Finalist in Economic Times Campus Stars 4.0

Finalist in Economic Times Campus Stars 4.0

Nationwide Representation in the Economic Times Campus Stars 4.0

Ms. Aparna Mohan (18BCE1056), was placed among the top 87 finalists and represented our campus nationwide in the Economic Times Campus Stars 4.0. The fourth edition of ET Campus Stars attracted participation from over 40,000 budding engineers from more than 2,000 engineering colleges across the country. The competition encompasses 4 gruelling rounds and in the final round Aparna Mohan had the opportunity to interact with the interviewer, Dr. Frank Gielen (Executive Board Member and Education Director, EIT InnoEnergy) who also worked at AT&T Bell Labs, USA. Economic Times will publish this achievement in all social forums including the national daily newspaper

All the very best for the future endeavour.


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