Why Should You Do M.Tech After B.Tech

Why Should You Do M.Tech After B.Tech

Blog Summary:

Done with B.Tech  and wondering whether to pursue a job or M.Tech? Well, this blog will help you figure that out. Go through this blog to get to know the benefits of doing M.Tech after B.Tech.

B.Tech  is one of the most sought-after degrees by a huge number of people. On graduating in B.Tech, the question of what next arises. The graduates are stuck between two popular and common options in general. One is getting a job and pursuing a career in corporates and IT firms. The other is pursuing higher education and getting an M.Tech degree. Are you wondering and asking yourself should you do M.Tech after B.Tech?   Well, this blog will give you an idea of the benefits of doing M.Tech after B.Tech.

What is an M.Tech Degree?

An M.Tech degree is also called a master’s in technology. It is a post-graduation degree that is pursued after B.Tech . The duration of the study is 2 years which is split across four semesters. The course is advanced and offers in-depth learning in the specializations of the field that the graduate is pursuing.

What are the Qualifications To Pursue M.Tech?

Qualifications for mtech - M.Tech After B.Tech

Qualifications for M.tech – M.Tech After B.Tech

A degree in B.Tech  with all the requirements, like a basic aggregate score of 50%, is required for admission. In a few cases, a good GATE score is also necessary to pursue a degree in M.Tech. The requirements to take up a degree in M.Tech differs as per each university and their requirements.

What Does One Learn in M.Tech?

What Does One Learn in M.Tech

What Does One Learn in M.Tech

If you are perplexed with the question, should I do M.Tech after B.Tech, then see whether you will be willing to gain deep learning into any of the below.

M.Tech will give a thorough and intensive learning experience, and the following are a few of the specializations that you can take up.

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Software engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Thermal engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • VLSI system design
  • Power systems engineering
  • Process control and instrumentation engineering
  • Computer-aided design and manufacturing
  • Instrumentation and control system
  • Advanced computing.
  • Power systems engineering
  • Microelectronics
  • Distributed computing

Why should you do M.Tech after B.Tech?

1. Streamlined learning and deeper knowledge

Learning & Deeper Knowledge - M.Tech After B.Tech

Learning & Deeper Knowledge – M.Tech After B.Tech

A post-graduation degree or M.Tech is the degree in which the students will get deeper in-depth learning, understanding and streamlined learning in the field. While pursuing B.Tech , the students will get to learn all the other domains as well. Whereas in M.Tech the students get a streamlined learning experience and will get the knowledge, skills and expertise required in the specialization that they have opted for. This thoroughly specializes them in the domain of engineering they have opted for. Doing an M.Tech after B.Tech  will provide a plethora of expertise and skills required for outshining in the field.

2. Criteria for promotion

Criteria for promotion - M.Tech After B.Tech

Criteria for promotion – M.Tech After B.Tech

Many companies give master’s degrees additional points and consider promotions early on. That will increase salary as well as responsibility, giving a great chance to show performance directly to higher authorities and rise to higher levels in a company.

When considering a promotion, many companies, in general, tend to be favorable towards those with an M.Tech degree for promotion. A few of the primary and leading job roles that an M.Tech graduate can work in are

  • Project manager
  • Project coordinator
  • Software developer
  • Maintenance manager
  • Research associate and much more

3. Walk into research-based jobs

Research Based Jobs - M.Tech After B.Tech

Research Based Jobs – M.Tech After B.Tech

Research is one of the largest fields of work that has great significance and scope. The world will never be short of research-based jobs. Those who are looking to take up research-based jobs can easily move ahead with an M.Tech degree in hand. As M.Tech will provide the knowledge, understanding of the subject matter, and expertise required for pursuing a career in research, this can come in handy for those wanting to get a research-based job.

4. A handsome salary package

Handsome salary package - M.Tech After B.Tech

Handsome salary package – M.Tech After B.Tech

When it comes to knowledge and skills, it is obvious that a person who has a deeper understanding and learning will be able to perform better at the job. The better the performance, the better the pay and the appraisal. Doing M.Tech after B.Tech  will aid the graduates in getting a deeper understanding, and they will be better prepared for the work.

Even B.Tech  graduates get paid well. Just that the M.Tech graduates are better informed helps them perform better and get an attractive salary package.

Numerous sources state that the basic salary of a M.Tech graduate is 40,000k to 50,000k.

5. Aids in getting into the teaching profession

Get into Teaching Profession - M.Tech After B.Tech

Get into Teaching Profession – M.Tech After B.Tech

One of the major prerequisites for becoming an engineering faculty is getting a post-graduation degree. When you do M.Tech after B.Tech , you will get a clear and deeper understanding of the subject matter, which will be good enough to teach others.

Thus, if you are someone who has always been passionate about teaching and wants to get into teaching, then taking up M.Tech after B.Tech  can help a great deal.

6. Gateway to PhD

Gateway to PhD - M.Tech After B.Tech

Gateway to PhD – M.Tech After B.Tech

Your question of should I do M.Tech after B.Tech  is answered by another question of are you willing to do a Ph.D. If you are someone who is willing to do M.Tech after B.Tech, then you are in for an intensive learning experience. An M.Tech degree will give you a deeper understanding of the field and a ticket to pursue a Ph.D. Ph.D. is the highest academic level of study that a person can pursue, and doing M.Tech will facilitate the same. A good score in M.Tech will helps you get a Ph.D. seat in a reputed university.

The above are a few of the advantages of doing M.Tech after B.Tech. Hope it answered your question on should I do M.Tech after B.Tech. If you are planning to take up the same, then VIT Chennai can be one of the best options. If you have any suggestions or queries that you would like to present, feel free to let us know in the comments below.


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