VIT School of Law (VITSOL)
Clubs and Societies
VITSOL Debate Society
VITSOL Debate Society is started in the VIT School of Law (VITSOL) with the aim to provide recognition and support for law students participating debates in legal issues. The main object of the society is to nurture a rule based debating culture among the law students. Eventually, it introduced various types of debating techniques among the students such as the United States, British and Asian form of parliamentary debate, socio-legal debate, youth parliament etc to the student community. Although debate society focusing primarily on issues relating to law the cross cutting issues of law and cultural, law and economic, law and politics etc must have a prominent place in its activities.
The society is encouraging the students’ participation by conducting frequent internal debate leagues. This society acts as a platform for the students who are all really interested in participating debates in various institutions by conducting intramural competitions and providing expert coaching on debates by involving best debaters for training the young lawyers. The society is also planning to conduct national and international level debate competitions in future. This society gives cutting edge infrastructure to the students to create a constructive environment to meet the required skills in the debate.
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Dean, VIT School of Law,
VIT Chennai
Vandalur- Kelambakkam Road,
Chennai-600127, Tamil Nadu, India.
+91 044-3993 1186