Electric Vehicles Incubation, Testing and Research Centre (eVIT-RC)

Globally, automotive industry is passing through a paradigm shift. The past century has been the era of internal combustion engine (ICE) primarily because of the ease of use, availability and low-cost of fossil fuels. The shift to electric mobility has become necessary on the account of fast depletion of fossil fuels, rapid increase in energy costs, and impact of transportation on the environment and concerns over climate change. “Electric Vehicles Incubation, Testing and Research Centre (eVIT – RC)”  is one of the Research Division of Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai established in August 2020.


  • Technology and Know-how creation through Research and Development on various aspects of electrical automotive ecosystems.
  • To act as a Centre of Excellence on Electric Mobility by bringing together various stack holders and the departments in the University.
  • To create a nodal agency for subject proposals to various funding agencies in the University.
  • To establish relationship with electrical vehicle industry members for the purpose of appropriate and futuristic developments.
  • To establish research and testing facilities to address the above’s.

Focussed Research and Development Area

  • Powertrain
    • Electric motors and its thermal designs
    • Power electronics and drives
    • Control Systems
  • Noise Vibration and Harness
  • Battery and Battery Management Systems
  • Power Quality Analysis
  • Wireless Charging
  • Light weighting
  • Ancillaries

Proposed Laboratories

  1. Electric Motor Drive testing laboratory
    1. Dynamometer testing for 1Nm, 5000 rpm for ancillary applications
    2. Dynamometer testing for 50Nm, 10000 rpm for traction applications
  2. Electrical vehicle Thermal Management Laboratory
  3. NVH testing laboratory
  4. Wireless charging testing laboratory


  1. Health Faucet,399903-001
  2. Dual side pulse position controlled high efficient inductive power transfer system,201941002713
  3. A paperless ticket verification and travel assistance system and method thereof,202341085233
  4. A device for effortless tightening of a hose nut,201641003250
  5. Ring Shaped Device to Defend Oneself,405479-001
  6. Structure to reduce noise in linear switched reluctance motor, 3330/CHE/2014
  7. Aerator for Liquid Medium, 2384/2017-CHE, 07/08/2017
  8. Low Cost Stator, Rotor and Hub Structures for Energy Efficient Fans, 201941007806
  9. Dual side pulse position controlled high efficient inductive power transfer system (201941002713A)
  10. Sensorless starting and control mechanism of BLDC drive using DC link Current and motor terminal voltages” (App. No.: 201741032901 A)
  11. A Noise Control Device Using Integrated Passive Elements, 202041035046

Industry Collaboration/MOUs

  1. Development Project of Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Pump Application, Lucas TVS, Chennai, 2013 – 2016
  2. Development project of Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Lucas TVS, Chennai, 2016 – 2019
  3. Development project of Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, NFTDC, Hyderabad, 2017 – 2020
  4. Technical Development training programme on Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) to VALEO Employees, Valeo India Pvt. Ltd, 2019
S. NoScopus Indexed Journal PublicationImpact Factor
1.        Venugopal T. Experimental investigation on accelerated generation of HHO gas using titanium electrodes with platinum and mixed metal oxide coating-A comparative study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2024 Aug 19;79:177-85.8.1
2.        Varikkottil S, Lionel FD, Srinivasan MK, Perumal T, Stonier AA, Peter G, Pagidi B, Ganji V. Inner Resonance and Outer Current Based Control Strategy for Inductive Power Transfer System Used in Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation. 2024;2024(1):6668174.1.9
3.        Nainika C, Balamurugan P, Daya JF. Real driving cycle based SoC and battery temperature prediction for electric vehicle using AI models. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2024;22(3):351-61._
4.        Samavedam AS, Prasshanth CV, Sreekanth M, Khan TY, Almakayeel N, Feroskhan M. Exergetic investigation of the influence of injector location in HCCI engines utilizing DEE as pilot fuel and biogas as primary fuel. Heliyon. 2024 Sep 30;10(18).3.4
5.        Sarkar S. Two-Dimensional PdPS: A Multifunctional Electrocatalyst towards HER, ORR, and Supercapacitor Applications. Catalysis Today. 2024 Sep 25:115073.5.2
6.        Singh HD, Misra R, Sarkar S, Chakraborty D, Nandi S. Selective electroreduction of CO2 to value-added C1 and C2 products using MOF and COF-based catalysts. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. 2024 Dec;7(6):209.23.2

Sponsored Projects

Consultancy Projects

Corporate Training:

S.NoSchool/CentreNames of the teacher-consultants / corporate trainersTitle of the corporate training programmeCompany
1eVITRCDr. Manavalla SreekanthCycle-Tempo trainingMaxwatt Turbo Systems Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru, Karnataka
2eVITRCDr. Manavalla SreekanthCycle-Tempo trainingKalki Communication Technologies Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka