Centre for Nanoelectronics and VLSI Design
Research - Journal Publications
YEAR: 2024
- Natarajan, K., Sricharan, R., Thriambak, M., Banu, A. J., Prathiba, A., & Kanchana Bhaaskaran, V. S. (2024). Power Attack Vulnerability Assessment of Circuit-Level PRESENT Encryption IP Using Artificial Intelligence Mechanisms. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2450245.
- Raj, A., Edwin, A., Ahmad, N. B., & Durai, S. A. (2024). Breast cancer diagnosis through an optimization-driven multispectral gamma correction (ODMGC). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING.
- Kiran Kolluri, S. S., & Ananiah Durai, S. (2024). Wearable micro‐electro‐mechanical systems pressure sensors in health care: Advancements and trends—A review. IET Wireless Sensor Systems.
- Choudhary, B. K. J., Durai, S. A., & Ahmad, N. (2024). Smart Microfluidic Devices for Point-Of-Care Applications. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 114(1), 119-133.
- Aishwarya, K., & Lakshmi, B. (2024). TCAD simulation study of heavy ion radiation effects on hetero junctionless tunnel field effect transistor. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 7643.
- Kalavathi Devi, T., Renuka Devi, K. S., Umadevi, S., Sakthivel, P., & Ko, S. (2024). Low power adders using asynchronous pipelined modified low voltage MCML for signal processing and communication applications. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 1-11.
- Gundavarapu, V., Gowtham, P. Anita Angeline A, & Sasipriya, P. (2024). Design and Evaluation of Low Power and Area Efficient Approximate Booth Multipliers for Error Tolerant Applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 105036.
YEAR: 2023
- Sathyavathi, N. S., & Beulet, P. A. S. (2023). Deca-Rounding Methods for Floating Point Numbers: Error Analysis & Hardware Implementation. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 1-20.
- Umadevi, S., & Venkatesh, S. (2023). Effective Timing Closure Using Improved Engineering Change Order Techniques in SOC Design. Wireless Personal Communications, 133(1), 699-724.
- M. M. Sravani and S. A. Durai, “Bio-Hash Secured Hardware e-Health Record System,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 420-432, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2023.3263177.
- Lokesh Boggarapu and B Lakshmi, “Implementation and performance analysis of QPSK system using pocket double gate asymmetric JLTFET for satellite communications”, Scientific Reports, Vol.13, No.1, February 2023.
- K Aishwarya and B Lakshmi,”Investigation of heavy ion radiation and temperature on junctionless tunnel field effect transistor”, Journal of nanoparticle Research, Vol.25, No.7, June 2023.
- Kalavathi Devi, T., Baluprithviraj, K. N., Madhan Mohan, M., Uma Devi, S., Sakthivel, P., Rajeshwari, P., and Vinodha, B, “Non-invasive method for the prediction of micronutrient deficiency using sequential learning techniques”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Vol 11, June 2023.
- S Pavani., Augusta Sophy Beulet P.,”Improved Precision Crop Yield Prediction Using Weighted-Feature Hybrid SVM: Analysis of ML Algorithms”, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2023.2192000 (IF: 1.877).
- Kulkarni A., Beulet P.A.S., “Sensor-based adaptive estimation in a hybrid environment employing state estimator filters, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing”, Vol:37, Issue: 1, Pg.No(127-146), DOI: 10.32604/iasc.2023.035144 (IF:3.407).
- M. Aneesh and B. Bindu, “A Physics-based Analytical Model for Single Event Transients in InGaAs n-channel FinFET suitable for Circuit Simulations”, Journal of Computational Electronics, No. 22, pp. 155-163, 2023.
- M. Aneesh and B. Bindu, “Comparative Analysis of Single Event Transients in InGaAs-OI/Bulk/BOI FinFETs for SET-Tolerant InGaAs/Ge-OI Complementary FinFET Circuits”, IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-9, 2023.
- Devi Thangavel K., Seerengasamy U., Palaniappan S., Sekar R.,” Prediction of factors for Controlling of Green House Farming with Fuzzy based multiclass Support Vector Machine” Alexandria Engineering Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.aej.2022.07.016, 2023.
- Deepak Kumar Athur, Bhuvanesh Narayanan, Amshuman Gopalakrishnan, Sasipriya Palanisamy, Anita Angeline, IJEECS, Design of Novel High Speed Parallel Prefix Adder, Vol 29, No 3: March 2023.
YEAR: 2022
- Gowtham, P., P. Sasipriya, and A. Anita Angeline. “Design of Approximate Restoring Dividers for Error Resilient Applications.” ECS Transactions 107, no. 1, 13675, 2022.
- Aishwarya and B. Lakshmi, “Radiation Study of TFET and JLFET based Devices and Circuits: A Comprehensive Review on the Device Structure and Sensitivity”, pg: 1-29, October 2022.
- Ragamathana, R., A. Prathiba, and Shaik Chand Basha. “Design and verification of an ARM Watchdog Timer using UVM.” International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 11, no. 2, pp. 85-95, 2022.
- Prathiba, A., Suyash Vardhan Srivathshav, P. E. Ramkumar, E. Rajkamal, and Kanchana Bhaaskaran VS. “Lightweight VLSI Architectures for Image Encryption Applications”, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-23, 2022.
- Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A Nested Miller Compensation with a Large Feed-Forward Transconductor for Cap-less Flipped Voltage Follower Low Dropout Regulator”, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 129, No. 10, pp. 105608, 2022.
- R. Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Sensitivity of SET Pulse-Width and Propagation to Radiation Track Parameters in CMOS Inverter Chain”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 4120-4128, 2022.
- Sasipriya P. & V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “Design and Evaluation of Clocked Differential Adiabatic Logic Families for Low Power Applications”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 109, No. 9, pp. 1573-1590, 2022.
- Padmanabhan, Khamalesh Kumar, Umadevi Seerengasamy, Abraham Sudharson Ponraj. “High-Speed Grouping and Decomposition Multiplier for Binary Multiplication”, Electronics 11, Vol. 24, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11244202,2022.
- Andrushia, A., Neebha Mary , Trephena Patricia ,Umadevi, S, Anand .N, Varshney Atul, “Image-based disease classification in grape leaves using convolutional capsule network”,Soft Computing, DOI :27. 10.1007/s00500-022-07446-5, 2022.
- Andrushia A.D., Neebha T.M., Umadevi S., Anand N., Cashell K.A.,” Shrinkage Crack Detection in Expansive Soil using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 4202-4213, 2022.
- Jayashree S., Shantha Preetha S., Sakthivel S.M., Umadevi S., Srivatsan K., ”FPGA implementation of optimized fir filter for ecg denoising using peres reversible logic gate”, journal of theoretical and applied information technology, vol. 100, No. 15, pp. 4582-4594, 2022.
- Sravani M M , Ananiah Durai S, “On Efficiency Enhancement of SHA-3 for FPGA based Multimodal Biometric Authentication,” IEEE transaction on VLSI systems,vol.30,no.4,pp.488-501.2022.
- Sagayaraj, A.S., Devi, T.K., Umadevi, S.,” Prediction of Sulfur Content in Copra Using Machine Learning Algorithm” Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 35, no. 15, pp.2228-2245, 2022.
- Authimuthu, S.B., Umadevi, S. and Andrushia, A.D, “Low–power and High-speed Multi-operational Shift Register on Silicon Using Bi-enabled Pulsed Latch”, Silicon, 14, 2373–2387, 2022.
- Thamizhazhagan, P., Sujatha, M., Umadevi, S., Pustokhina, I.V., Pustokhin, D.A.,” AI based traffic flow prediction model for connected and autonomous electric vehicles”, Computers, Materials and Continua, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 3333–3347, 2022.
- Lokesh Boggarapu, Sai Pavan Kumar K, Pown M & B Lakshmi,” Design of universal logic gates using homo and hetero-junction double gate TFETs with pseudo-derived logic”, International Journal of Electronics, published online, Feb. 2022.
YEAR: 2021
- Gowtham, P., P. Sasipriya, and A. Anita Angeline. “Design of Approximate Restoring Dividers for Error Resilient Applications.” ECS Transactions 107, no. 1, 13675, 2022.
- Aishwarya and B. Lakshmi, “Radiation Study of TFET and JLFET based Devices and Circuits: A Comprehensive Review on the Device Structure and Sensitivity”, pg: 1-29, October 2022.
- Ragamathana, R., A. Prathiba, and Shaik Chand Basha. “Design and verification of an ARM Watchdog Timer using UVM.” International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 11, no. 2, pp. 85-95, 2022.
- Prathiba, A., Suyash Vardhan Srivathshav, P. E. Ramkumar, E. Rajkamal, and Kanchana Bhaaskaran VS. “Lightweight VLSI Architectures for Image Encryption Applications”, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-23, 2022.
- Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A Nested Miller Compensation with a Large Feed-Forward Transconductor for Cap-less Flipped Voltage Follower Low Dropout Regulator”, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 129, No. 10, pp. 105608, 2022.
- R. Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Sensitivity of SET Pulse-Width and Propagation to Radiation Track Parameters in CMOS Inverter Chain”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 4120-4128, 2022.
- Sasipriya P. & V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “Design and Evaluation of Clocked Differential Adiabatic Logic Families for Low Power Applications”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 109, No. 9, pp. 1573-1590, 2022.
- Padmanabhan, Khamalesh Kumar, Umadevi Seerengasamy, Abraham Sudharson Ponraj. “High-Speed Grouping and Decomposition Multiplier for Binary Multiplication”, Electronics 11, Vol. 24, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11244202,2022.
- Andrushia, A., Neebha Mary , Trephena Patricia ,Umadevi, S, Anand .N, Varshney Atul, “Image-based disease classification in grape leaves using convolutional capsule network”,Soft Computing, DOI :27. 10.1007/s00500-022-07446-5, 2022.
- Andrushia A.D., Neebha T.M., Umadevi S., Anand N., Cashell K.A.,” Shrinkage Crack Detection in Expansive Soil using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 4202-4213, 2022.
- Jayashree S., Shantha Preetha S., Sakthivel S.M., Umadevi S., Srivatsan K., ”FPGA implementation of optimized fir filter for ecg denoising using peres reversible logic gate”, journal of theoretical and applied information technology, vol. 100, No. 15, pp. 4582-4594, 2022.
- Angeline, A. Anita, and V. S. Bhaaskaran. “Domino Logic Keeper Circuit Design Techniques: A Review.” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, published online in Sep. 2021.
- Karanam Haritha and B. Lakshmi,” Homo and Hetero Junctionless Tunnel Field Effect Transistors for Mixed Signal Applications: A review”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. No.23, No.10, Sept. 2021.
- H. Rajanna and Kaustab Ghosh, Minimization of bandstructure dependent dark current in InAs/GaAs quantum dot photodetectors, Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 156, pp. 106919, Aug. 2021.
- P. Manikandan and B.Bindu, “A Transient Enhanced Cap-less Low-Dropout Regulator for Wide Range of Load Currents and Capacitances”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 115, pp. 105207, Sept. 2021.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A Low Power Voltage Spike Detection Circuit for Cap-less LDO,” International Journal of Electronics Letters, published online in July 2021.
- M.M. Sravani, S. Ananiah Durai, “Attacks on cryptosystems implemented via VLSI: A review,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, vol. 60, 102861, June 2021
- V. Damodaran, Kaustav Choudhury and Kaustab Ghosh, Modelling and simulation of carrier transport in quantum dot memory device for longer data retention and minimized power consumption, Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 20, 178-194, May 2021.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A push-pulled capacitor-less FVF LDO with active feed-forward compensator,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 108, no. 4, 684-704, April 2021.
- Gundavarapu, V., Balaji, M., Sasipriya, P., “Design of Low Power Multipliers Using Approximate Compressors” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 728 LNEE, pp. 65-71, April 2021.
- G. Thriveni and Kaustab Ghosh, “Covalent Functionaliztion of Graphene Nanoribbon: Theoretical Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 129, 114301, March 2021.
- Sabina Rahaman, M. Anantha Sunil, Monoj Kumar Singha, Kaustab Ghosh, “Studies of ultrasonically sprayed Cu2SnS3 thin films by varying Sn concentration”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 43, 3938-3941, 2021.
- S Poorvasha and B Lakshmi,” Investigation of the Device Electrical Parameters for Homo and Hetero Junction based TFETs”, Silicon Journal, published online Jan. 2021.
YEAR: 2020
- Y. M. Aneesh and B. Bindu, “A Physics-based Single Event Transient Pulse Width Model for CMOS VLSI Circuits,” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 723-730, Dec. 2020.
- M Pown S Sandeep and B Lakshmi,” Investigation of homo and hetero-junction double gate Tunnel-FET based adiabatic circuits”, IETE Journal of Research, published online in Dec. 2020.
- Sabina Rahaman, Manoj K Singha, M. Anantha Sunil, Kaustab Ghosh, Effect of copper concentration on CTS thin films for solar cell absorber layer and photocatalysis applications, Superlattices & Microstructures, 145, 106589, Dec. 2020.
- M Pown & B Lakshmi, “Stability Analysis Of Homo And Hetero-Junction Based TFET SRAMS”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol 9, Issue 11, Nov. 2020.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A capacitor-less FVF low drop-out regulator with active feed- forward compensation and efficient slew-rate enhancer circuit,” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Volume 14, Issue 6, p. 853-859, Sept. 2020.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “Dual-summed flipped voltage follower LDO regulator with active feed-forward compensation,” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (elsevier), vol. 123, pp. 153314, Aug. 2020.
- K.R Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Sensitivity of SET pulse-width and propagation to radiation track parameters in CMOS inverter chain,” IETE Journal of Research, published online in July 2020.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “A cap-less voltage spike detection and correction circuit for low dropout regulator,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 29, No. 16, 2020009-23, 2020.
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “A physics-based model for LER-induced threshold voltage variations in double-gate MOSFET,” Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 19, pp. 622–630, March 2020.
- P. Manikandan and B. Bindu, “High PSR capacitor-less LDO with adaptive circuit for varying loads,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 29, No. 11, 2050178-20, 2020.
- M. Pown and B Lakshmi,” Investigation of Radiation Hardened TFET SRAM Cell for Mitigation of Single Event Upset”, Journal of Electron Devices Society, Volume 8, 2020.
- Surbhi Rathore , Indrani Bairagi and B Lakshmi, ” Investigation of DC Parameters of Double Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (DG- TFET) for different Gate Dielectrics”, Proceedings in IEEE Xplore, August 2020.
- M. V. Bharathi, Nilmadhav Roy, Prithvi Moharana, Kaustab Ghosh and Priyankar Paira “Green Synthesis of highly luminescent biotin conjugated CdSe quantum dot for bioimaging application” accepted in New Journal of Chemistry, 2020.
- V. Damodaran, Kaustav Chowdhury and Kaustab Ghosh “Modelling and simulation of carrier transport in quantum dot memory device for longer retention of data and minimized power consumption”, accepted in Journal of Computational Electronics, 2020.
- S. Rahaman, M. K. Singha, M. A. Sunil and Kaustab Ghosh “Effect of copper concentration on Cu2SnS3 thin films for solar cell absorber layer and photocatalysis applications” Superlattices and Microstructures,145, 106589, 2020.
- Venishetty, S.R., Kumaravel, S. & Durai, S.A. “A power efficient low-noise source degenerated bio-potential amplifier”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer vol. 103, pp. 291-301 (2020).
- Anita Angeline.A., and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “Speed Enhancement Techniques for Clock Delayed Dual Keeper Domino Logic Style” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 107, no. 8, pp. 1239-1253, 2020.
YEAR: 2019
- Y. M. Aneesh, S. R. Sriram, K. R. Pasupathy, and B. Bindu, “An Analytical Model of Single- Event Transients in Double-Gate MOSFET for Circuit Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 3710-3717, 2019.
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “Analytical Model for RDF-induced Threshold Voltage Fluctuations in Double-Gate MOSFET,” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 370-377, 2019.
- K. R. Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Analysis of bipolar amplification due to heavy-ion irradiation in 45 nm FDSOI MOSFET with thin BOX and ground plane,” Microelectronics Reliability (elsevier), vol. 98, pp. 56-62, 2019.
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “Analytical modeling of random discrete traps induced threshold voltage fluctuations in double-gate MOSFET with HfO2/SiO2 gate dielectric stack,” Microelectronics Reliability (elsevier), vol. 99, pp. 87-95, 2019.
- S. R. Sriram and B.Bindu, “A physics-based 3-D potential and threshold voltage model for un-doped triple-gate FinFET with interface trapped charges,” Journal of Computational Electronics (springer), vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 37-45, 2019.
- S Poorvasha and B. Lakshmi,” Investigation of geometrical and doping parameter variations on GaSb/Si‐based double gate tunnel FETs: A qualitative and quantitative approach for RF performance enhancement”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, pg.1-12, May, 2019.
- G Gugapriya and B. Lakshmi,” Chaotic Encryption Scheme using 3D Multi Scroll Hyperbolic Functions for IoT Applications”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)”, Vol 8, No. 5, June 2019.
- G Gugapriya, Prakash Duraisamy, Anitha Karthikeyan and B. Lakshmi, ”Fractional order chaotic system with hyperbolic function”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 11, No.8, pg.1-17, 2019.
- G Gugapriya, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Anitha Karthikeyan and B. Lakshmi,” A family of conservative chaotic systems with cyclic symmetry, Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol. No. 92, No. 4, February 2019.
- S Poorvasha and B. Lakshmi,” Analytical Approximation of Quantum Mechanical Tunneling and Characterization of Nano-Scale Heterojunction Double Gate Tunnel FETs”, Proceedings in IEEE Xplore, October 2019.
- G. Thriveni and Kaustab Ghosh, “Performance analysis of nanoscale double gate strained silicon MOSFET with high k dielectric layers” Mater. Res. Express 6, 085062, 2019.
- G. Thriveni and Kaustab Ghosh, Theoretical analysis and optimization of high k dielectric layers for designing high performance and low power dissipated nanoscale double gate MOSFETs, Journal of Computational Electronics, 18, 924-940, 2019.
- S. Rahaman, A. S. Maligi, Manoj Singha and Kaustab Ghosh, “Temperature dependent growth of Cu2SnS3 thin films using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for solar cell absorber layer and photocatalytic application” Mater. Res. Express 6, 106417, 2019.
- Sravani M.M., Ananiah Durai S. Side-Channel Attacks on Cryptographic Devices and Their Countermeasures-A Review. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences., vol 851, pp 209-226, Springer, Singapore, 2019.
- Anju Varghese, Anusha.S.R, A. Anita Angeline,.Kanchana Bhaaskaran.V.S, “Clock Delayed Dual Keeper Domino-Logic Design with Reduced Switching”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1S3, December 2019.
- Anita Angeline.A., and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “Design impacts of delay invariant high-speed clock delayed dual keeper domino circuit.” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 13.8, 2019: 1134-1141.
- Anita Angeline.A, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “High speed wide fan‐in designs using clock controlled dual keeper domino logic circuits”, ETRI Journal 41.3 (2019): 383-395.
- Balaji M, Vishal Gundavarapu, Sasipriya P, KanchanaBhaaskaran V S , Low Power Multiplier using Approximate Compressor for Error Tolerant Applications, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 9, no. 1S3, 2019.
- Prathiba Ashok, and Kanchana Bhaaskaran Vettuvanam Somasundaram. “Charge balancing symmetric pre-resolve adiabatic logic against power analysis attacks.” IET Information Security 13, no. 6, 2019: 692-702.
- Prathiba, A., and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “Hardware footprints of S-box in lightweight symmetric block ciphers for IoT and CPS information security systems.” Integration 69 (2019): 266-278.
- Rajkamal P, Ramkumar E, Prathiba A., Kanchana Bhaaskaran V. S, Authenticated Encryption using Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives for Wireless Sensor Networks, Volume-9, Issue-1S3, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019.
- A Prathiba, V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran, A Review on the Design of Light Weight Symmetric Block Ciphers for Cyber Physical Systems, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019.
- Umadevi.S and T. Vigneswaran, “Reliability improved, high performance FIR filter design using new computation sharing multiplier: suitable for signal processing applications” Cluster Computing, Springer publication, Vol. 22, pp 13669-13681, 2019.
- Pramanik, S., Umadevi, S., Seerengasamy, V, “Layout optimization using Euler’s path and minimum distance rule”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp 1145 -1150, 2019.
- Umadevi.S and T.Vigneswaran, “Floating Point Multiplier Implementation: A Broader Perspective”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 3330-3341, 2019.
YEAR: 2018
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “Analytical model of hot carrier degradation in uniaxial strained triple-gate FinFET for circuit simulation,” Journal of Computational Electronics (springer), vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 163-171, 2018.
- Christophe Labbe, Subhananda Chakrabarti, Gargi Raina, and B. Bindu, Book: Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices, springer, 2018.
- Roop Narayan, S. Poorvasha and B.Lakshmi,” Tunable work function in Junctionless Tunnel FETs for performance enhancement”, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol 15, No,3, pp.80-85, October, 2018.
- S. Poorvasha and B. Lakshmi,” Influence of structural and doping parameter variations on Si and Si1-xGex double gate tunnel FETs: An analysis for RF performance enhancement”, Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol. No. 91, No. 1, pp.1-8, July 2018.
- S. Poorvasha and B.Lakshmi, Investigation and statistical modeling of InAs-based double gate tunnel FETs for RF performance enhancement”, Journal of Semiconductors,Vol. 39, No.5, pp.1-11, May 2018.
- M. V. Bharathi, S. Maiti, B. Sarkar, Kaustab Ghosh and P. Paira, Water-mediated green synthesis of PbS quantum dot and its glutathione and biotin conjugates for non-invasive live cell imaging, Royal Society Open Science, 5, 171614, 2018.
- Padma Balaji, R. D., et al. “Design of 16-Bit Adder Structures-Performance Comparison.” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118.24 (2018).
- P. Sasipriya and V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Design and Analysis of Clocked CMOS Differential Adiabatic Logic (CCDAL) for Low power, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 14, pp. 548-557, Dec 2018.
- P. Sasipriya and Kanchana Bhaaskaran V S, Low power combinational and sequential circuits using CDCAL, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1548-1551, July 2018.
- P.Sasipriya and V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Design of low Power VLSI circuits using 2PADL, Journal of circuits, systems and computers, vol.27, no.4, 2018.
- Prathiba, A., and V. S. Bhaaskaran. “Lightweight S-Box Architecture for Secure Internet of Things.” Information 9, no. 1, 13, 2018.
- Prathiba, A., K. M. Madhu, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “Differential Power Analysis (DPA) Resistant Cryptographic S-Box.” In VLSI Design: Circuits, Systems and Applications, pp. 169-178. Springer, Singapore, 2018.
- Maneesha Jayakumar, Umadevi seerengasamy, Prakash. V. Abraham Sudharson Ponraj, “A counterbalancing technique for skew and power management of clock tree”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, Issue 8, pp. 2713-2719, 2018.
- Katuri, D., Umadevi, S, “Design and verification of memory controller with host wistbone interface”, Lecture notes in electrical engineering, pp 207-231, 2018.
- Rahul, P., Raj, K.P., Umadevi, S. “8-bit Asynchronous Wave-Pipelined Arithmetic Logic Unit”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp 233-243, 2018.
- Lourts Deepak, A., Gandotra, M., Yadav, S., Gandhi, H., Umadevi, S. “28 nm FD-SOI SRAM Design using Read Stable Bit Cell Architecture”, Lecture notes in electrical engineering, pp 193-206, 2018.
YEAR: 2017
- K.R Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Widening and narrowing of time interval due to single-event transients in 45 nm vernier-type TDC,” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 676-681, 2017.
- K.R Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “A review on circuit simulation techniques of single-event transients and their propagation in delay locked loop,” IETE Technical Review, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 276-285, 2017.
- T. Narasimhulu and B. Lakshmi, “RF performance enhancement in multi-fin TFETs by scaling interfin separation”, Material Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol 71, No.17, PP.304-309, November 2017.
- M.Pown and B. Lakshmi, Performance Analysis of InAs and GaSb- InAs Independent Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Based RF Mixers”, Journal of Computational Electronics, May 2017.
- S Poorvasha, M Pown and B Lakshmi, “Tunnel Field Effect Transistor for Digital and Analog Applications: A Review”, in Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10 No.3, Pg 1-7, April 2017.
- M. V. Bharathi, Kaustab Ghosh and Priyankar Paira, Glycerol–water mediated centrifuge controlled green synthesis of oleic acid capped PbS quantum dots for live cell imaging, RSC Advances, 7, 40664 (2017).
- Sandeep S, Saraniya U, P Sasipriya and V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Analysis and Evaluation of Sinusoidal Power clocked Adiabatic Logic Circuits, International Journal of Control theory and Applications, Vol. 10, no. 28, pp. 99-107, 2017.
- Umadevi.S, Prakash.V, Ponraj A.S, Seerengasamy. V, “A design of low power and low area multiplier using shift and add architecture”, International journal of mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 12, pp- 325-332, 2017.
- Jenifer, A.S.M., Umadevi.S, “Full custom layout optimization techniques”, Pakistan journal of biotechnology, Vol. 14, pp. 112-114, 2017.
- Dhivya Gayathri, P.K., Umadevi, S., Vigneswaran, T. , “ A review on floating point multiplier architecture using semicustom VLSI design flow”, Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems, Vol. 9, special issue 18, pp 823-831, 2017.
- Murali .M., Umadevi. S, Sakthivel.S.M, “Verification IP for AMBA AXI Protocol using System Verilog”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 12, Issue 17, pp 6534- 6541, 2017.
YEAR: 2016
- P Prabhu Thapaswini, R Padma, N Balaram, B. Bindu, and V Rajagopal Reddy, “Modification of electrical properties of Au/n-type InP Schottky diode with a high-k Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 interlayer,” Superlattices and Microstructures (elsevier), vol. 93, pp. 82-91, 2016.
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “Impact of NBTI induced variations on delay locked loop multi- phase clock generator,” Microelectronics Reliability (elsevier), vol. 60, pp. 33-40, 2016.
- A. Narendiran, K. Akhila, and B.. Bindu, “A physics-based model of double-gate tunnel FET for circuit simulation,” IETE Journal of Research, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 387-393, 2016.
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan “Numerical modeling of Process Parameters on RFMetrics in FinFETs, Junctionless and Gate-all around Devices” International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic networks, Devices and Fields, September 2016.
- M. Pown and B. Lakshmi, “Investigation of ft and fmax in Si and Si1–xGex based single and dual materi al double-gate Tunnel FETs for RF applications“, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 1-7, April 2016.
- V. Damodaran and Kaustab Ghosh, Choice of quantum dot materials for fabricating memory devices with longer storage and faster writing of information, Superlattices and Microstructures, 100, 1042, 2016.
- R. K. Gujral, V. Damodaran and Kaustab Ghosh, A theoretical analysis of the dark current in quantum dot infrared photodetector using non-equilibrium Green’s function model, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(36), 1 , 2016.
- Ambalal, Patel Priyankkumar, A. Anita Angeline, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “TSPC based dynamic linear feedback shift register.” Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications. Springer, New Delhi, 2016. 655-662.
- Shyamali Padhi, Swati Verma, A. Anita Angeline, V.S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran “Leakage Reduction Techniques in CMOS dynamic logic circuits”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 03, 2016, ISSN: 2321-8169.
- Prathiba, A., and V. S. K. Bhaaskaran. “FPGA implementation and analysis of the block cipher mode architectures for the present light weight encryption algorithm.” Indian J. Sci. Technol 9, 38, 2016.
- Umadevi.S and T. Vigneswaran, “Full custom layout optimization techniques”, in International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 2918-2925, 2016.
YEAR: 2015
- K.R Pasupathy and B. Bindu, “Low power, high speed carbon nanotube FET based level shifters for multi-VDD systems-on-chips,” Microelectronics Journal (elsevier), vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 1269-1274, 2015.
- Keerthikumar, K.R Pasupathy, and B.. Bindu, “Design of FinFET based All-Digital DLL for multiphase clock generation,” in IEEE INDICON, pp. 1-4, 2015.
- Sobhana Tayenjam, S. R. Sriram, and B. Bindu, “Design of FinFET based frequency synthesizer,” in IEEE INDICON, pp. 1-5, 2015.
- S. R. Sriram and B. Bindu, “NBTI Induced Variations in MCML and CMOS based Ring Oscillators,” in International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), pp. 520-524, 2015.
- Viral Gokani, Roop Narayan Goswami, M. Pown and B. Lakshmi, “Impact of underlap variation on the analog parameters of high- κ gate dielectric based double gate tunnel FETs”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 92, pp. 268-273, December 2015.
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan,” Investigation of Process Parameter Variations on NQS Delay, Intrinsic Gain and NF in Conventional And Junctionless Gate- All-Around Devices”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No. 1, pp1397-1409, 2015.
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan,” Effect of Structural and Doping Parameter Variations on NQS Delay, Intrinsic Gain and NF in Junctionless FETs”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.10, No. 4, pp1642-1649, March 2015.
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan,” Effect of Process Parameter Variation on ft in Conventional and Junctionless Gate- All-Around Devices”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.8 , pp 994-1008, August 2015.
- S.K.Koushik and B. Lakshmi,” Aging Degradation Impact on the stability of 6T-SRAM Bit-cell”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.20, pp 1-7, August 2015.
- N. Hema, Jayaraj U. Kidav, and B. Lakshmi” VLSI Architecture for Broadband MVDR Beamformer”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.19, pp 1-10, August 2015.
Khaladkar, Ramdas Bhanudas, A. Anita Angeline, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “Dynamic logic ALU design with reduced switching power.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8.20 (2015): IPL0194. - Rao, K. Vishnuvardhan, A.Anita Angeline, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “Design of a 16 Bit RISC Processor.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8.20 (2015): IPL0221.
- Savio Victor Games, Sasipriya.P, V.S.Kanchana Bhaaskaran(2015),A Low Power Multiplier using a 24 Transistor Latch Adder Indian Journal of Science and Technology,Vol 8, Aug.2015.
- Rajath Srivathsav N, Prathiba A and V S Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Asynchronous Dual-Rail Transition Logic for Enhanced DPA Resistance’ International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), March 2015.
- Soumya, V., Shirodkar, R., Prathiba, A. and Bhaaskaran, V.K., 2015. Design and Implementation of a Generic CORDIC Processor and its Application as a Waveform Generator. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(19), 2015.
- Prathiba, A., and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “Secured Communication System Architecture Using Light Weight Algorithms.” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11, no. 10,1114-1123, 2015.
- Umadevi.S, T. Vigneswaran, S. Kadam Vinay and V. Seerengasamy, “A Novel, Less Area Computation Sharing High Speed Multiplier Architecture for FIR Filter Design”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology , Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 816-823, 2015.
- Jins Alex, Umadevi.S, “Dual Edge Triggered Flip Flop for low power systems”, International journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, Issue 20, pp 18747-18751, 2015.
- Jins Alex, Umadevi.S, “Built-In Self-Test and self-repairing circuit for array multipliers”, Indian journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 19, 76704, 2015.
- Anil Kumar H.A, Umadevi.S, “Implementation of fast radix-10 BCD multiplier in FPGA”, Indian journal of science and technology, Vol. 8, Issue 19, pp 77160, 2015.
- Shivraj Ramu, Umadevi.S, “Realization of low power FIR digital filter using modified DA-based architecture”, Indian journal of science and technology, 2015, Volume 8, Issue 19, pp 76704.
- Putta Prabhu Thapaswini, Umadevi.S, Seerangasamy.V, “Design and optimization of digital FIR filter coefficients using Genetic algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp 248-253, 2015.
- Raval Jay Manoj, S.Umadevi, “Structural adders reduction in fixed coefficient transposed direct form FIR filters” International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp 61-67, 2015.
YEAR: 2014
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan,” Impact of Structural and Doping Parameter Variations on NQS Delay, Intrinsic Gain and NF in FinFETs”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, Vol.1, No. 5, pp 115-121, August 2014.
YEAR: 2013
- B. Lakshmi and R Srinivasan, “Effect of Process Variations on ft in n- type Junctionless FETs” Journal of Computational Electronics, Vol.12, No.3, April 2013.
- S. Shah, K. Ghosh, S. Jejurikar and S. Chakrabarti, Ground-state energy trends in single and multilayered coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots capped with InGaAs layers: Effects of InGaAs layer thickness and annealing temperature,” Materials Research Bulletin 48, 2933, 2013.
- Priya, P. Vamsi, and A.Anita Angeline. “Design of variable width barrel shifter for RISC processor.” International Journal of Research in Electronics & Communication Technology 1.2 (2013): 7-11.
- Tripathy, A. K., A. Prathiba, and VS Kanchana Bhaaskaran. “A new improved MCML logic for DPA resistant circuits.” International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems 4, no. 5, 63, 2013.
YEAR: 2012
- Sasipriya P. & V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, “Design and Evaluation of Clocked Differential Adiabatic Logic Families for Low Power Applications”, International Journal of Electronics, Sept. 2021.
- Karanam Haritha and B. Lakshmi,” Homo and Hetero Junctionless Tunnel Field Effect Transistors for Mixed Signal Applications: A review”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. No.23, No.10, Sept. 2021.
- Lokesh Boggarapu, Sai Pavan Kumar K, Pown M & B Lakshmi,” Design of universal logic gates using homo and hetero-junction double gate TFETs with pseudo-derived logic”, International Journal of Electronics, published online February, 2022.
- K. Ghosh, Y. Naresh and N. Srichakradhar Reddy, Theoretical optimization of multi-layer InAs/GaAs quantum dots subject to post-growth thermal annealing for tailoring the photoluminescence emission beyond 1.3 μm, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 024315, 2012.
- K. Ghosh, Y. Naresh and N. Srichakradhar Reddy, A theoretical investigation on the dimensions and annealing effects of InAs/GaAs quantum dots for device applications at high bit rate optical transmission window of 1.3-1.55 µm, Advanced Materials Research,584, 423, 2012.