School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT)

Professional societies

IEEE Student Branch of VIT Chennai

IEEE Power Electronics Society, student chapter

A Distinguished Lecture on “Control of Power Electronics Systems using Predictive Switching Sequences and Switching Transitions” was organized on 11-07-2016 in association with IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Chapter, Madras Section. Dr. Sudip K. Mazumder, FIEEE, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Director, Laboratory for Energy and Switching-Electronics Systems (LESES), University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) was the resource person. The lecture provided a fundamentally different perspective to the control of solid-state semiconductor-device-based switching power-electronic systems (PESs). His presentation was demonstrated, along with results, multiple practical applications (currently of high priority in the power/energy space) where the radically new control concepts make a tangible and substantive difference.

A technical talk on “DC Micro grids – A Reality?” has been arranged on 12th March 2016 between 10a.m to 11.30a.m at VIT, Chennai campus, in association with IEEE Power electronics society (PELS), Madras Section. The event was completely sponsored by IEEE PELS, Madras Section. The technical talk was attended by 42 students and research scholars from Anna University, Hindustan University, KCG college of Engineering and VIT, Chennai. The resource person is Dr. M. Prabhakar, Associate Professor, VIT, Chennai campus. He stressed about transformer less DC microgrids and explained the various advantages of such systems. He has demonstrated through the importance of high gain DC –DC converters. There was a display of various topologies of dc-dc converters fabricated by VIT students. The session ended with high tea and participation certificates are distributed to students.

A workshop has been conducted on ‘Hands on training on PCB fabrication and circuit design’ during 6th and 7th September 2017 by IEEE-PELS Students’ Chapter-VIT Chennai. Around 51 students of different engineering colleges including VIT Chennai has participated in this event. Prof. Srirevathi B, Prof. Meenakshi J and Prof. Nilanjan Tewari were the resource persons for the various sessions of the workshop. Students have learned to develop the hardware model of power converter. At the end of the workshop students developed their own model and tested successfully. A group of student received prize for developing good hardware prototypes. The event ended with certificate distribution to the participants and vote of thanks.

As a part of this student chapter, A Hands on Training session was conducted by Prof. Nilanjan Tewari in the topic “Familiarization with measuring equipment for Power Electronics Application” on 10th January 2018 for 17 students. A Technical talk has been organized on Power Electronics Technology: Advancements and Opportunities at VIT Chennai on behalf of IEEE-PELS Students’ Chapter – VIT Chennai on 28th February 2018. Dr. M. Prabhakar has delivered the talk to the student members of IEEE-PELS society. He discussed about different recent technologies adopted in DC micro-grid, automobile industry and so on. He also demonstrated hardware prototypes of different converters which comprises of modern power semiconductor devices and MOSFET modules. The session ends with high tea and vote of thanks delivered by the chair of the society. A Poster Presentation session on Power Electronics Technology was organised by IEEE (PELS) student chapter in which 18 students participated and presented their technical posters.

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ENFUSE (Energy and Fuel users Association of India)-Student Chapter

ENFUSE –VIT Student chapter 2018-19 inauguration was held on 19/09/18 at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai campus. Welcome address was delivered by faculty coordinator of ENFUSE-VIT student chapter, Dr. A. Peer Fathima, Professor. The newly elected office bearers were introduced. The chapter was inaugurated by ENFUSE President Mr. S. Ramalingam, Chairman (Retd), CPCL. He delivered a special lecture on “Energy Management -Emerging challenges” for the benefit of ENFUSE members. Quiz program was conducted during the session and prizes were given to the winners.

VIT Student chapter inauguration was held on 16/09/15 at VIT, Chennai campus. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. A. Peer Fathima, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT, Chennai campus and the faculty coordinator of this ENFUSE student chapter. The chapter was inaugurated by Mr. S. Ramalingam, President- ENFUSE. He was introduced by the PG student president Ms. Aditi Mitra. The President- ENFUSE delivered a special lecture on “Towards sustainable Economics: Fostering Green GDP and inclusive growth” for the benefit of VIT students and faculty members. 58 students of VIT, Chennai have registered for the membership and took part in the discussion session on energy related issues with the President-ENFUSE and Mr. S. R. Pradhish Kumar, Member -ENFUSE. The program was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by the student President Mr. Mayank Raj.

On behalf of ENFUSE and VIT student chapter, Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight programme was conducted on 19/1/16 at VIT, Chennai. The welcome address was delivered by Dr.A.Peer Fathima, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT, Chennai campus and the faculty co-ordinator of this ENFUSE student chapter. The President, ENFUSE explained the need for oil and gas conservation and delivered a special lecture on “Energy Management in changing business scenario”. Students of VIT, Chennai took part in the discussion session on energy related issues with the President-ENFUSE. Also on the same day, LPG CLINIC was conducted for the benefit of VIT Lady Faculty and staff members in the afternoon. Mainly he pointed out the problems associated with LPG cylinder. Forty ladies participated in the session and took part in the further discussions with President. Later the quiz Programme was conducted.

ENFUSE conducts an awareness programme about the need for oil and the gas conservation for the benefit of student ENFUSE members on 18-01-2017 & 31-01-2018. The President of ENFUSE, Mr. S. Ramalingam conducted the awareness programme about the need for oil and gas conservation and delivered a special lecture on “National mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency”. LPG clinic was conducted by ENFUSE on the same day for the benefit of our VIT Lady Faculty and staff members with the view to conserve fuel for domestic purposes. Drivers clinic was also organized by ENFUSE and Mr. Murugesan, Energy Auditor conducted the awareness programmme for the benefit of our VIT drivers and helpers. Also, a Quiz programme was conducted by ENFUSE Team and awarded three prizes to our students, Lady faculty, staff members, drivers and helpers.


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IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology)

The IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) On Campus of VIT, Chennai was inaugurated on September 12, 2018. The inaugural ceremony commenced with a welcome address by Faculty advisor of the IET, Dr. Nithya Venkatesan, Associate Professor. She provided a brief elucidation about the newly introduced chapter in our esteemed university. This was followed by the Head of IET, Membership & Partnership, India, Mr. S. Raghavan addressing the student, with an elaborate and effective presentation on the IET On campus, its mission, aim and various benefits of joining the organization. The presentation stressed on the importance of developing and bringing out engineers with international skills and competencies. He illuminated the Mission of IET which is to INSPIRE, INFORM & INFLUENCE the global engineering community, supporting technology & innovation to impact and meet the needs of the society with engineering, science and technology. Dr. S. S. Sridhar, Chairman of IET Local Network (Chennai) described the various opportunities that are available via IET for young professionals to enhance and develop their technical skills which would set them apart from the thousands of engineers that are graduating each year. He also emphasized that his Main Mission is to “Bridge the gap between academia and industries”. His passion and determination to reach excellence was accentuated when he talked about his vision in which he wanted individuals from the Chennai local network to win the well-renowned “Present around the World” competition at the global level. After these informative talks by the guests, office bearers of the IET-VIT On campus (Chennai) for the year 2018-19 were introduced by Dr. S.S. Sridhar. IET, VIT (On Campus) certificate was offered over by the IET team to Dr. Jamuna K, Assistant Director, Student’s welfare on that event.


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IAEMP (Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals)

VIT IAEMP Student chapter was inaugurated at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) Chennai at 23rd February 2018. The function was started with Invocation, welcome address and the Felicitation address was presented by Dr. N. Sambandam,Pro-Vice Chancellor, VIT Chennai and Mr. B. Somasundaram, National Secretary, IAEMP. The Chief Guest for the Inauguration function was Mr. T. Jayaraman, SECO Controls, Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. The opening of VIT IAEMP student Chapter was done by opening the name board in front of the student members.

Two days Workshop on “Energy Management and Conservation” was organized by Dr. K. Jamuna and Prof. S. Angalaeswari in association with VIT IAEMP Student Chapter on 23rd and 24th February 2018. The session was started with the lecture “Steam/Air/Gas Utilities” by Mr. T. Jayaraman. The next session was handled by Mr. C. R. Saravanan, Marketing and sales, Versa drives. He explained about the working of BLDC super energy saver fan followed by a small demo on it. Lecture on “No cost energy conservation” was handled by Mr. Shamseer Ali, Ex, Indian naval artificer. He interacted with the students and explained the need for savings in water, fuel and energy. The entrepreneur program was handled by Ms. Vaishnavi, EQuad Engineering Services. The LEED lab and its importance was briefly explained by Mr. Gowri Shankar and Mr. Nagesh Gupta, GBC. The lecture on “IIOT and ISO standards” was handled by Mr. B. Somasunadaram.

Mr. Ganesamoorthy, Schneider was the chief guest of the valedictory ceremony conducted on 24th February 2018. Mr. Gowri Shankar and Mr. Nagesh Gupta, GBC were the guest of honours for the valedictory function. Certificates were distributed for the participants and the function came to an end with the Oath ceremony.


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