Evaluation of the Effects of Methane Enrichment on a Biogas Fuelled Ci Engine Operated in Dual Fuel and Hcci Modes

Evaluation of the Effects of Methane Enrichment on a Biogas Fuelled Ci Engine Operated in Dual Fuel and Hcci Modes

The SERB-Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India Project amounting to 25.02 Lakhs from 2016-2019 is an ongoing venture initiated by Dr. Saleel Ismail- Assistant Professor School of Mechanical & Building Sciences and Mr Feroskhan M, co-investigator. The project focusses on the ‘Evaluation of the Effects of Methane Enrichment on a Biogas Fuelled CI Engine Operated in Dual Fuel and HCCI Modes’. The Project’s outcome aims to utilize waste as being energy efficient used as renewable energy source for IC engines. Large communities produce biological wastes on a consistent scale, which can be used to produce biogas. By using this biogas to operate an engine coupled to an electric generator, the electric power demand of the community can be met to a certain extent.. The results are achieved by the comparison of two operating modes of biogas fuelled CI engines – dual fuel and HCCI – vis-à-vis performance and emissions and through the numerical simulation of dual fuel and HCCI engine combustion.


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