring of chronic diseases
  • Design and Implementation of Cryptosystem on FPGA
  • Characterization of photonic crystal device
  • MEMS, ECDM and Microreactors
  • Electrocaloric effects for solid state refrigeration
  • Human Kinesiology Microwave Stealth Technology
  • Quantum Dots for Memory Device Application

Sample TQ posters are available in this

Sample – 1

Sample – 2

Sample – 3