Best engineering college for computer science

M.Tech. CSE with Specialization in Big Data Analytics (2 years)


We have been constantly encouraging our students to participate in Kaggle Data science competitions. Some of our students have achieved below 50th on several Kaggle data science problems.

Sadhana and Parvathy (M. Tech Big Data Analytics 2015 batch students) won Gold Medal at GE Hack-a-thon held at Sept 2016

Won 2nd Prize in “Prototype Development Competition – Cognizance” at IIT Roorkee in 2015 by Aditi Site and Akshay Patil

Akshay Patil of M.Tech Big Data went 37th rank in Kaggle Data Science Competition in 2015

Our Faculty also have been invited as resource persons to various workshops organized by more several colleges in and around Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

Dr. Syed Ibrahim has given invited talk on “Big Data Analytics – Case Studeis” at NCRACT 2016

VIT Vellore and Chennai Campus jointly Organized a workshop on ” Big Data Analytics and Bioinformatics”.

Dr. G. Bharadwaja Kumar and Mr. Tulasi prased sariki addressing the participants in a work on “Big Data Analytics” at KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode.

Dr. Pattabiraman.V addressing participants at AICTE Sponsored QIP (Short Term Course) on “Recent Trends and Research Challenges in Big Data Analytics” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 8th February 2016.
Our Faculty also given online webinars in Techgig on Big Data Analytics.

Dr. Syed Ibrahim giving webinar on “Big Data Analytics using Spark Framework”. Sept 2016.


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