Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing in 2022 and Beyond

Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing in 2022 and Beyond


A career in fashion is something that many dreams of. It is one such stream that oozes with creativity. Many students wish for making a successful career in fashion designing or technology but the Indian mindset doesn’t frequently let this happen. Many students don’t take this up as there are many myths revolving around this subject and parents often do not see this as a career-oriented subject.

However, in reality, the truth is that fashion designing or technology is a course on par with any other course. All that a student needs to do to become a designer or a successful person in this field is to be focused and dedicated. In this blog, we will see how one can explore courses in fashion with VIT Chennai. VIT Chennai offers courses in fashion designing and fashion technology.

Today, let’s break some myths revolving around a career in fashion

Myths Revolving Around a Career in Fashion

Myths Revolving Around a Career in Fashion | Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

– The Fashion Industry Does Not Have Enough Opportunities

On the contrary, fashion is something that is always in trend and there is no fading of anything in this industry. The fashion industry has pools of options to explore and it can never die as long as there is demand from people.

– If You Work in fashion, You Should Know How To Make Clothes

This is entirely not true. It is more of a vision and foreseeing a design. If you have the creativity and can sketch them then you can always have someone to make the clothes. But if you study in the best fashion designing college in Chennai or anywhere, then you are sure to learn all skills professionally.

– You Need To Model To Be In The Fashion Industry

It is not entirely true. If you want to make a career in designing clothes and constructing them you never even have to consider that. On the other hand, if you are planning to become a show stopper or a model, it is an added advantage to know more about it before you enter the field. 

– The returns are very limited in the fashion industry

This myth is something that we all have to break. Your work speaks for itself and it’s worth it. Explore to give your best and get the best from the industry.


Fashion Designing Vs Fashion Technology - Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

Fashion Designing Vs Fashion Technology – Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

It is common for many people to confuse these two terms and use them interchangeably.  The fashion industry is full of opportunities and like any other career, this also helps you build a strong and best career in it. Here’s all you need to know about fashion designing and fashion technology.

Fashion designing

Fashion Designing - Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

Fashion Designing | Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

 When you work on the creative and aesthetic side of fashion, it is called fashion designing. It is to do more with designing the garments, understanding the practicality of constructing them and exploring the design and colour combinations. What exactly does a fashion designing student do? Many best fashion designing colleges in Chennai train their students to be extremely creative and bring out the best designs to life. You will learn fashion sketching, garment designing and construction and many more under this segment of fashion subject.

Fashion Technology

Fashion Technology - Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

Fashion Technology | Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

– It is easier to put a dress in a sketch on a paper and present it but what about the feasibility of it in a practical sense? This is what you will be doing in fashion technology. Some of the best colleges in fashion technology in Chennai have their curriculum for their students made right and apt. In this subject, they will learn more about fabrics and how each of them behaves along with understanding new technology and equipment used in stitching the garments.

If you are wondering what to choose, then the answer to it lies with you. What are you more inclined towards? Is it the designing part of the making part? Everyone will be able to figure out this. Or you can always talk to people who are in the fashion field to know what they have got to say about this. Based on that you can always see where your interests lie. But whatever be the choice, only opt for the best college in Chennai for fashion designing and technology.


Why to Choose VIT Chennai for Fashion Course - Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

Why to Choose VIT Chennai for Fashion Course – Scope of B.Sc. in Fashion Designing

VIT is regarded as one of the best colleges in Chennai for fashion designing. It is also one of the best for studying fashion technology in ChennaiVIT Chennai has one of the best faculty in Chennai for this subject. While other subjects are given importance VIT also throws equal light on fashion as a subject. The state-of-art laboratories and design units present on the campus provide the best educational experience for students studying in VIT. 

Besides the infrastructure, the campus also provides next to the home hostel experience. Also, VIT Chennai is one of the best colleges in Chennai for placements. This means you can be sure of having a job suitable for your career based on your skillset. VIT also has an amazing network of alumni that makes student bonding stronger.

VIT is not merely for other widely recognized courses. We take pride in having our students graduate from an array of subject choices. While many chase dreams, we believe that our students should chase their passion which will make them reach their dreams.

Reach out to our courses page to know more about Fashion Designing and Fashion Technology as a career path at VIT.


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