
Anti-Ragging Committee

Ragging is crime which destroys the physical and emotional confidence. The anti-ragging committee of VIT-Chennai will take appropriate measures to prevent ragging in campus. Depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature of the incident of ragging, the committee will take appropriate decision, with regard to punishment or otherwise.

Students may contact the following committee in case of any ragging activity:

Anti-Ragging Committee

S. No.NameDesignationDepartment
1Dr. Rajasekaran VAssociate Professor/ Director -Students WelfareSSL
2Dr. Vinitha GProfessorSAS
3Mr. Abul Hassan TAssistant ProfessorVITSOL
4Dr. Alli PAssociate ProfessorSSL
5Dr. Braveen MAssociate ProfessorSCOPE
6Mr. MathivananCSOADMIN
7Mr. SumanSub Inspector of policeLaw and Order / Police
8Mr. Yuvayazhini PAssociate Director, Trust for Youth and Child Leadership (TYCL)NGO
9Mr. SaravananSenior Reporter, DinakaranLocal Media
10Abishek RFirst year StudentSCOPE
11Pradhyuman AroraFinal year StudentSCOPE
12Sumathi NParents RepresentativeParent

School Level Members

Sl. No.NameDesignationSchool
1Dr. Rukmani PProfessorSCOPE
2Dr. Ganesh Nagarao ChilkeAssistant ProfessorSSL
3Mr. Santhosh VAssistant ProfessorVITSOL
4Dr. Karthiyaini SProfessorSCE
5Dr. Guga Priya GAssociate ProfessorSENSE
6Dr. Jesica RoshimaAssistant ProfessorVFIT
7Dr. Sujatha ManoharAssistant Professor Sr.VITBS
8Dr. Karunamurthy KProfessorSMEC
9Dr. Balamurugan PAssociate ProfessorSELECT

Contact: 7358733304