Centre for Advanced Materials and Innovative Technologies (CAMIT)


The fast pace of technological advances in recent times mandates students to be industry-ready by acquiring broader skills while graduating from the institutes of higher education. In line with the above, the Centre for Advanced Materials and Innovative Technologies (CAMIT) has been established to act as a forum to enable students to implement their novel, and creative ideas originating from fundamental concepts learned in the classroom and to perpetuate the hands-on knowledge gained in the laboratory into a new product or a novel process.

The CAMIT at VIT Chennai aims to develop new hardware and software products that will have a social impact by leveraging exhaustive technology.


  • To develop innovative prototypes and process technologies and transfer the technologies to the industry for product development

Mission :

  • To create an ambiance for interdisciplinary learning by loosening the complexities set by the conventional boundaries of department/school structure.
  • To encourage research scholars, students, and faculty members across schools and departments to come together and utilize the ideas, perspectives, and exclusive skills of one another to solve problems beyond the scope of a single discipline.

Focus Areas of Product Development

  • Development of micro-/nano-scale devices/sensors for space, environmental, and bio-sensing applications using innovative processes and low-cost materials
  • Sensor Technology & IoT
  • Electrochemical Sensors for Agriculture & Healthcare applications
  • Sensors for Cancer Biomarkers Identification
  • Fully Automated Hydroponics Fodder
  • Materials/FSS for EMI Shielding Applications
  • Hybrid supercapacitors
  • AI-based Smart Bin
  • Green packaging products for food/consumer products, Soundproof products
  • Electrical switches; switch board
  • Flow control devices
  • Bladeless fan for Human Comfort
  • Aerodynamic Devices to alter the Flow for various applications such as Rockets, Subsonic & Supersonic Flights, Agriculture requirements etc.,

The primary research areas and objectives of CAMIT are:

i) Robotics and Product Development: To design and develop vision sensor integrated algorithms for automatic assembly systems for industries
ii) MEMS and Micro-/Nano-sensors: To develop micro-/nano-scale devices/sensors for space-, environmental-, and bio-sensing applications using innovative processes and low-cost materials
iii) New Material and Product Development: To develop products from natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials
iv) Aerodynamics: To develop Aerodynamic aids for better cornering stability and drag reduction on commercial vehicles and
v) Applications of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Sciences for innovative process and product development


The list of selected journals in which the CAMIT research faculty have published manuscripts with VIT affiliation is given here, with their corresponding 2022 impact factors (published in June 2023).

S. NoJournal TitleImpact Factor
1Nano-Micro Letters26.6
2Journal of Energy Storage9.4
3Materials Science and Engineering: A6.4
4Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation5.6
5Building Simulation5.5
7Polymer Composites5.2
9Materials and Manufacturing Processes4.8
10Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical4.6

K. B. Rajasekarababu, G. Vinayagamurthy “Assessment of local pressure coefficient over conventional and unconventional tall buildings” In book: Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering-2020, Book Chapter ISBN: 978-981-13-2696-7 PP: 145-152 Published by Springer.

S. No.Name of AuthorsTitle of the book/chapters publishedYear of publication with monthISBN/ISSN numberName of the publisherDOI
1Subbulakshmi, P and Pavithra, L K and Manikandan, E and Karthigeyan, K A and InbaraniCyber–physical system enabled 3D printed devices: 3D Printed Smart Sensors and Energy Harvesting Devices2024978-0-7503-5351-9IOP10.1088/978-0-7503-5351-9ch9
2G. Lakshmi Priya, M. Venkatesh, S. Preethi, T. Venish Kumar, and N. B. BalamuruganPerformance Analysis of Emerging Low-Power Junctionless Tunnel FETsAug-229781032147291CRC Press, Taylor & Francis10.1201/9781003240778
3M. Venkatesh, G. Lakshmi Priya, T. S. Arun Samuel, and M. Karthigai PandianModeling and Simulation of Emerging Low-Power DevicesAug-229781032147291CRC Press, Taylor & Francis10.1201/9781003240778
4Karthigeyan, K.A., Elakkiya, A., Manikandan, E., Indhu, R.Micromachined Terahertz MetamaterialsSep-22978-981-19-4105-4Springer10.1007/978-981-19-4105-4_14
5Andrew Robert, M. Venkatesh, G. Lakshmi Priya, G. Gifta, L. Jerart JulusChallenges of Conventional CMOS Technology in Perspective of Low-Power ApplicationsJun-239781003327035CRC Press, Taylor & Francis10.1201/9781003327035
6Rajasekarababu Kompala Baskar, Selvi Rajan, Vinayagamurthy GaneshanPeak Wind Pressure Coefficient on a Setback BuildingJun-23AIP Conf. Proc.10.1063/5.0139315
7K. B. Rajasekarababu, G. VinayagamurthyAssessment of local pressure coefficient over conventional and unconventional tall buildings2020978-981-13-2696-7Springer10.1007/978-981-15-6619-6


The details of the research scholars (Ph.D. and M. S. (by Research)) worked/working under the supervision of the faculty members of the research center are provided hereunder:
Doctoral Research Scholars – Completed

S. NoName of the ScholarTitle of the ThesisSupervisorYear of completion
1ANUSINDHYA KInvestigation on jet flow characteristics using tabsDr. G. Vinayagamurthy2024
2S. LAKSHMI NARAYANAInvestigations on mechanical behaviors of ceramic particles/woven jute fabric reinforced epoxy compositeDr. G. Venkatachalam2024
3S. ARAVINDHDevelopment of coir fiber reinforced plasticized polyvinyl chloride composite for multifunctional applicationsDr. G. Venkatachalam2024
4DINESH R. SALUNKEInvestigations on thermal and electrical behaviours of boron nitride/banana fiber reinforced polymer matrix compositeDr. G. Venkatachalam2024
5K B RAJASEKARABABUComputational evaluation of wind pressure and flow field on and round the setback buildingDr. G. Vinayagamurthy2021


Signed MoU with “Magnitudo Technologies” on 03.08.2023

Technical Areas of Collaboration with Magnitudo Technologies

  • Smart trolley and automation system
  • Automotive electronics
  • Agriculture and health monitoring applications using IoT
  • Future farming techniques
  • Sensors for environmental monitoring applications

The details of the consultancy work carried out (both completed and ongoing) by the research faculty of CAMIT jointly with the colleagues of the other Schools and Centres in the recent past are provided hereunder.

S. NoName of the FacultyTopicFunding AgencyDurationStatusAmount (Rs.)
1Dr. G. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)Noise minimization of the Frontload Washing machine using vibroacoustic analysis
and measurements
IFB1 YearOngoing18,88,000
3Dr. E Manikandan (CAMIT) Dr. Papanasam ESmart Water BottleAazhiyar Technologies3 MonthsOngoing7,03,000
4Dr. Subbulakshmi P Dr. E Manikandan (CAMIT)Analyze the Emotions within the Realm of Education using NLPMagnitudo Technologies Private Limited3 MonthsCompleted83,000
5Dr. Richards Joe Stanislaus Dr. Vinayagamurthy G (CAMIT)Electromagnetic and Structural Analysis for Flat RadomeST Advanced Composites Private Limited3 MonthsCompleted112068
6Dr. K. Rajendra Kumar (CAMIT)Studies on Crater formation In Automotive Surface CoatingsPPG ASIAN Paints Pvt. Ltd. Chennai1 YearOngoing243080
S. No.Name of the EventTitleName of the Coordinators Resource Person DetailsDate
Dr. Atul R. Deshmukh, JCB India Ltd, Pune
Dr. K. Annamalai, VIT Chennai
Dr. G. Venkatachalam, VIT Chennai
Dr. Mrutyunjay Panigrahi, VIT Chennai
2WorkshopPrototype to Product: A Practical SessionDr. G. Lakshmi Priya & Dr. A. Ravi Sankar1. Mr. Dhinesh B
Entrepreneur | Founder and CEO at Vividobots
2. Ms. Ishwariya Senthilnathan,
Director, Blinc Smart Homes Pvt. Ltd.
3. Mr. Iyyappan M
CTO & Founder – IMROBONIX Pvt. Ltd.
4. Mr. Akash J
Co-Founder at AtumX
Building Next-Gen Social Robots
5.Dr. Ravi Sankar A
Director & Professor, Centre for Advanced Materials and Innovative Technologies (CAMIT), VIT University, Chennai
3WorkshopWorkshop on Device Engineering using Visual TCADDr. Lucky Agarwal (SENSE) and  Dr. G. Lakshmi Priya (CAMIT)Amit Saini
Director of Cadre Design Systems
21-11-2022 to


4Make-a-thonDesign of High-speed VLSI Circuits using CADENCETM EDA toolsDr. A. Ravi Sankar (CAMIT) &   Dr. S. Umadevi (CNVD)Dr. A. Ravi Sankar (CAMIT) & Dr. S. Umadevi (CNVD)05-11-2022
5Make-a-thonDomestic appliancesDr. Davidson (SMEC),  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and Dr. Raghukiran (SMEC)21-04-2022 to


6WorkshopComposites: Materials, Mechanics, Computations, and ApplicationsDr. G Venkatachalam (CAMIT), Dr. R Narayanan (SMEC)& Dr. Raja Annamalai (SMEC/Vellore Campus)Dr. G Venkatachalam (CAMIT), Dr. R Narayanan (SMEC) &   Dr. Raja Annamalai (SMEC/Vellore Campus)05-01-2022 to


7VAPComputational Fluid Dynamics for TNPESU studentsDr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)15-11-2021 to


8VAPSports Aerodynamics for VIT Chennai studentsDr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)Dr. Ramakrishnan, TNPESU15-11-2021 to 01-12-2022
9VAPCFD Applications in Fluid flow and Heat transferDr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and   Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)12-07-2021 to


10VAPExperimental and Computational Methods in Bluff Body AerodynamicsDr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)09/12/2020 to 31/12/2020
11WorkshopMetallurgy for Non-MetallurgistsDr. G Venkatachalam (CAMIT),  Dr. R Narayanan (SMEC) & Dr Raja Annamalai (SMEC/Vellore Campus)Dr.A.Raja Annamalai, Dr.R.Narayanan,  Dr. Giribaskar Sivaswamy, Shri. Peranandhanathan.M and Ms. Sukanya14-12-2020 to


12WorkshopCFD analysis of Rotating Machinery (CFDRM)Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC) and  Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT)19/09/2020
13WorkshopExperimental and Computational methods in Wind EngineeringDr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)02-02-2019
14WorkshopExperimental and Computational methods in Wind EngineeringDr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)Dr. Vinayagamurthy (CAMIT) and  Dr. Sivakumar (SMEC)29/01/2018
S. No.Faculty MemberAwardYear
1Dr. A. Ravi SankarOutstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering2022
IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award – Measurement Science and Technology2021
IEEE Journal Publication Award2021
IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering2020
IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award –Nanotechnology2020
IOP Trusted Reviewer Award2020
CTS Best Faculty Award2018

Apart from the Doctoral research scholars and the students of the M. S. (by Research) program, a few undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students have participated in the research activities with the faculty members of the CAMIT to publish articles in peer-reviewed journals. The details are given in the table hereunder.

Product Development

The list of the innovative process and products developed in the recent past and the products being developed at present are provided in the table below:

Sl. No.Name of the FacultyList of In-House Products being developedCurrent TRL LevelSDG
1Dr. G. Lakshmi PriyaFlexible low-cost nano-biosensors to aid early detection of diseasesTRL 23
2AI – assisted Hydroponics SystemTRL 415
3Dr. E. ManikandanFully automated Hydroponics SystemTRL 311
4Smart Trolley systemTRL 411
5Sensors for soil nitrate and contamination detectionTRL 314
6Dr. A. Ravi SankarLithography-free fabrication of a glass-based microthruster for the propulsion of micro-/nano-/pico-satellitesTRL 49
7Development of heavy-metal ionTRL 36
8Development of dopamine sensorTRL 43
9Glass-micromachined micro-heaterTRL 39
10Dr. K. Rajendra KumarGreen packaging films and containersTRL 412
11Sound proof panelsTRL 43
12Dr. G. VenkatachalamElectrical switches; switch boardTRL 45
13Dr. G. VinayagamurthyDiagonal Slotted Rectangular Mechanical Tabs for Subsonic Jet flow Control TRL 58, 9, 15
14Bladeless fan for Human ComfortTRL 27, 13
15Variable profile spoiler for sports and race carTRL 49

* TRL – Technology Readiness Level

*SDG – Sustainable Development Goal