Second International Virtual Conference:Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS 2022) StartApril 22, 2022EndApril 23, 2022Address VIT Chennai View map 2nd INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCEINTELLIGENT ROBOTICS, MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION SYSTEMSIRMAS 2022Organized bySchool of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)April 22-23, 2022Theme: Innovations towards Automated FutureClick Here for BrochureFor further details please visit our website: + GOOGLE CALENDAR + ICAL IMPORTRelated Events20th Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) conference (WIN 20-21)June 7, 2021 12:00 am28th Indian National Laser Symposium NLS 28January 8, 2020 8:00 am