School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)
Journal Publications
[1] Wedyn Noronha, Vedant Joshi and S Jeyanthi, ‘Design of 3D Printed Aircraft Seat Structure using Latticing in combination with Topology Optimization and Generative Design’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[2] M Sai Krishnan, S Jeyanthi, Pradeep Kumar Mani, K T Hareesh and M. C Lenin Babu, ‘Cohesive Zone Modeling for Predicting Interfacial Delamination in over mold Components’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[3] M Gokul, T Gowtham, S Jeyanthi, M C Lenin babu and Elammaran jayamani, ‘Improving Sound Absorption coefficient and analysis of polyurethane foam reinforced with wood powder’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[4] S. Harish, S. Jeyanthi, M. Abinash, R. Suresh Kumar, Sahil Agarwal and G. Venkatachalam, ‘Study of thermal behavior of Aluminium foams in batteries of electric vehicles’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[5] Sandesh R Karande, Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi, P Jeyaraj and Jeyanthi Subramanian, ‘Kinematics and compliance analysis of active suspension system and Development of control algorithm to maximize ride comfort’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[6] Sangram Anil Kanade, Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi, P Jeyaraj and Jeyanthi Subramanian, ‘Buckling and Vibration Behavior of Composite Beam due to Axially Varying In-plane Loads’, IOP CONF PROCEEDING-MATERIALS SCIENCW AND ENGG.
[8] Sivakumar R, Jeyakumar Suppandipillai,Kandasamy Jayaraman; Sivakumar R; Karaca Mehmet; K Karthik, ‘Numerical Investigations on the Hydrogen Jet Pressure Variations in a Strut based Scramjet Combustor’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology.
[9] Feroskhan M, Saleel Ismail, Venugopal Thangavel; Balaji Subramanian; Ram Kishore Sankaralingam; Saleel Ismail; Abhishek Chaudhary;, ‘Effects of operating parameters on the performance, emission and combustion indices of a biogas fuelled HCCI engine’, Fuel.
[10] Feroskhan M, Gobinath N, Piyush Arora, Mihir Rajesh, , ‘Design and Analysis of an FSAE Vehicle Chain Sprocket under Static and Fatigue Loading Conditions’, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing.
[11] Manavalla Sreekanth, Feroskhan M, VISHNU RAJEEV, M, JOSEPH DANIEL, ‘3-E Analysis of a 3500 MW coal fired thermal power plant using alternative coals species’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[12] Manavalla Sreekanth, M. Feroskhan, ‘A Review of the Exergy Analysis of Thermal Management Systems in Electric Vehicles’, International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research.
[13] Manavalla Sreekanth, Venkitesh K.S, Joseph Daniel; Sreekanth M, ‘Thermodynamic Assessment of a Gas Turbine System Combined with a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Powered by Synthetic Gas from Municipal Solid Waste’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[14] Sivakumar R, A. Antony Athithan, S. Jeyakumar, ‘The Effect of Ramp Location in a Strut Based Scramjet Combustor under non reacting flow field’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[15] Sivakumar R, J. Sarathkumar Sebastin, S. Jeyakumar, ‘Numerical Investigation on Pylon and Flush Wall Injection in Cold Coaxial Jets’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[16] Sivakumar R, S A Prabhaharan, G Vinayagamurthy, KB Rajasekarababu, ‘CFD simulation for pedestrian comfort and wind safety in VIT campus for wind resource management’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[19] V. M. Gobinath, K. Annamalai, ‘Experimental investigation of Te addition on chilled cast iron tappet manufacturing process’, Materials and Manufacturing Process.
[20] R Jafrin Beryl, A N Saravanan, K Annamalai and K Janardhan Reddy, ‘Design verification through tolerance stack up analysis of mechanical assembly for 3d printed components’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[21] V Ram Murthy, K Annamalai and M Elango, ‘Numerical analysis of hat stiffened composite panels for pre and post buckling conditions’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[22] CH Mounika, K Annamalai, S Vinoth kumar and A Ponraj, ‘Design and Vibration Analysis of Pump Assembly for Two Types of Cushy Mount’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[23] CH Kesava Manikanta Kumar, K Annamalai, S Vinoth kumar and A Ponraj, ‘Design and Vibration Analysis of Injection Moulding Machine Base Structure’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[24] Shyam Kumar M B,A.Pavansai, Dr.R.Harish, P.Deepak; S.Rahul Hari; , ‘Analyzing social distancing policy effectiveness using Computational Fluid Dynamics inside a bus to prevent COVID-19 airborne transmission’, IOP Cpnference Series : Materials Science and Engineering.
[25] Omkar, B.L.R., Tula, A., Gadi, S. and Thangavel, Venugopal, ‘Development of Thermoelectric Power Generation from Waste Heat of Buildings and Domestic Appliances’, Chem. Eng. Technol.
[26] A Abi Mathew, V Thangavel, Venugopal, ‘A novel thermal storage integrated evacuated tube heat pipe solar air heater: Energy, exergy, economic and environmental impact analysis’, Solar Energy.
[27] M. Feroskhan, Venugopal Thangavel, Balaji Subramanian, Ram Kishore Sankaralingam, Saleel Ismail, Abhishek Chaudhary, ‘ Effects of operating parameters on the performance, emission and combustion indices of a biogas fuelled HCCI engine,’, Fuel.
“[28] M. Sai Santosh Pavan Kumar, T. Christo Michael, ‘Effect of Shape Imperfections on Collapse Moment of Strain Hardened Pipe Bends under
in-plane Opening Bending Moment’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.”
[29] P Maurya, N Mulani; C Michael; D Jebaseelan, ‘Failure Analysis of Drive Axle Shaft failed under Torsional Stress’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[30] Anand V,Davidson Jebaseelan, Amit Dongale; M. Jagannath; Christo Michael, ‘Experimental and Numerical Study on Ergonomic Evaluation of Automotive Seating Comfort’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[31] Hazra, S. and Janardhan Reddy, K., ‘Impact of Powertrain Dimensional Variation on Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Noise for Cradle Type Electric Vehicle ‘, SAE International.
[32] Hazra, S. and Janardhan Reddy, K., ‘Effect of Driveshaft Angle on Turning Noise in Electric Vehicles and Solution Development Approach’, SAE International.
[33] B P Harsha, P Jeyaraj, M C Lenin Babu, ‘Effect of porosity and profile axial loading on elastic buckling and free vibration of functionally graded porous beam’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
“[34] Ahmed A. Hussien1,Isam Qasem, Pramodkumar S. Kataraki, Wael Al-Kouz, Ayub Ahmed Janvekar, ‘Studying the Performance of Cutting Carbon Fibre-Reinforced
Plastic Using an Abrasive Water Jet Technique’, Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering .”
[35] Bhisham Kumar Dhurandher, ‘Computation of a Compartment Fire with Smagorinsky Sub-Grid Scale Model ‘, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering .
[36] S. Sivashanakariah, Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, ‘Strength degradation of glass epoxy composites under hygrothermal environment’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[37] S Sivashanakariah, Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, J Venkata Rajesh, ‘Post-curing effect on flexural strength of glass epoxy composites’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[38] R. Harikrishnan, Bhaskara Rao Lokavarapu, ‘Design and analysis of rocket nozzle’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[39] Alampally Sainath, Prathamesh Mahesh Dehadray, P. Bharath, LokavarapuBhaskara Rao, ‘The thermal and stress analysis of disc brake’, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[40] Ayush Thada, Shreyash Panchal, Ashutosh Dubey, ‪Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, ‘Machine learning based frequency modeling’, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
[41] Author Name (S), ‘Title of paper’, Name of journal.
[42] Kandasamy Jayaraman, Ponnurengam Malliappan Sivakumar; Ali Zarrabi ; R. Sivakumar; S. Jeyakumar, ‘Combustion Characteristics of Nanoaluminium-Based Composite Solid Propellants: An Overview’, Journal of Chemistry.
[43] M. Vinothkumar, ‘Silane Grafted Cellulose and Biosilica Toughened Glass-Epoxy Composite: Mechanical, Hydrophobicity and Low Velocity Impact Behavior’, Silicon.
[44] M. Sai Santosh Pavan Kumar; K. Karunamurthy; M.B. Shyam Kumar; R. Harish, ‘Regenerative Flow Pumps, Blowers and Compressors – A Review’, The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.
[45] Jeyakumar, Jayaraman,Mehmet Karaca; K. Karthik; R. Sivakumar, ‘Effect of Hydrogen Jets in Supersonic Mixing using Strut Injection Schemes’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[46] Krishnakumar Krishnasamy, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, ‘Investigation on metallurgy and material strength enhancement of 20MnCr5 forged’, World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development.
[47] Jeyakumar, Jayaraman, Mehmet Karaca; K. Karthik; R. Sivakumar, ‘Effect of Hydrogen Jets in Supersonic Mixing using Strut Injection Schemes’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[48] S. Sudhagar, Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, ‘Analytical and Experimental Studies on Wear in Spur Gear Running in Dry Condition’, Journal of Tribology.
[49] S. Naveen; V. Sugumaran, ‘A combined approach of convolutional neural networks and machine learning for visual fault classification in photovoltaic modules’, Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability.
[50] Sivarajan, ‘Nano-structured coatings for protection of wear and corrosion’, Nano-structured coatings for protection of wear and corrosion.
[51] A.Karthik, R.Karunanithi, S.A.Srinivasan, S.P.Kumaresh Babu, R.Narayanan, ‘Beneficial effect of CeO2 on the corrosion behaviour of AA2219 squeeze cast composites – An experimental investigation’, Materials Letters.
[52] M Senthilkumar, M Vanmathi, G Sakthivel, ‘A systematic review of current status of Zirconia bonding with novel silane couplant for dental restorations.’, Silicon.
“[53] Naveen Venkatesh Sridharan, V Sugumaran, ‘Convolutional Neural Network based Automatic Detection of Visible Faults in a Photovoltaic Module’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects.”
“[54] Frranc Steeve I. M, Vidhyasagar Jhade, Anil Kumar Sharma & Joseph Daniel , ‘Investigations on the interaction of surface radiation and turbulent natural convection in enclosures with multiple positions of source and sink’, Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences.”
“[55] Janjanam N., Nimmagadda R., Asirvatham L.G., Harish R., Wongwises S., ‘Conjugate heat transfer performance of stepped lid-driven cavity with Al2O3/water nanofluid under forced and mixed convection’, N Applied Sciences .”
“[56] Anuraghava C., Abhiram K., Naveen Sai Reddy V., Rajan H., ‘CFD modelling of airborne virus diffusion characteristics in a negative pressure room with mixed mode ventilation’, International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization.”
“[57] R Manimaran, ‘A review of computational studies on the effect of physical variables in direct injection diesel engines’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.”
“[58] R Jegadeeshwaran, ‘Supervision of milling tool inserts using conventional and artificial intelligence approach: A review’, Sound and Vibration.”
[59] Author Name (S), ‘Title of paper’, Name of journal.
[60] senthil kumat M, Gnanasekaran Sakthivel; M. Vanmathi , ‘A Systematic Review on Current Status of Zirconia Bonding with Novel Silane Couplant for Dental Restorations’, Silicon.
[61] Elammaran Jayamani, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh al Mzrouie , P.V.S. Hari Prashanth , S. Jeyanthi , ‘Effect of chemical treatments on polarization and dielectric properties of Kumpang wood reinforced epoxy composite’, materials today.
[62] R.Mohan, N.Harshavardhana, Manish Chaudhari, S.Jeyanthi and GiridharanAbimannan, ‘Analysis on surface finish and chip morphology during dry turning process’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[63] Venkata Rajesh J. and Giridharan Abimannan,, ‘Assessment on surface integrity of AISI 304 steel during powder mixed electrical’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[64] T,Ramkumar, M.Selvakumar, R.Narayanan, M.Mohanraj, ‘Grain size refinement, texture analysis and effect on the tensile properties of’, Materials Lettters.
[65] R.Anand and VG Sridhar, ‘Microstructure and mechanical properties of interlock friction stir weld lap joint AA7475-T7 using fractional factorial design.’, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
[66] Mohammad Nishat Akhtar, Qummare Azam, Tarik Adnan Almohamad, Junita Mohamad-Saleh, Elmi Abu Bakar, Ayub Ahmed Janvekar , ‘An Overview of Multi-Core Network-on-Chip System to Enable Task Parallelization Using Intelligent Adaptive Arbitration’, Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics.
[67] R. Thiayagarajan, M. Senthilkumar, ‘A review on Closed cell metal matrix syntactic foams : A Green Initiative towards Eco-sstainablity’, Materials & Manufacturig Processes.
[68] Sivaprakash V., Narayanan R, ‘Anodic synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes by step-up voltages’, Journal of Composite Materials.
[69] Sridevi A., Ramji B.R., Prasanna Venkatesan G.K.D., Sugumaran V, Selvakumar P., ‘A facile synthesis of TiO2/BiOCl and TiO2/BiOCl/La2O3 heterostructure photocatalyst for enhanced charge Separation efficiency with improved UV-light catalytic activity towards Rhodamine B and Reactive Yellow 86’, Inorganic Chemistry Communications.
[70] Venkatesh S.N., Sugumaran V., ‘A combined approach of convolutional neural networks and machine learning for visual fault classification in photovoltaic modules’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability.
[71] Anand R., Sridhar V.G., ‘Microstructure and mechanical properties of interlock friction stir weld lap joint AA7475-T7 using fractional factorial design’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
[72] Shelar V., Subramani S., Davidson J., ‘R-tree data structure implementation for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools’, nternational Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization.
[1] Manu Dubey, Saksham Bhardwaj, R. Harish, MB Shyamkumar, ‘Simulation of electric vehicle using SCILAB for formula student appliction’, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering.
[2] S.Harish, R. Harish and MB Shyamkumar, ‘Numerical simulation of melting behavior of nano-enhanced phase change material in differently heated cavity’, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering.
[3] M Elango and K Annamalai, ‘Machining Parameter Optimization of Al/SiC/Gr Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites usi’, FME Transactions.
[4] Khutal K, Kathiresan G, Ashok K, Simhachalam B, Jebaseelan DD, ‘Design Validation Methodology for Bicycle Frames Using Finite Element Analysis’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[5] Mohamed Fazil M. S., Arockia Selvakumar A., Daniel Schilberg , ‘Stereo Vision Based Robot for Remote Monitoring with VR Support ‘, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
[6] Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Singularity Analysis of 3 DOF Parallel Manipulators for Angular Drilling in Medi’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
[7] S. Shankar Narayanan, Arockia Selvakumar A, Michael Short, ‘IoT Based Multi-Terrain Rover for Urban Search and Rescue Application’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
[8] Arockia Selvakumar A., Aniket Babar, ‘Design and Development of IoT Integrated PLC Based Material Handling System’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
[9] M Elango K Annamalai, ‘Machinining Parameter Optimization of HMM Composites using AI’, Test Engineering and Management.
[10] CM Sivaraja, G Sakthivel, R Jegadeeshwaran, ‘Selection of optimum bio-diesel fuel blend using fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR ap’, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.
[11] Adarsh Abi Mathew, Venugopal. T, ‘Investigation on indirect natural convection solar drying of anti-diabetic medicinal products’, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.
[12] Aravindh Kolanchinathan, Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Cloud based IoT Applications for Industrial and Home Automation’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
[13] Ponraj C., Vinitha G., Daniel J., ‘Visible light photocatalytic activity of Mn-doped BiFeO3 nanoparticles’, International Journal of Green Energy.
[14] Takalkar, A.S., Mailan Chinnapandi, L.B., ‘Investigation of thermal properties of Al1050/SS304 sandwich composite sheet by using a numerical, analytical and experimental approach’, Materials Research Express.
[15] Mathew John M, Amal Jose AV, Deivanathan R, ‘Remote Temperature Monitoring using Thermocouple Sensor via Internet Service ‘, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
[16] Alamelu Manghai T. M.; Jegadeeshwaran R.; Sakthivel G.; Saravanakumar D.; Sivakumar R., ‘Condition Monitoring of Hydraulic Brake System Using Rough Set Theory & FRNN’, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) .
[17] R. Pradeep and T. Venugopal, ‘Experimental study of lithium-ion battery cooling using mixture of phase change ‘, International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
[18] Naveen Kumar P.; Sakthivel G.; Jegadeeshwaran R.; Saravanakumar D.; Sivakumar R., ‘Vibration Based IC Engine Fault Diagnosis Using Tree Family Classifiers ‘, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES).
[19] Natrayan L & Senthil Kumar M, ‘A potential review on influence of process parameter and effect of reinforcement on mechanical and tribological behaviour of HMMC using squeeze casting method’, Journal of critical reviews.
[20] Konuru S.L.K., Umasankar V., Sarkar B., Sarma A., ‘Microstructure and mechanical properties of Tungsten and TungstenTantalum thin film deposited RAFM steel’, Materials Research Innovations.
[21] Venkateswara Rao R., Senthil Kumar M., ‘Effect of pin geometry on material flow characteristics of friction stir welded dissimilar AA6061/AA2014 alloys’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
[22] K A., G B., Nath B., Jose N., ‘Free vibration analysis of an aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel filled with CFRP tubes–numerical study’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
[23] Koli S., Chellapandi P., Bhaskara Rao L., Sawant A., ‘Study on JWL equation of state for the numerical simulation of near-field and far-field effects in underwater explosion scenario’, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journa.
[24] VT Gannesh, R Sivakumar, G Sakthivel , ‘FIXED DISPLACEMENT GEROTOR OIL PUMP (FDOP): A SURVEY’, International Journal of Ambient Energy.
[25] K DasaradhaRamaiah K Gangadhar, T Kannan, G Sakthivel, ‘Unsteady free convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a stretching su’, International Journal of Ambient Energy.
[26] Suryanarayanan R., Sridhar V.G, ‘Effect of Process Parameters in Pinless Friction Stir Spot Welding of Al 5754-Al 6061 Alloys’, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis.
[27] J Jayakrishnan, A Manghai, R Jegadeeshwaran, ‘Real Time Condition Monitoring on Brakes using Machine Learning Techniques’, IEEE International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP).
[28] Sivaprakash Vetrivel and R. Narayanan, ‘Experimental investigation on corrosion behavior of rolled AA6061’, Materials Today Proceedings.
[29] S Sivarajan R Padmanabhan, ‘Formability enhancement of high strength steel using modification of contact with friction condition’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.
[30] S Sivarajan R Padmanabhan,Joseph.T.Stokes, ‘Effect of power and scan speed on the melt profile and hardness of lasertreated HVOF thermally sprayed nanostructured WC-12Co mixed with Inconel 625 coatings’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.
[31] Subramanian B., Thangavel Venugopal, ‘Analysis of onsite HHO gas generation system’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[32] Purushothaman Y., Yoganandan N., Jebaseelan D., Choi H., Baisden J., ‘External and internal responses of cervical disc arthroplasty and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: A finite element modeling study’, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
[33] Mallieswaran K., Padmanabhan R., ‘Effect of sheet thickness on the FSW parameters for dissimilar aluminium grades tailor welded blanks’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.
[34] Pradeep R., Venugopal T., ‘Experimental study of lithium-ion battery cooling using mixture of phase change materials’, International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
[35] M Elango and K. Annamalai, ‘High Speed Machining and Optimisation of Al/SiC/Gr Hybrid Metal matrix Composite’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
[36] Soundararajan K and Janardhan Reddy K, ‘Quality improvement through the application of quality tools and simulation tech’, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage.
[37] Suryanarayanan R., Sridhar V.G., ‘Process parameter optimisation in pinless friction stir spot welding of dissimilar aluminium alloys using Multi-start algorithm’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
[38] Mandhare N.A., Karunamurthy K., Ismail S., ‘Computational investigation of flow over nose cap of closed impeller of mixed flow centrifugal pump’, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME.
[39] Natrayan L., Senthil Kumar M, ‘Optimization of squeeze casting process parameters on aa2024/al2o3/sic/gr hybrid composite using taguchi and jaya algorithm’, International Journal of Control and Automation.
[40] Sivarajan S., Padmanabhan R, ‘Formability enhancement of high strength steel using modification of contact with friction conditions’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.
[41] Elango M., Annamalai K, ‘High speed machining and optimisation of Al/SiC/Gr hybrid metal matrix composites using ANOVA and grey relational analysis’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
[42] Revathi S., Padmapriya N., Padmanabhan R., ‘Analytical modelling and numerical simulation of 0– 3 PZT/PVDF composite actuated micropump’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.
[43] Krishnakumar Krishnasamy, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, ‘Metallurgical Failure Analysis and Improved Core Hardness to Enhance Crushing Stg Strength, Wear Resistance and Fatigue Strength of Chain Bush’, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention.
[44] Krishnakumar, Arockia Selvakumar, ‘Metallurgical investigation of failure analysis in industrial machine components’, Materials Today Proceedings.
[45] Timir Patel , Ashutosh Dubey & Feroskhan M, ‘Investigation on the effect of intake air pressure in a biogas diesel fueled dual fuel engine’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects.
[46] K Balachandar, R Jegadeeshwaran, D Gandhikumar, ‘Condition monitoring of FSW tool using vibration analysis: A machine learning app’, Materials Today: Proceedings.
[47] Neeta A. Mandhare, K. Karunamurthy, Saleel Ismail, ‘Computational Investigation of Flow Over Nose Cap of Closed Impeller of Mixed Fl’, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology: ASME Transactions.
[48] Vishnu Rajeev, , M. Sreekanth , M. Feroskhan, Joseph Daniel, ‘Energy and Exergy Analysis of a 3500 MW Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant using Cy’, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development.
[50] Radha R, Sreekanth D, ‘Electroless tin coated hydroxyapatite reinforced Mg–Sn alloy composite for enhanced bio corrosion resistance and bioactivity’, Composites Communications.
[51] Radha R, Sreekanth D, ‘Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of hydroxypatite reinforced Mg-Sn alloy composite by squeeze casting for biomeical aapplictions ‘, Journal of Magnesium and alloys.
[52] P.Tamilselvan & Gangeya Srinivasu Goteti, ‘Experimental Analysis of VCR Engine Operated with Prosopis Juliflora Biodiesel B’, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research.
[53] , ‘Optimization of Squeeze Casting Process Parameters to Investigate the Mechanical Properties of AA6061/Al2O3/SiC Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites by Taguchi and Anova Approach – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing’, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
[54] Patil A, Jebaseelan DD, ‘Tribology, characterization, and Surface Roughness Study of a CAD/CAM-Fabricated Zirconia. ‘, Journal of Bio-and Tribo-Corrosion.
[55] Ramalingam M, Thirumurugan MA, Kumar TA, Jebaseelan DD, Jebaraj C, ‘Response characteristics of car seat suspension using intelligent control policies under small and large bump excitations’, International Journal of Dynamics and Control.
[56] Kumar A., Gunasekaran V., Chinnapandi L.B.M., Pitchaimani J., ‘Acoustic response behavior of porous 3D graphene foam plate’, Applied Acoustics.
[57] Gopalan V., Gompa S., Challa V.P., Gangwal Y., Pragasam V., Krishnamoorthy A, ‘Investigations on surface roughness of natural (Banana / coir / sisal) fiber reinforced hybrid polymer matrix composites’, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering.
[58] Pradeepkumar H., Sakthivel G., Shankar S, ‘Prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders among occupational bus drivers of Karnataka, South India’, Work (Reading, Mass.).
[59] Krishnakumar Krishnasamy, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, ‘Enhancement of Fatigue Strength on SAE 1541 Steel Link Plate with Slip Ball Burn’, Defence Science Journal.
[60] VISHNU RAJEEV, M. SREEKANTH, M. FEROSKHAN & JOSEPH DANIEL, ‘ENERGY AND EXERGY ANALYSIS OF A 3 x 500 MW COAL FIRED THERMAL POWER PLANT USING CYCLE TEMPO’, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD).
[61] Tamilselvan, ‘Experimental analysis of VCR engine operated with prosofis juliflora biodiesel blends’, International Journal of renewable Energy Research.
[62] Feroskhan, ‘Investigation on the effect of intake air pressure in a biogas-diesel fueled dual-fuel engine’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects.
[63] Umasankar, ‘Performance prediction through OEEmodel’, nternational Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management.
[64] LeninBabu MC, ‘Vibro-acoustics response of an isotropic plate under non-uniform edge loading: An analytical investigation’, Aerospace Science and Technology.
[65] Venkatachalam G, ‘Dynamic characteristics of a honeycomb sandwich beam made with jute/epoxy composite skin’, Emerging Materials Research.
[66] Venkatachalam, ‘Studies on shear strength of CNT/coirfibre/fly-ash reinforced epoxy polymer composites’, Emerging Materials Research.
[67] LeninBabu MC, ‘Formability prediction of the Al1050/SS304 sandwich composite sheet by using a numerical and experimental approach.’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies..
[68] Venkatachalam, ‘Determination of Fatigue Limit of Coir/CNT/Fly Ash Reinforced Epoxy Polymer Matrix Composite’, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering.
[69] Sakthivel G, ‘Boundary layer flow of nanofluids to analyse the heat absorption/generation over a stretching sheet with variable suction/injection in the presence of viscous dissipation’, International Journal of Ambient Energy.
[70] Timir Patel , Ashutosh Dubey & Feroskhan M, ‘ Investigation on the effect of intake air pressure in a biogas diesel fueled dual fuel engine’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects.
[71] Nageswara Rao Manchi A, Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Performance Evaluation of Fabricated Hybrid Composite Structures for Robot’, International Journal of Advance Science and Technology.
[72] T. Muthuramalingam & D. Saravanakumar & L. Ganesh Babu & Nguyen Huu Phan & Vu Ngoc Pi, ‘Experimental Investigation of White Layer Thickness on EDM Processed Silicon Steel using ANFIS approach’, Silicon.
[73] J V Rajesh and Abimannan Giridharan, ‘A study on influence of peak current and ultrasonic vibration during PMEDM proce’, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[74] J V Rajesh, Kushpreet Singh and Abimannan Giridharan, ‘Comparison on machining characteristics of AISI 304 steel during micro and nano ‘, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
[75] Varanasi Lakshmi Narayana, Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, Siva Bhaskara Rao Devireddy, ‘Effect of Fiber Percentage and Stacking Sequence on Mechanical Performance of Unidirectional Hemp and Palmyra Reinforced Hybrid Composites’, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials.
[76] Venugopal, ‘Experimental investigations on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of DieselHydrogen and diesel-HHO gas in a Dual fuel CI engine’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[77] V G Sridhar, ‘Effects of SiC and Al2O3 Reinforcement of Varied Volume Fractions on Mechanical and Micro Structure Properties of Interlock FSW Dissimilar Joints AA7075-T6-AA7475-T7.’, Silicon.
[78] G Sakthivel, M.Senthilkumar, ‘SiC Reinforcement in the Synthesis and Characterization of A356/AL2O3/Sic/Gr Reinforced Composite- Paving a Way for the Next Generation of Aircraft Applications.’, Silicon.
[79] Natrayan (no faculty), ‘Pervasive computing in the context of COVID-19 prediction with AI-based algorithms.’, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications.
[80] Karunamurthy K, ‘Thermodynamic analysis of gasoline-fueled electronic fuel injection digital three-spark ignition (EFI-DTSI) engine’, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
[81] Maharshi, S., Janardhan Reddy, K., ‘Predicting Life-Cycle Estimation of Electric Vehicle Battery Pack through Degrad’, SAE International.
[82] W. Waman, R. Harish, ‘Influence of volume blockage ratio on turbulent buoyant plume dispersion in mixed ventilated tunnel’, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics.
[83] R.Harish, R.Sivakumar, ‘Turbulent thermal convection of nanofluids in cubical enclosure using two-phase mixture model’, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.
[84] R. Manimaran, ‘Review of vortex tube: a sustainable and energy separation device for multi-purp’, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
[85] Soundararajan, K. , Janardhan Reddy, K., ‘Productivity and quality improvement through DMAIC in SME’, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management.
[86] Akash Prajapati, Desai Sanjay, and Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, ‘Noise Absorption Behavior of Aluminum Honeycomb Composite’, SAE International.
[87] M.Senthilkumar, ‘An integrated artificial neural network and Taguchi approach to optimize the squeeze cast process parameters of AA6061/Al2O3/SiC/Gr hybrid composites prepared by novelencapsulaition feeding technique’, Materials Today Communication.
[88] Umasankar, ‘Deposition of Tungsten – Tantalum composite coating on RAFM steel by sputtering deposition process’, Fusion Engineering and Design.
[89] Venkatachalam G, ‘Investigation on machining characteristics of banana fiber and silicon carbide reinforced polymer matrix composites’, Engineering Transactions.
[90] Sugumaran V, ‘Comparative study on tool fault diagnosis methods using vibration signals and cutting force signals by machine learning technique’, SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring.
[91] M. Senthilkumar, ‘An integrated artificial neural network and Taguchi approach to optimize the squeeze cast process parameters of AA6061/Al2O3/SiC/Gr hybrid composites prepared by novelencapsulaition feeding technique’, Materials Today Communication.
[92] V.G. Sridhar, ‘Studies on the influence of process parameters in friction stir spot welded joints – A review’, Materials Today Proceedings.
[93] Vijay Gunasekaran, Jeyaraj Pitchaimani, Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi, ‘Analytical investigation on free vibration frequencies of polymer nano composite plate: Effect of graphene grading and non-uniform edge loading’, Materials today communications.
[94] Annamalai K, ‘Investigation of Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites for Automotive Applications’, SAE International.
[95] Pritish Bodke and Nikhita K. Venkat, Thangavel Venugopal, ‘Investigations on Computational Meshing Techniques of FSAE Space Frame Chassis’, SAE Technical papers.
[96] Thangavel Venugopal, Manshu Gupta, Prateek Arora, and R. Narayanan, ‘Graphene Oxide Coated on Copper-Based Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler for Future Automotive Engines’, SAE Technical papers.
[97] Hazra, S. and K,Janardhan Reddy, ‘Study of Dynamics Stiffness and Shape Factor of Rubber Mounts to Address High-Frequency Resonance Issue in Electric Powertrain Mounting System’, SAE Technical papers.
[98] Santosh Kumar Jammu, Chandra Sekhar Pragada, Tejo Pavan Karicharla, Gobinath N, Shyam Kumar M B, Feroskhan M, ‘An Efficient Cooling Tower for a Stationary Engine’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
[99] Raj Neeraj Bandi, Ankith Bommisetty, Tharundeep K, Dineshkumar M, Deveshwaran S, Gobinath N and Feroskhan M, ‘Effects of Butanol blending ratio in biogas-biodiesel dual fuel engine’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
[100] Aaradhya Bansal, Debdutta Chatterjee, Buland Pradhan, Varun Darshan, Reuben Dan, Feroskhan M., Gobinath N., ‘Investigations on biogas fuelled HCCI engine with DEE-biodiesel-butanol blend as pilot fuel’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
[101] Balaji Subramanian, Venugopal T, Feroskhan M, Sivakumar R, ‘Emission Characteristic of a Dual fuel Compression Ignition Engine Operating on Diesel + Hydrogen & Diesel + HHO gas with same Energy Share at Idling Condition’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
[102] C Prem Balaji, C Mukundhan, R. Harish and M.B. Shyam Kumar, ‘Production of Bio-Hydrogen from Agricultural residues : A Contemporary Review’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
[103] Bhargava Srusti, S Aravind, K Yadhu, V Aashish and M.B.Shyam Kumar, ‘Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Car Cabin Temperature under Solar Load Condition using Phase Change Materials’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[104] Bhargava Srusti, S Rajat, K Amar, S Daksh and M.B.Shyam Kumar, ‘Experimental and Numerical investigation to Maintain the inside temperature of wooden Transport/storage box by incorporating Phase Change Material’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[105] K.S.Maanav Charan, M.B.Shyam Kumar and R.Harish, ‘Multiple Reactor System for Biohydrogen And Bioethanol Production’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[106] M.B.Shyam Kumar and R.Harish, ‘Thermal analysis of phase change materials inside a square enclosure’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[107] Bala Akash, M.B.Shyam Kumar and R.Harish, ‘Thermal performance of nanoparticle enhanced phse change material in a concentric cylindrical enclosure’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[108] Ashley A Mason, R. Harish, MB Shyam Kumar, ‘Numerical investigation of aerodynamic performance of H-Darrieus wind turbine under turbulent flow’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[109] K. Rohit kumar, V. Sharan, R. Harish, MB Shyam Kumar, ‘Numerical study of thermal cooling of Li-ion battery packusing phase change material’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[110] Sourang S, S.Harish, R.Harish, MB Shyamkumar, ‘Simulatin of het-trasnfer characteristics of phase change material dispersed with TiO2 nanopartilesin horizontal channel’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[111] Sugumaran V, ‘Fault diagnosis of visual faults in photovoltaic modules; A review’, International Journal of Green Energy.
[112] Vinayamurthy G, ‘CFD validation of wind pressur distribution on a tall building under the influence of upstream terrain’, Progress in computational fluid dynamics.
[113] Lenin Babu MC, ‘An Experimental Investigation on acoustical properties of organic foam ‘, Journal of The Institution of Engineers Series D.
[114] Lenin Babu MC, ‘Multi-stage deep drawing process of axis-symmetric extra deep drawing steel cylindrical cup’, Engineering Research express.
[115] M. Senthilkumar, ‘Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of thick dissimilar light weight material joints fabricated by friction stir welding’, Indian Welding Journal.
[116] Purushothaman Y, Choi H, Yoganandan N, Jebaseelan D, Baisden J, Kurpad S, ‘ A Comparison Study of Four Cervical Disk Arthroplasty Devices Using Finite Element Models’, Asian Spine Journal.
[117] Lenin Babu, ‘Impact of fiber length and surface modification on the acoustic behaviour of jute fiber’, Applied Acoustics.
[118] Radha R & Sreekanth D, ‘Electroless tin coated hydroxyapatite reinforced Mg–Sn alloy composite for enhanced bio corrosion resistance and bioactivity’, Composites communications.
[119] Sakthivel G, ‘Correlation of combustion noise with ignition-timing in an IC engine’, International Journal of Ambient Energy.
[120] Karunamurthy K, ‘Prediction of Thermal Performance of Cooling Tower of a Chiller Plant Using Machine Learning’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[121] Karunamurthy K, ‘Carbon Capture and Storage Using Renewable Energy Sources: A Review’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[122] Tapan Mujumdar, Asim Sneh, Manshu Gupta and T. Venugopal, ‘A Design Analysis of Suspension Energy Regenerative System Using Dynamo Damping’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[123] Aditya Raj Chhetri, Baretto Russel John, Arunabha Das, T. Venugopal, N Gobinath, ‘Effect of phase change material and orientation angles on the efficiency of hexagonal solar photo-voltaic module’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science .
[124] Venkatachalam, ‘Investigation on thermal buckling Analysis of Jute/Epoxy Polymer Matrix Composite’, Emerging Materials Research.
[125] Lenin Babu, ‘Acoustic behaviour of 3D printed bio-degradable micro-perforated panels with varying perforation cross-sections’, Applied Acoustics.
[126] Jegadeeshwaran R, ‘A machine learning approach for vibration-based multipoint tool insert health prediction on vertical machining centre (VMC)’, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation.
[127] Lenin Babu MC & Jeyanthi S, ‘Investigation of deep drawing of lightweight bimetallic Al1050/SS304 sandwich composite cup’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
[128] Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Maze path planning of mobile robots by gradient map rendering and gradient follow’, International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems.
[129] Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Obstacle avoidance system and wireless communication for an unmanned underwater vehicle for low depth water surfaces’, International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems.
[130] Davidson J, ‘Effect of heterotopic ossification after bryan-cervical disc arthroplasty on adjacent level range of motion: A finite element study’, Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma.
[131] Sasikumar M, ‘An analysis of recent developments in sheet moulding compound composites and their mechanical performance’, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development.
[132] Raghukiran N & Janardhan Reddy, ‘Productivity enhancement by using programmable logic controller-based automated guided vehicles for material handling’, International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation.
[133] Umashankar. M, Annamalai K, ‘Influence of Nickel Particulate reinforcement on Morphological and Mechanical Properties of ZA-27alloy composites’, Solid State Technology.
[134] Yoganandan N, Choi H, Purushothaman Y, Jebaseelan D, Baisden J, Kurpad S, ‘Effects of different severities of disc degeneration on the range of motion of cervical spine’, Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine.
[135] Mehul Bhogaita, D. Devaprakasam,, ‘Hybrid photoanode of TiO2-ZnO synthesized by co-precipitation route for dye-sensitized solar cell using phyllanthus reticulatas pigment sensitizer’, Solar Energy.
[136] Nihal Mishra , Abhishek Thapliyal , Shubham Mitra , Feroskhan M & Shyam Kumar M B, ‘Investigations on Biogas Fueled Dual Fuel DIesel Engine Employing Dimethyl Carbonate as a Fuel Blend’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects.
[137] V.Sivaprakash, R.Narayanan, ‘Anodic Synthesis of TiO2 Nanotubes Influence of Water Content and the Analysis of the Nano-Mechanical Application’, journal of bo – tribo corrosion.
[138] Gowri Shankar, Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘A Standardised Review on Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton’, European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine.
[139] Gowri Shankar, Arockia Selvakumar A, ‘Detection and Manipulation of Pneumatic Walking Assistive Device Using Integrated Sytem and ANN Classifier’, Solid State Technology.
[140] Thozur Loganathan, K. Vindkumar, Iyappa, G. Mahendran, Venkatachalam G, ‘Mechanial and vibrational property evaluation of banana fiber – epoxy sandwich composite with steel wire mesh core’, Journal of natural fibers.
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[5] R. Aylmer Britto, Shreya Sinha, Swastika Palit, Arockia Selvakumar*,”pH Monitoring IOT Controlled Biomimetic Robotic Fish” , International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ,ISSN: 2277-3878
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[27] R. Aylmer Britto, Shreya Sinha, Swastika Palit, Arockia Selvakumar*,”pH Monitoring IOT Controlled Biomimetic Robotic Fish” ,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ,ISSN: 2277-3878
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[42] G Sakthivel, Bernard W Ikua,”A novel approach for failure mode and effect analysis in propeller shaft manufacturing industry using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and GRA VIKOR” ,International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management,SSN online: 1746-6482; ISSN print: 1746-6474
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[46] Alamelu Manghai T M, Jegadeeshwaran R and Sakthivel G,”Real time condition monitoring of hydraulic brake system using naive bayes and bayes net algorithms” ,IOP: Materials Science and Engineering, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757-8981
[47] G Sakthivel, S. Senthil Kumar and M. Ilangkumaran,”A genetic algorithm-based artificial neural network model with TOPSISapproach to optimize the engine performanc” ,BIOFUELS, Print ISSN: 1759-7269 Online ISSN: 1759-7277
[48] Alamelu Manghai T. M.; Jegadeeshwaran R.,”Vibration based real time brake health monitoring system: A machine learning approach” ,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,1757-899X
[49] Alamelu Manghai T. M.; Jegadeeshwaran R.; Sakthivel G,”Real time condition monitoring of hydraulic brake system using naive bayes and bayes net algorithms” ,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,1757-899X
[50] A D Patange; Jegadeeshwaran R.; N C Dhobale.,”Milling cutter condition monitoring using machine learning approach” ,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,1757-899X
[51] Graceson Jeriel Frederick; Sakthivel G; Jagadeeshwaran R,”Impact of Adaboost and Support Vector Machine Classifier in Automotive Sector” ,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,1757-899X
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[69] Vimalanand, S., Venkatachalam, G., Nikam, T.D., Jog, O.V., and Suryavanshi, R.T,”Determination of Vibrational Characteristics of Coir, Banana and Aloe Vera Fibre” , International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration,1027-5851
[70] Venkatachalam, G., Akshay, I., Giriraj, M., Vignesh, P., Aamer, A.K. and Rishi Dam,”The Effect of Fiber Size on Tensile Characteristics of Natural Fiber Reinforced ” ,Emerging Materials Research,20460155, 20460147
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[79] Shankarganesh, P.S.P., Muralikannan, R.B and Venkatachalam, G.,”Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid (glass- jute/ sisal/ hemp) fiber” ,Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association,13104772
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[103] P. S. Anoop and V. Sugumaran ,”Classifying Machine Learning Features Extracted from Vibration Signal with Logistic Model Tree to Monitor Automobile Tyre Pressure ” , SDHM,19302991, 19302983
[104] Rahul Kumar Sharma, V. Sugumaran, Hemantha Kumar , Amarnath M, “Condition Monitoring of Roller Bearing by K-Star Classifier and K-Nearest Neighborhood Classifier Using Sound Signal” , SDHM,19302991, 19302983
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[110] Karunamurthy Krishnasamy*, Manimaran Renganathan,”Effect of Lower Convective Zone Thickness and Swirl Flow on the Performance of a Salinity Gradient Solar Pond” , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS,ISBN 978-88-95608- 60-0; ISSN 2283-9216
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- Undavalli Bhargava Sai Charan & Senthil Kumar M, “Deposition and Characterization of Zns Thin Films on Silicon Substrate by Thermal Evaporation”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 606-609, 10(50), 2015.
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- R. Jegadeeshwaran, V. Indira and V. Sugumaran, Determination of minimum sample size for fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using Power Analysis, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, 18 (1), 59-69, 2015.
- Akhil Muralidharan, V. Sugumaran, K.P. Soman, Bearing fault diagnosis using vibration signals by variational mode decomposition and Naïve Bayes classifier, International Journal of Automation, Issue 1, Vol. 1, 1-14, 2015.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran, V. Sugumaran, A Comparative study of Naïve Bayes Classifier and Bayes net Classifier for fault diagnosis of Automobile hydraulic brake system, International Journal of Decision support systems, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015.
- M. Amarnath, Deepak Jain, V. Sugumaran, R. Hemantha Kumar, Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box Using Naïve Bayes And Bayes Net, International Journal of Decision Support Systems, Vol. 1, Issue 1, PP. 4-17, 2015 Inderscience publisher.
- V. Muralidharan, N.R. Sakthivel and V.Sugumaran, Fault Diagnosis of Monoblock Centrifugal Pump Using Stationary Wavelet Features and Bayes Algorithm, Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology, Vol.3, Issue. 3, pp. 1-4, 2015.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran V. Sugumaran and K. P. Soman, Vibration Based Fault Diagnosis Of A Hydraulic Brake System Using Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD), SDHM: Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, accepted for publication on 18.2.2015.
- Shalet K S, Jegadeeshwaran R, Sugumaran V, Elangovan M; Condition Monitoring of Single Point Cutting Tool Using ARMA Features And SVM Classifiers, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), 2015.
- Akhil Muralidharan, V. Sugumaran, K.P Soman, M. Amarnath, Fault Diagnosis Of Helical Gear Box Using Variational Mode Decomposition And Random Forest Algorithm, SDHM: Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Accepted on 19.03.2015.
- Ragul Kumar Sharma, V Sugumaran, H Kumar, M Amarnath, A comparative study of naive Bayes classifier and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of roller bearing using sound signal, International Journal of Decision Support Systems 1 (1), 115-129, 2015.
- Aditya V Rao, V. Sugumaran, K. I. Ramachandran, A Comprehensive Study of Fault Diagnostics of Roller Bearings Using Continuous Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Manufacturing System and Design 1 (1), 1-20, 2015.
- V.Sugumaran, M. Elangovan, N.R.Sakthivel, S.Saravanamurugan, Binoy.B.Nair, Machine Learning Approach to the Prediction of Surface Roughness using Statistical Features of Vibration Signal Acquired in Turning, Procedia Computer Science 50, 282-288, Elsevier, 2015.
- V.Sugumaran, R. Jegadeeshwaran, Health Monitoring of a Hydraulic Brake System Using Nested Dichotomy Classifier – A Machine Learning approach, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 6 (1(014)), 10, 2015.
- V.Sugumaran, R. Jegadeeshwaran, A comparative study of navie Bayes classifier and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of Automobile Hydraulic brake system, Internation Journal of Decision Support System 1 (3), 247-267, 2015.
- V.Sugumaran, R. Jegadeeshwaran, Fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features and support vector machines, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 52, 436-446, 2015, Elsevier.
- V Sugumaran, Aditya V Rao, KI Ramachandran, A Comprehensive Study of Fault Diagnostics of Roller Bearings Using Continuous Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Design 1 (1), 27-46, 2015.
- V.Sugumaran, R. Jegadeeshwaran, Fuzzy classifier with automatic rule generation for fault diagnosis of hydraulic brake system using statistical features, International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling 1 (3), 333-350, 2015.
- V Sugumaran, V. Sabarinathan, K. Rajesh Khanna, V. J. Sarath Kumar, A Comparative Study on Naïve Bayes and Bayes Net Classifiers for the Heart Disease Prediction System, International Journal of Mechanical Handling and Automation 1 (1), 1-7, 2015.
- Hemanth Mithun Praveen, V. Sugumaran, Harvesting Vertical Vibration Of Automotive Tyre To Monitor Tyre Pressure Using Applied Machine Learning Technique, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Accepted for publication on 30 June 2015.
- Sathish kumar V Sugumaran; remaining life time prediction of bearings through classification using decision tree algorithm , International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, 2015 rip
- V. Sugumaran and A. Joshuva; speech recognition for humanoid robot, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.57-60 2015 rip scopus indexed
- Rajesh kanna. K Sabarinathan. V Sarath kumar. V. J and Sugumaran. V; eye state prediction using eeg signal and c4.5 decision tree algorithm, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.167-171 2015 rip scopus indexed
- V. Sugumaran and A. Arjun; human tracking system, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp. 181-184 2015 rip scopus indexed
- V. Sugumaran V. Vipin; gesture recognition system for dynamic user interface , International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.185-190 2015 scopus indexed
- B. Rebecca jeya vadhanam S. Mohan and V. Sugumaran; classification of advertisement and non-advertisement videos with bicc features using csca algorithm , International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.191-196 2015 rip scopus indexed
- A. Ramu, V. Sugumaran and M. Amarnath; fault diagnosis of gear using histogram features of vibration signals and classifier ensemble, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.234-238 2015 rip scopus indexed
- V. Sugumaran A. Ramu.; fabrication and actuation of humanoid robot hand, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.318-321 2015 rip scopus indexed
- V. Sugumaran and R. Jegadeeshwaran; a comparative study of tree family classifiers for fault diagnosis of an automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.322-327 2015 rip scopus indexed
- K. Balachandar, V. Sugumaran, R. Jegadeeshwaran and M.Amarnath; fault diagnosis of bearing using sound signals through histogram features and decision tree, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68, pp.476-481 2015 rip scopus indexed
- Joshuva, V. Sugumaran and M. Amarnath; Selecting Kernel Function Of Support Vector Machine For Fault Diagnosis Of Roller Bearings Using Sound Signals Through Histogram Features, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.10, Issue 68 pp.482-487 2015, scopus indexed
- Jegadeeshwaran, R; Sugumaran, V; Fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features and support vector machines, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 52-53, 2015
- S.Sivarajan R.Padmanabhan, SURFACE ENGINEERED COATINGS FOR AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES(2015) Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. ISSN: 0974-2115, JCHPS Special Issue 7: 2015
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- Manimaran R. and ThundilKaruppa Raj R (2014). Computational Studies of Swirl Ratio and Injection Timing on Atomization in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 5 – 2, doi: 10.5098/hmt.5.2.
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- AbhinavAggarwalSugumaran, M. Amarnath and Hemantha Kumar (2014). Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box using Logistic Function and REP Tree. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering Vol.2, Issue-1, pp: 26-32.
- Hemantha Kumar, T. A. Ranjit Kumar, M. Amarnath, V. Sugumaran (2014). Fault diagnosis of bearings through vibration signal using Bayes classifiers. Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6(1).
- SanidhyaPainuli , M. Elangovan and V. Sugumaran (2014). Tool condition monitoring using K-star algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications , Vol. 41 , pp: 2638–2643.
- AbhishekSharma V. Sugumaranand S. BabuDevasenapati (2014). Misfire detection in an IC engine using vibration signal and decision tree algorithms. Measurement,Volume 50 ,pp 370–380.
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- V.Anand Rao, R.Deivanathan, “Experimental Investigations for Welding Aspects of Stainless Steel 310 for the Process of TIG Weldinng”, Proceedia Engineerinng, V97, 2014, pp902-908.(citation:1)
- Sushant Sukumaran, R,Deivanathan, “Optimum linkage for biped mechanism”, Proceedia Engineering, V97, 2014, pp1322-1331.
- Hemantha Kumar, M. Amarnath and V. Sugumaran; Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box using Large Margin K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier using Sound Signals, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 2014.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran and V.Sugumaran,; Condition Monitoring of a Hydraulic Brake System Using Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) Algorithm, International Journal of Engineering Research & Management, 2014.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran, V. Sugumaran, Brake Fault Diagnosis using Clonal Selection Classification Algorithm (CSCA) – A Statistical Learning Approach, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran, V. Sugumaran, Vibration based fault diagnosis study of an automobile Brake system using k star (k*) algorithm – a statistical approach, Recent patents in signal processing, accepted for publication.
- V. Muralidharan, V. Sugumaran, V. Indira; Fault Diagnosis of Monoblock Centrifugal pump using SVM, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, 1, 1, 2014, Elsevier.
- N. Gangadhar, Hemantha Kumar, S. Narendranath, V. Sugumaran, Fault Diagnosis of Single Point Cutting Tool through Vibration Signal Using Decision Tree Algorithm, Procedia Materials Science, Volume 5, 2014, Pages 1434–1441.
- A. Kannan, V. Sugumaran, Amarnath, K.P. Soman, Fault diagnosis of helical gear box using variational mode decomposition with naïve Bayes and Bayes net classifiers through vibration signals, International Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Design, Accepted on 30.10.14.
- V. Sabarinathan and V. Sugumaran, Diagnosis of Heart disease using Decision Tree, International Journal of Research in Computer applications and Information Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 6, PP. 74-49, IASTER.
- S.Sivarajan,R.Padmanabhan, Green Machining and Forming by the use of Surface coated tools(2014) Procedia Engineering 97 ( 2014 ) 15 – 21.
- Rohit Kaushik, Shubham Gupta, Sivarajan S Surface Modification of Mild Steel with Molybdenum Disulfide by Tungsten Inert Gas International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 8, N. 6 ISSN 1970 – 8734 November 2014.
- ThoguluvaRaghavanVijayaram, Triz methodology in sand casting process Part 1, Metal world international magazine, (Journal ISO 9001: 2008 certified), Mumbai, India, Volume 13, Number 07, pp: 29-33, July 2013
- ThoguluvaRaghavanVijayaram, Triz methodology in sand casting process Part 2, Metal world international magazine, (Journal ISO 9001: 2008 certified), Mumbai, India, Volume 13, Number 08, pp: 31-34, August 2013
- ThoguluvaRaghavanVijayaram, Quality control engineering in foundries, Metal world international magazine, (Journal ISO 9001: 2008 certified), Mumbai, India, Volume 13, Number 09, pp: 18-27, September 2013
- ThoguluvaRaghavanVijayaram and AjithGopinath, Heat treatment of EN-8 steel casting samples, Metal world international magazine, (Journal ISO 9001: 2008 certified), Mumbai, India, Volume 12, Number 10, pp: 34-37, October 2013
- T.R.Vijayaram and O.S.Sandeep, Effect of heat treatment of cast EN–9 steel with different quenchants, Foundry Review Magazine, MMR established 1948, BrajBinani Group, Asian Industry and Information Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 400011, India, Techno track, Volume 1, Issue 15, page: 2-3, November 2013
- T.R.Vijayaram and R.Kasilingam, Semisolid processing of metal matrix composite castings, Metal world international magazine, (Journal ISO 9001: 2008 certified), Mumbai, India, Volume 14, Number 11, pp: 34-38, November 2013
- E.Rajkumarand K.Annamalai (2013). An Investigation on Computer Aided Fixture Design and Analysis using FEM Approach. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 107 No 2.
- N. Suprith, K.Annamalai, C.D. Naiju, and ArjunMahadevan (2013). Design and Analysis of Automotive Multi-leaf spring using Composite materials. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 372, pp 533-537.
- Gaurav S. Harane and K.Annamalai (2013). Design and Optimization of Pile Tip for offshore Drilling Rig Foundation. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 39-44.
- G.Sakthivel, and M.Ilangkumaran (2013). Development of decision support system to select the best fuel blend in IC engines to enhance the energy efficiency. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol.9, no.3-4, pp 310 -343.
- M.Ilangkumaran and G.Sakthivel (2013). Development of fuzzy logic model to predict the engine performance of fish oil biodiesel with diethyl ether. International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI– 10.1080/01430750.2013.829786
- G.Sakthivel, M.Ilangkumaran, G.Nagarajan, A.Raja, P.M.Ragunadan and J.Prakash(2013). A hybrid MCDM approach for evaluating an automobile purchase model.International journal of Information and Decision Sciences. Vol 5, c50-85.
- G.Sakthivel, M.Ilangkumaran, G.Nagarajan, P.Shanmugam and J.Prakash (2013). Effect of fuel additives on performance and exhaust emissions of direct injection diesel engine operating on B20 waste fish oil. International Journal of Oil, Coal and Gas Technology, Vol6,Vol: 462 – 476.
- G.Sakthivel, M.Ilangkumaran, and G.Nagarajan (2013). A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Selection of Optimum Fuel Blend. International journal of Exergy, Vol. 12, PP 463 – 490.
- G.Sakthivel, M.Ilangkumaran and G.Nagarajan (2013). Selection of best biodiesel blend for IC engines: An integrated approach with FAHP -TOPSIS and FAHP-VIKOR. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Vol6, PP: 518 – 612.
- G.Sakthivel, and M.Ilangkumaran (2013). Development of decision support system to select the best fuel blend in IC engines to enhance the energy efficiency. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, vol 9, pp:310 – 343.
- G.Sakthivel, G.Nagarajan, and M.Ilangkumaran (2013). Predicting the Engine Performance Using Ethyl Ester of Fish Oil with the aid of Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Ambient Energy, vol 34, pp: 145-158.
- G.Sakthivel, M.Ilangkumaran, and G.Nagarajan (2013). Experimental investigations of the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a biodiesel (ethyl ester of fish oil) fuelled direct-injection diesel engine. International Journal of Vehicle Performance, vol 1, pp:137-156.
- M.Ilangkumaran, G.Sakthivel, V.Sasirekha and L.Anojkumar (2013). Optimization of wastewater treatment technology selection using hybrid MCDM. International Journal of Management of Environmental Quality, vol 24, PP:619 – 641.
- G.Sakthivel and M.Ilangkumaran (2013). Development of fuzzy logic model to predict the engine performance of fish oil biodiesel with diethyl ether. International Journal of Ambient Energy –10.1080/01430750.2013.829786.
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- Sumedh J. Suryawanshi and K. Janardhan Reddy (2013). Conceptual Product Development of Wheelchair for People Disabled in Legs. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, 1, 2, 1.
- Manimaran R. and ThundilKaruppa Raj R (2013). CFD Analysis of Combustion and Pollutant Formation Phenomena in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine at different EGR Conditions. Procedia Engineering, vol. 64, pp: 497 – 506, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2013.09.124.
- Manimaran R. and ThundilKaruppa Raj R (2013). Numerical Investigations of Spray Droplet Parameters in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine using 3-Z Extended Coherent Flame Model. Advanced, Materials Research, 768,226-230, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.768.226.
- Manimaran R. and ThundilKaruppa Raj R (2013). Numerical Investigations on Combustion and Emission Characteristics in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine at Elevated Fuel Temperatures. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 4, 013008, DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v4.1.3008.
- R. Manimaran, and R. ThundilKaruppa Raj, K. Senthilkumar (2013). Premixed Charge Compression Ignition in Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Computational Fluid Dynamics. WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer, vol 8(1), pp: 16-24.
- Bhaskara Rao. L and Kameswara Rao. C (2013). Vibrations of elastically restrained circular plates resting on Winkler foundation. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol 38 (11), pp: 3171-3180.
- BhaskaraRao. L and KameswaraRao. C (2013). Frequencies of circular plates weakened along an internal concentric circle and elastically restrained edge against translation. Journal of Applied Mechanics Transactions of the ASME, 2013, Vol. 80/011005-1.
- BhaskaraRao. L and KameswaraRao. C (2013). Buckling of Annular Plates with Elastically Restrained External and Internal Edges. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 41 (2), pp: 222-235.
- BhaskaraRao. L and KameswaraRao. C (2013). Fundamental buckling of circular plates with elastically restrained edges and resting on concentric rigid ring support.Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8(3), pp: 291-297.
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- Jafferson.JM, Hariharan. P (2013). Machining performance of cryogenically treated electrodes in micro electric discharge machining: A comparative experimental study. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 28, pp.397-402.
- Jafferson.JM and Hariharan. P (2013). Investigation on the quality of micro holes machined by µEDM using image processing. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol.28, pp. 1356-1360.
- Senthil Kumar, M and Elayaperumal A (2013). Synthesis, Characterization and Sintering Behaviour Influencing Mechanical, Thermal and Physical Properties of Cordierite doped TiO2. International Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 2(3). pp: 269-275.
- Balamuruga Mohan Raj G and V. Sugumaran (2013). Regression and Least Median Square Analysis to Predict the Surface Roughness in Boring Operation. IJLSC 5(1), pp: 1-7.
- V. Sugumaran, Deepak jain, M. Amarnathand Hemanthkumar (2013). Fault diagnosis of Helical gear Box Using Decision Tree Through Vibration Signals. International Journal of Performability Engineering Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 195- 208.
- R. Jegadeeshwaran and V. Sugumaran (2013). Comparative study of decision tree classifier and best first tree classifier for fault diagnosis of automobile hydraulic brake system using statistical features. Measurement , Volume 46, pp 3247–3260.
- R.Jegadeeshwaran and V. Sugumaran (2013). Method and Apparatus for Fault Diagnosis of Automobile Brake System Using Vibration Signals. Recent Patents on Signal Processing, Volume3, pp2-11.
- Balamuruga Mohan Raj. G, Sugumaran. V (2013). Developing Gaussian Process Model to Predict theSurface Roughness in Boring Operation. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology– Vol.4 Issue. 3.
- Abhishek Sharma, V. Sugumaran, S. BabuDevasenapati (2013). Misfire Detection in an IC Engine Using Vibration Signal and Bagging Classifier. International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research Vol. 2, Issue 4.
- V. Muralidharan and V. Sugumaran (2013). Selection of discrete wavelets for fault diagnosis of Monoblock centrifugal pump using the j48 algorithm. Applied Artificial Intelligence, DOI:10.1080/08839514.2012.721694.
- M. Amarnath, Deepak Jain, V. Sugumaran and Hemantha Kumar (2013). Fault diagnosis of helical gear box using naïve Bayesand Bayes net. Int. J. Decision Support Systems.
- V. Muralidharanand V. Sugumaran(2013). Feature extraction using wavelets and classification through decision tree algorithm for fault diagnosis of mono-block centrifugal pump. Measurement , Volume 46, pp 353–359.
- M. Amarnath, V. Sugumaran, Hemanthakumar (2013). Exploiting sound signals for fault diagnosis of bearings using decision tree. Measurement , Volume 46, pp 1250–1256.
- Kale AjinkyaPravin, Prof. R. Jegadeeshwaran, Dr.V. Sugumaran(2013). Roller Bearing Fault Diagnosis by Decision Tree Algorithms with Statistical Feature. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 01-09.
- V. V.Ramalingam, S. Mohan, V. Sugumaran (2013). A Comparison of EMG and EEG Signalsfor Prostheses Control using Decision Tree. International Journal of Research in Computer Applications & Information Technology Volume 1, Issue 1,pp. 01-08.
- M. Amarnath, Deepak JainV. Sugumaran and Hemantha Kumar (2013). Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box Using Decision Tree and Best-First Tree. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 22-33.
- AnishBahri, V.Sugumaran, S. BabuDevasenapati (2013). Misfire Detection in IC Engine using Kstar Algorithm. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering.Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 103-110.
- B. Rebecca JeyaVadhanam,S. Mohan,V. Sugumaran (2013). A Classification Performance on Multiple Frames of Advertisement and Non Advertisement Videosusing C4.5 Algorithm. International Journal of Research in Computer Applications & Information Technology Vol.1, Issue 2, pp: 01-07.
- SiddhantSahu, and V. Sugumaran (2013). Bayesian Sample Size Determination of Vibration Signals in Machine Learning Approach to Fault Diagnosis of Roller Bearings. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp: 55-63.
- PiyushChaskar and V. Sugumaran (2013). Voice Command Wheelchair Navigation using K Star Classifier. International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 73-79.
- Vedant, V. Sugumaran, M. Amarnath and Hemantha Kumar (2013). Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box Using Sound Signal using Naïve Bayes and Bayes Net. International Journal of Engineering & Technology Research. Volume-1, Issue-1, pp. 98-105.
- V. Muralidharan and V. Sugumaran (2013). Fault diagnosis of centrifugal pump using wavelet features – fuzzy-based approach. Int. J. Computational Systems Engineering.
- Giridharan. A and G. L. Samuel (2013), “Investigation into Energy consumption, Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate of Cylindrical Components Machined using Wire Electrical Discharge Turning Process”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 27(4-6), 170-185.
- Senthil Kumar, M & Elayaperumal A, “Synthesis, Characterization and Sintering Behaviour Influencing Mechanical, Thermal and Physical Properties of Cordierite doped TiO2” International Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier, 269-275, 2(3), 2013.
- Senthil Kumar M & Elayaperumal A, “Characterization of Cordierite And Cordierite – Zirconia Ceramic Composite Through Precipitation Technique” Proceedings in International Conference on Advances in materials processing and Characterization, 280 – 286, 6 – 8th February 2013.
- Jafferson J.M, Hariharan.P & Ram Kumar J, “Machining Performance of Cryogenically Treated Electrodes in Microelectric Discharge Machining: A Comparative Experimental Study”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ISSN 1042-6914 print 1532-2475 online
- Jafferson J.M & Hariharan. P, “Investigation of the Quality of Microholes Machined by µEDM Using Image Processing”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,ISSN: 1042-6914 print 1532-2475 online
- Saleel Ismail and P S Mehta (2012). Second-Law Analysis of Fuel-Air Mixing and Combustion Subprocesses in a Heterogeneous Charge Engine. Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 226, no. 6, pp 815–827.
- Dr. M. Ilangkumaran, Dr. G. Sakthivel , U. Syam Kumar, M. Vasudevan, S. Venkatesh& B. Viswanathan (2012). Development of fuzzy logic model to predict the engine performance of fish oil biodiesel with diethyl ether. International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01430750.2013.829786
- N.R. Sakthivel, Binoy.B.Nair, V. Sugumaran (2012). Soft computing approach to fault diagnosis of centrifugal pump. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 12 pp.1574–1581.
- N.R. Sakthivel V. Sugumaran, Binoy.B.Nair (2012). Automatic rule learning using rough set for fuzzy classifier in fault categorization of mono-block centrifugal pump. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 12 pp. 196–203.
- V. Indira, R.Vasanthakumari,V. Sugumaran (2012). Sample size determination for classification ofEEG signals using power analysis in machinelearning approach. IJARET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 01-09
- V. Muralidharan, Hemanthakumar and V. Sugumaran (2012). Fault diagnosis of monoblock centrifugal pump using discrete wavelet features and J48 algorithm. IJMET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 120-126.
- Manju B R, RajanA R, V. Sugumaran (2012). Optimizing the parameters of wavelets for pattern matching using GA. IJARET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 77-85.
- V.V.Ramalingam, S.Ganeshkumar, V. Sugumaran (2012). Analysis of EEG signals using data mining approach. IJCET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 206-212.
- V. Muralidharan and V.Sugumaran (2012). A comparative study of Naïve Bayes classifier and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of monoblock centrifugal pump using wavelet analysis. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 12,pp 2023–2029.
- Hemantha Kumar, T. A. Ranjit Kumar, M. Amarnath, V. Sugumaran (2012). Fault diagnosis of antifriction bearings through sound signals using support vector machine. Journal of Vibro engineering, volume 14, issue 4.
- M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan (2012). Influence of rounded corners on flow interference due to square cylinders using immersed boundary method. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Volume 134, Issue 9, Pages 091203(1–23).
- ThundilKaruppa Raj R. and Manimaran R (2012). Effect of Swirl in a Constant Speed DI Diesel Engine using Computational Fluid Dynamics. CFD Letters, 4(4), 2012 214-224.
- L. B. Rao and C. K. Rao (2012). Vibrations of circular plates with guided edge and resting on elastic foundation. Journal of Solid Mechanics, 4(3), 307-312.
- BhaskaraRao. L and KameswaraRao. C (2012). Free Vibration of Circular Plate with Elastic Edge Support and Resting on Elastic Foundation. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 17 (4), 204-207.
- Saleel Ismail and P. S. Mehta (2012). Second-law analysis of fuel-air mixing and combustion subprocesses in a heterogeneous charge engine. Journal of Automobile Engineering, 226(6), 815–827.
- N.R. SakthivelBinoy. B.Nair and V. Sugumaran (2012). Soft computing approach to fault diagnosis of centrifugal pump. Applied Soft Computing,Volume 12 pp.1574–1581.
- N.R. Sakthivel, V. Sugumaran, Binoy.B.Nair (2012). Automatic rule learning using rough set for fuzzy classifier in fault categorization of mono-block centrifugal pump. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 12 pp. 196–203.
- V. Indira, R.Vasanthakumari and V. Sugumaran (2012). Sample Size Determination for Classification ofEEG Signals Using Power Analysis in MachineLearning Approach. IJARET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 01-09.
- V. Muralidharan, Hemanthakumar and V. Sugumaran (2012). Fault Diagnosis of Monoblock Centrifugal Pump Using Discrete Wavelet Features and J48 Algorithm. IJMET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 120-126.
- Manju B R ,Rajan A R, and V. Sugumaran (2012). Optimizing the Parameters of Wavelets for Pattern Matching Using GA. IJARET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 77-85.
- R. Manimaran, R. ThundilKaruppa Raj and K. Senthilkumar (2012). Numerical Analysis of Direct Injection Diesel Engine Combustion using Extended Coherent Flame 3-Zone Model, 1(8). Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1-9, 2012.
- BhaskaraRao. L and KameswaraRao. C (2012). Buckling of Circular Plates with an internal Elastic Ring Support and outer Edge Restrained against Translation. Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, 7 (3), 398-407.
- V.V.Ramalingam, S.Ganeshkumar and V. Sugumaran (2012). Analysis of EEG Signals Using Data Mining Approach. IJCET, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 206-212.
- V. Muralidharan and V.Sugumaran (2012). A comparative study of Naïve Bayes classifier and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of monoblock centrifugal pump using wavelet analysis. Applied Soft Computing,Volume 12 ,pp 2023–2029.
- Hemantha Kumar, T. A. Ranjit Kumar, M. Amarnath and V. Sugumaran (2012). Fault diagnosis of antifriction bearings through sound signals using support vector machine. Journal of vibro engineering, volume 14, issue 4.
- Sakthivel G and Nagarajan G (2011). Experimental studies on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with ethyl ester of waste fish oil and its diesel blend.Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE paper no 2011-01-2402.
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The Dean,
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