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Dr. Arockia Selvakumar


Employee ID50444
Educational details
DegreePassed out yearSpecializationInstitute/University/ College
PhD2013Mechanical Engineering – Robotics Manipulator DesignMIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
PG- Master of Engineering2004Computer Aided DesignAnna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
UG- Bachelor of Engineering2001Mechanical EngineeringBharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Research Details
Areas of SpecializationRobotics and Automation, CAD/CAM/CAE
Scopus ID
H-index (scopus)10
Google Scholar ID
i10 index21
Completed Consultancy Project Details               
Completed Consultancy Project TitleFunding Agency
Tensile and Flexural testingIndian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing(IIITDM), Kancheepuram , Tamil Nadu, India
Robotics Assembly Inspection and Validation (SCARA, Mirabot and Jetbot)Emsol Automation Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Completed Funded Project Details
Completed Funded Project TitleFunding Agency
Development of Fully Autonomous Snake Robot for earthquake Rescue AssistanceTNSCST – DST-PRG-Science and Technology Projects Scheme, (Rs 3,30,000/-)
Design and Control of a Parallel Architecture Wearable Assistive Neck Device for Rehabilitation PatientsSEED FUND, VIT Chennai, (Rs 3,00,000/-).
Patent Published Details
Patent Published TitlePatent Published Application No.
Robotic ankle foot orthosis with different actuators for foot drop patients202441070248
Patent Granted Details
Patent Granted TitlePatent Granted Application No.
A System to Identify Infected Leaves in Plants509685
Design of Cumulative Regeneration Charging System for a Conceptual Electric Vehicle Model512591
Enhancement of Fatigue Strength Using Slip Ball Burnishing Technique501860
An Orthopaedic Wearable Device For Treating Patients With Cervical Spine Injuries494628
Direct Torque Transmission For Rotary Application432224
Book / Book Chapter Published Details
Kodgule, Suhit Atul, Arka Das, and Arockia Doss Arockia Selvakumar. “A Comparative Study between Hopfield Neural Network and A* Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robot.” In Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems, pp. 33-48. Springer, Singapore, 2017.Springer2017
Suryavamsi, P. S. N., and A. Arockia Selvakumar. “IoT controlled mobile robot for home security and surveillance.” In International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, pp. 431-438. Springer, Cham, 2018.Springer2018
Sonar, Kathan Rajesh, S. Sai Sudeep Reddy, Daniel Schilberg, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Design of Low-Cost Soft Ankle Exoskeleton Using Soft Actuators.” Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0 (2020): 1-24.Springer2020
Nair, Pranav Santhosh, Sourabh Nair, Soukhin Sarkar, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, and D. Dinakaran. “Design and Analysis of ASRS Using AGV for Rapid Inventory Storage System.” Trends in Manufacturing and Engineering Management (2021): 861-872.Springer2021
Patel, Prashant, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, L. PavanKalyan, and Parag J. Tarwadi. “Speech recognition using neural network for   mobile   robot navigation.” Trends in Mechanical and Biomedical Design (2021): 665-676.Springer2021
Nalla Perumal, Lalith Prabu, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Sensor Fusion for Automotive Dead Reckoning Using GPS and IMU for Accurate Position and Velocity Estimation.” Trends in Mechanical and Biomedical Design (2021): 83-95.


Ananthi, G., Arockia Selvakumar, A. (2021). Review on Deep Learning Algorithms in Medical Devices. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham. 58675-1_167-1Springer2021
Lingampally, Pavan Kalyan, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Design, Implementation, and Experimental Study on 3-RPS Parallel Manipulator-Based Cervical Collar Therapy Device for Elderly Patients Suffering from Cervical Spine Injuries.” In Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0, pp. 1-23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.


Arockia Doss, A.S., Mishra, B., Mohammed, S., Lingampally, P.K., Short, M. (2021). Robotic Arm for Biomedical Applications. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham. 978-3-030-58675-1_38-1.


Elankavi, R.S., Dinakaran, D., Kuppan Chetty, R.M., Ramya, M.M., Arockia Doss,A.S. (2021). Kinematic Modeling and Analysis of Wheeled In-Pipe Inspection Mobile Robot. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham. 58675-1_168-1


Susai Mary, J., Dinakaran, D., Sai Balaji, M.A., Satishkumar, S., Arockia Selvakumar, A. (2022). Monitoring and Modeling of Cylindricity Error Using Vibration Signals in Drilling. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham. 030-58675-1_149-1


Gowtham, V.K., Sidharth, B.S., Schilberg, D., Doss, A.S.A. (2023). Optimization of a Robotic Arm Using Generative Design. In: Rajkumar, K., Jayamani, E., Ramkumar,P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.


Ajaye Balaji, V., Ajay, G., Doss, A.S.A., Schilberg, D. (2023). Analysis of Robotic Arm for Friction Stir Welding Application. In: Rajkumar, K., Jayamani, E., Ramkumar, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 3895-5_29


Sabareesh, M.C., Raja, R.K., Doss, A.S.A., Short, M. (2023). Design and Analysis of Cumulative Regenerative System for a 42 kWh Battery Pack. In: Narasimhan, N.L., Bourouis, M., Raghavan, V. (eds) Recent Advances in Energy Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 981-19-3467-4_11


Thakur, A., Doss, A.S.A., Schilberg, D. (2023). Design and Analysis of Morphed Wings. In: Sethuraman, B., Jain, P., Gupta, M. (eds) Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering. STAAAR 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.


Sharma, H., Sebastian, P., Doss, A.S.A. (2023). Development of Low-Altitude Autonomous Drone for Crop Wheat Monitoring and Disease Identification. In: Sethuraman, B., Jain, P., Gupta, M. (eds) Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering. STAAAR 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
Awards & Recognition Details
Anna University Rank holder – Rank 5 – M.E Computer Aided Design – Anna University, 2004
Adjunct Professor – Teesside University, UK – 17th April to 3rd May 2023.
Guest Lecturer – DAAD Scholarship – Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany – 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024
AICTE Model Curriculum Committee Member for the UG Degree Course in Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Since 4th August 2021)
Major International Collaboration Details 
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Faculty Coordinator for the following International institute collaborations,

·         Teesside University, UK

·         Northumbria University, UK

·         University of Surrey, UK

·         Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Global Sprint Programme

·         Organized for UTP Malaysia students on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Robotics for IR 4.0 held between 28th August to 2nd September 2023.


Research Attachment Programme

·         Organized for 15 VIT students to do research internships at UTP Malaysia for the period of 3 months (September to November 2023).

·         Research Attachment Program Grant of RM 43500 was awarded by UTP Malaysia for VIT students.



Students Internships

Faculty Coordinator for the following International student Internships,

·          5 students to do research internships at Yokohama National University, Japan (2023)

·         2 students to do research internships at Yokohama National University, Japan (2024)

·         1 student to do research internships at NUS, Singapore (2023)


Adjunct / Visiting Professors

Point of Contact for the following Adjunct Professors visits,

·         Prof Dr Michael Short, Teesside University, UK

·         Prof Dr Nashwan, Teesside University, UK

·         Prof Dr Minioru Sasaki, Gifu University, Japan

·         Prof Dr Maher, Teesside University, UK

·         Prof Dr Daniel Schilberg, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany

·         Dr Maria Jenisha Charles, Teesside University, UK

·         Prof Kumar Patchigolla, Teesside University, UK

·         Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd FAIZUL Mohd Sabri, Universiti Malaya


Research Publications International Journals (With TR Impact Factor)

1. Doss, A. S. A., Lingampally, P. K., & Nurahmi, L. (2021). Synthesis of A Parallel Manipulator Based   Rehabilitation   Cervical   Collar   for   C-Spine   Injured Patients. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 36(1). (IF – 1.04)

2. Doss, Arockia Selvakumar Arockia, Deepak Venkatesh, and Mark Ovinis. “Simulation And Experimental Studies of a Mobile Robot for Underwater Applications.” International Journal of Robotics and Automation 36, no. 1 (2021): 10-17. (IF – 1.04)

3. Gadipudi, N., Elamvazuthi, I., Izhar, L.I. et al. A review on monocular tracking and mapping: from model-based to data-driven methods. Vis Comput (2022). (IF – 3.5)

4. Sasaki, Minoru, Joseph Muguro, Waweru Njeri, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Adaptive Notch Filter in a Two-Link Flexible Manipulator for the Compensation of Vibration and Gravity-Induced Distortion.” Vibration 6, no. 1 (2023): 286-302. (IF – 2)

5. Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Pavan Kalyan Lingampally, Gia Minh Thao Nguyen,  Daniel  Schilberg,  ―A  comprehensive  review  of  wearable  assistive  robotic devices used for head and neck rehabilitation‖. Results in Engineering, 19 (2023), (IF :5.0)

6. Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Abarna Jeyabalan, Priti Rekha Borah, Pavan Kalyan Lingampally, and Ing. Daniel Schilberg, Advancements in Agricultural Automation: A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence and Humanoid Robotics in Farming, (IF :1.5)


International Journals

1. Sengodan, Prabaharan, and Yousef Hasan F. Jbara. “Development of IoT controlled agri-rover for automatic seeding.” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 114, no. 11 (2017): 241-251.

2. Jitendra Tarwadi, P., Selvakumar Arockia , A., Corrales, R., & Juan, A. (2017). Manipulation and Path Planning for KUKA (LWR/ LBR 4+) Robot in a Simulated and Real Environment. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 11(3), 15–21.

3. Mohamed Fazil M. S., Arockia Selvakumar A., Daniel Schilberg, Stereo Vision Based Robot for Remote Monitoring with VR Support , International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1S3, December 2019.

4. S. Shankar Narayanan, Arockia Selvakumar A, Michael Short, IoT Based Multi- Terrain Rover for Urban Search and Rescue Application, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9, Issue-1S3, December 2019

5. Short, Michael, and A. Arockia Selvakumar. “Non-Linear Tank Level Control for Industrial Applications.” Applied Mathematics 11, no. 09 (2020): 876.

6. Rahman, Taufik Ali, Achmad Saiful Hadi, Latifah Nurahmi, Ari Kurniawan Saputra, Bambang Pramujati, Unggul Wasiwitono, and Arockia Selvakumar. “KASITS: A Graphical User Interface for Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of Five-Bar Linkage with Prismatic Joint.” JMES The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 5, no. 1 (2021): 1-9.


Conferences and Proceedings


1. Surya, P., Asuman Suenbuel, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Industrial Internet of Things-Control of Industry Simulation Through Different Protocols.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2115, no. 1, p. 012011. IOP Publishing, 2021.


Book Chapter


1. Sonar, Kathan Rajesh, S. Sai Sudeep Reddy, Daniel Schilberg, and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss. “Design of Low-Cost Soft Ankle Exoskeleton Using Soft Actuators.” Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0 (2020): 1-24.

2. Arockia Doss, A.S., Mishra, B., Mohammed, S., Lingampally, P.K., Short, M. (2021). Robotic Arm for Biomedical Applications. In: Hussain, C.M., Di Sia, P. (eds) Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer, Cham.

3. Gowtham, V.K., Sidharth, B.S., Schilberg, D., Doss, A.S.A. (2023). Optimization of a Robotic Arm Using Generative Design. In: Rajkumar, K., Jayamani, E., Ramkumar, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

4. Ajaye Balaji, V., Ajay, G., Doss, A.S.A., Schilberg, D. (2023). Analysis of Robotic Arm for Friction Stir Welding Application. In: Rajkumar, K., Jayamani, E., Ramkumar, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Materials Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 3895-5_29

5. Sabareesh, M.C., Raja, R.K., Doss, A.S.A., Short, M. (2023). Design and Analysis of Cumulative Regenerative System for a 42 kWh Battery Pack. In: Narasimhan, N.L., Bourouis, M., Raghavan, V. (eds) Recent Advances in Energy Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 981-19-3467-4_11

6. Thakur, A., Doss, A.S.A., Schilberg, D. (2023). Design and Analysis of Morphed Wings. In: Sethuraman, B., Jain, P., Gupta, M. (eds) Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering. STAAAR 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

7. Sharma, H., Sebastian, P., Doss, A.S.A. (2023). Development of Low-Altitude Autonomous Drone for Crop Wheat Monitoring and Disease Identification. In: Sethuraman, B., Jain, P., Gupta, M. (eds) Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering. STAAAR 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Major International Collaboration Details – Industry collaboration Details
Type of collaboration (Research & publication/Funded Project/consultancy etc.), collaborating industry, year of collaboration
Dr. Asuman Suenbuel, Senior Director at SAP Startup Accelerator, SAP Labs, Silicon Valley, USA delivered Keynotes in the first and second International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT). (RIACT2020 & RIACT2021)

Mr. Vincenzo Marchia Founder and CEO of VINCIX Group, Italy delivered Keynote in the First and second International Conference on RIACT. (RIACT2020 & RIACT 2021)

Mr. Stefano Tonello CEO, IT+Robotics, Italy delivered Keynotes in the First International Conference on RIACT (RIACT2020).



Organized ROBO EXPO 2023 to the esteemed dignitaries of LionsBot International, Singapore. The top 10 Robotics Projects of 3rd Year B.Tech  Mechatronics and Automation students and Team ATOM Robotics innovative models are displayed (6th April 2023).


Other Details 
Editorial Experience (if any)1. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, Volume, 1012, January 2021.


Dr Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Senior Associate Professor, Design and Automation Research Group, SMEC, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Michael Short, Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK


2. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2115, November2021.


Dr Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Senior Associate Professor, Design and Automation Research Group, SMEC, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Michael Short, Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK

Dr. Fausto Pedro García Márquez, Professor, Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain.


3. Special Issue “Path Ahead for Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies”, MDPI Robotics, 2022.


Dr Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Senior Associate Professor, Design and Automation Research Group, SMEC, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Michael Short, Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK.


4. AIP Conference Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2022) AIP Conf. Proc. 2946, 010001 (2023)


Dr Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Senior Associate Professor, Design and Automation Research Group, SMEC, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Michael Short, Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK

Dr. Daniel Schilberg, Professor, Hochschule Bochum, Germany.


5. AIP Conference Proceedings: 4th International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2023) AIP Conf. Proc. 3216, 010001 (2024)


Dr Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss, Senior Associate Professor, Design and Automation Research Group, SMEC, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Michael Short, Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK

Dr. Daniel Schilberg, Professor, Hochschule Bochum, Germany.

Personal Website Link (if any)

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